; hgimg3 Hello world #include "hgimg3.as" #packopt name "02_helloworld_hgimg3" ; file name #packopt type 0 ; generate ".exe" hgini ; initialize hgimg3 ; initialize custom bitmap font setfont 20, 20, 18, 1 ; 20x20 font ; setfont 18, 32, 16, 1 ; 18x32 font ; load bitmap font image ; * texload : RGB=(0,0,0) is transparent. alpha channel not support. ; * texload2 : alpha channel support. texload "font.png" ; texload "font2.png" ; texload "font3.png" clscolor $4080c0 ; set clear color *mainloop ; ESC to exit stick k if k & 128 : goto *job_end hgdraw ; draw start ; draw text x = 100 y = 50 fprt "Hello World (HGIMG3)", x, y hgsync 15 ; draw end and wait goto *mainloop *job_end hgbye ; release HGIMG3 plugin end