/* Generated City File */ /* created by CityGen for POVray */ /* ------------v1.0------------- */ /* by Dale Cieslak */ /* http://members.tripod.com/~DCieslak */ /* dcieslak@yahoo.com */ #declare WinAmbient = 0; #declare WinDiffuse = 0.25; /* --- Standard POV includes --- */ #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" // #include "winsolid.inc" #include "wintxt.inc" #include "dskies.inc" /* --- Standard Camera --- */ /* (Y is up) */ // set viewer's position in the scene camera { #declare tm = clock; #declare tc = (tm - 1.0) * (tm - 1.0) * (tm - 1.0) + 1; #declare cy = 40 + (-38 * tc); #declare cz = 285 + (-300 * tc); // #declare cy = 40 + (38 * cos((90 + 90 * tm) * pi / 180.0)); // #declare cz = 285 + (300 * cos((90 + 90 * tm) * pi / 180.0)); #declare lx = -150 + 400 * tm; #declare lz = -10 - 40 * tm; location < -5, cy, cz > look_at right x*image_width/image_height angle 75 // normal { ripples 0.5 } // perturb the camera lens with a pattern // (---focal blur extras---) // aperture 1.5 // [0...N] larger is narrower depth of field (blurrier) // blur_samples 8 // number of rays per pixel for sampling // focal_point <0,0,0> // point that is in focus // confidence 0.9 // [0...1] when to move on while sampling (smaller is less accurate) // variance 1/128 // [0...1] how precise to calculate (smaller is more accurate) // (---spherical camera---) // angle 360 // horizontal field of view (in degrees and...) // 180 // vertical field of view (...are aspect ratios) } #declare SunAngle = 210; /* --- Light Sources --- */ light_source { <0, -925, 0> color rgb <1, 1, 1> rotate SunAngle*z } light_source { <-10, -925, 0> color rgb <1, 1, 1> rotate SunAngle*z } light_source { <10, -925, 0> color rgb <1, 1, 1> rotate SunAngle*z } /* --- Background --- */ plane { <0, 1, 0>, 1200 pigment { color rgbt <0, 0, 1, 0.7> } finish { ambient 1 diffuse .6 } hollow no_shadow } plane { <0, 1, 0>, 0 pigment { color red .5 green .7 blue .5 } hollow } plane { <0, 1, 0>, 220 texture { Cloudz finish { ambient <1, 1, 1>} scale 2 } hollow } fog { color rgbt < 0.7, 0.8, 1, 0.25> distance 2000 } /*-=-=-=-=-= End of Header =-=-=-=-=-=-*/ /* --- City Scene --- */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 1) */ box { <-341, 0.005, -176>, <-329, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, -173>, <-334.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, -167>, <-334.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 1) */ box { <-341, 0.005, -143>, <-329, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, -140>, <-334.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, -134>, <-334.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 1) */ box { <-341, 0.005, -11>, <-329, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, -8>, <-334.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, -2>, <-334.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 1) */ box { <-341, 0.005, 77>, <-329, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, 80>, <-334.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, 86>, <-334.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 1) */ box { <-341, 0.005, 143>, <-329, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, 146>, <-334.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-335.15, 0.01, 152>, <-334.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 2) */ difference { box { <-329, 4, -175>, <-320, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-328.8, 5, -174.8>, <-320.2, 3.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-330, 0.1, -176>, <-318, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 2) */ difference { box { <-324, 1, -142>, <-320, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-323.8, 2, -141.8>, <-320.2, 0.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-330, 0.1, -143>, <-318, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 2) */ difference { merge { box { <-329, 24, -10>, <-325, 0, -1> } box { <-328.999, 24, -6>, <-320, 0, -1.001> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <-328.8, 25, -9.8>, <-325.2, 23.75, -1.2> } box { <-328.8, 25, -5.8>, <-320.2, 23.7501, -1.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-330, 0.1, -11>, <-318, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 2) */ difference { box { <-329, 5, 61>, <-320, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-328.8, 6, 61.2>, <-320.2, 4.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-330, 0.1, 55>, <-318, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 2) */ difference { merge { box { <-325, 11, 78>, <-320, 0, 87> } box { <-329, 11, 78.001>, <-320.001, 0, 82> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union merge { box { <-324.8, 12, 78.2>, <-320.2, 10.75, 86.8> } box { <-328.8, 12, 78.2>, <-320.2, 10.7501, 82.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-330, 0.1, 77>, <-318, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 2) */ difference { box { <-324, 18, 144>, <-320, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-323.8, 19, 144.2>, <-320.2, 17.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-330, 0.1, 143>, <-318, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 3) */ box { <-319, 0.005, -176>, <-307, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -173>, <-312.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -167>, <-312.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 3) */ box { <-319, 0.005, -143>, <-307, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -140>, <-312.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -134>, <-312.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 3) */ box { <-319, 0.005, -66>, <-307, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -63>, <-312.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -57>, <-312.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 3) */ box { <-319, 0.005, -11>, <-307, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -8>, <-312.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, -2>, <-312.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 3) */ box { <-319, 0.005, 55>, <-307, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, 58>, <-312.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, 64>, <-312.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 3) */ box { <-319, 0.005, 77>, <-307, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, 80>, <-312.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, 86>, <-312.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 3) */ box { <-319, 0.005, 143>, <-307, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, 146>, <-312.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-313.15, 0.01, 152>, <-312.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 4) */ difference { merge { box { <-307, 12, -175>, <-298, 0, -171> } box { <-306.999, 12, -174.999>, <-303, 0, -166> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <-306.8, 13, -174.8>, <-298.2, 11.75, -171.2> } box { <-306.8, 13, -174.8>, <-303.2, 11.7501, -166.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, -176>, <-296, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 4) */ difference { box { <-307, 9, -142>, <-298, 0 , -138> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-306.8, 10, -141.8>, <-298.2, 8.75, -138.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, -143>, <-296, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 4) */ difference { merge { box { <-306, 12, -76>, <-299, 0, -67> } box { <-307, 12, -75>, <-298, 0, -68> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union box { <-305.8, 13, -75.8>, <-299.2, 11.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-306.8, 13, -74.8>, <-298.2, 11.7501, -68.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, -77>, <-296, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 4) */ difference { merge { box { <-306, 7, -65>, <-299, 0, -56> } box { <-307, 7, -64>, <-298, 0, -57> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union box { <-305.8, 8, -64.8>, <-299.2, 6.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-306.8, 8, -63.8>, <-298.2, 6.7501, -57.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, -66>, <-296, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 4) */ difference { box { <-307, 17, -10>, <-298, 0 , -6> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-306.8, 18, -9.8>, <-298.2, 16.75, -6.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, -11>, <-296, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 4) */ difference { box { <-307, 1, 56>, <-298, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-306.8, 2, 56.2>, <-298.2, 0.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, 55>, <-296, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 4) */ difference { box { <-307, 5, 78>, <-303, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-306.8, 6, 78.2>, <-303.2, 4.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, 77>, <-296, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 4) */ difference { box { <-302, 1, 149>, <-298, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-301.8, 2, 149.2>, <-298.2, 0.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, 143>, <-296, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 4) */ difference { box { <-307, 2, 166>, <-303, 0, 170> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-306.8, 3, 166.2>, <-303.2, 1.75, 169.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-308, 0.1, 165>, <-296, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 5) */ difference { box { <-291, 2, -170>, <-287, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-290.8, 3, -169.8>, <-287.2, 1.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, -176>, <-285, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 5) */ difference { box { <-296, 6, -142>, <-287, 0 , -138> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-295.8, 7, -141.8>, <-287.2, 5.75, -138.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, -143>, <-285, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 5) */ difference { merge { box { <-295, 24, -75>, <-288, 0, -68> } box { <-296, 13, -76>, <-287, 0, -67> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <-294.8, 25, -74.8>, <-288.2, 23.75, -68.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, -77>, <-285, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 5) */ difference { merge { box { <-296, 17, -65>, <-292, 0, -56> } box { <-295.999, 17, -61>, <-287, 0, -56.001> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <-295.8, 18, -64.8>, <-292.2, 16.75, -56.2> } box { <-295.8, 18, -60.8>, <-287.2, 16.7501, -56.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, -66>, <-285, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 5) */ difference { box { <-291, 1, -5>, <-287, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-290.8, 2, -4.8>, <-287.2, 0.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, -11>, <-285, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 5) */ difference { merge { box { <-292, 10, 56>, <-287, 0, 65> } box { <-296, 10, 56.001>, <-287.001, 0, 60> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union merge { box { <-291.8, 11, 56.2>, <-287.2, 9.75, 64.8> } box { <-295.8, 11, 56.2>, <-287.2, 9.7501, 60.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, 55>, <-285, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 5) */ box { <-297, 0.005, 66>, <-285, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-294, 0.01, 71.85>, <-291, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-288, 0.01, 71.85>, <-285, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 5) */ difference { box { <-291, 2, 83>, <-287, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-290.8, 3, 83.2>, <-287.2, 1.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, 77>, <-285, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 5) */ difference { box { <-291, 2, 144>, <-287, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-290.8, 3, 144.2>, <-287.2, 1.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, 143>, <-285, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 5) */ difference { merge { box { <-292, 13, 166>, <-287, 0, 175> } box { <-296, 13, 170>, <-287.001, 0, 174.999> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union box { <-291.8, 14, 166.2>, <-287.2, 12.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-295.8, 14, 170.2>, <-287.2, 12.7501, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-297, 0.1, 165>, <-285, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 6) */ difference { box { <-285, 8, -175>, <-276, 0 , -171> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-284.8, 9, -174.8>, <-276.2, 7.75, -171.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, -176>, <-274, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 6) */ difference { merge { box { <-281, 9, -142>, <-276, 0, -133> } box { <-285, 9, -138>, <-276.001, 0, -133.001> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <-280.8, 10, -141.8>, <-276.2, 8.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-284.8, 10, -137.8>, <-276.2, 8.7501, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, -143>, <-274, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 6) */ difference { box { <-280, 14, -71>, <-276, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-279.8, 15, -70.8>, <-276.2, 13.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, -77>, <-274, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 6) */ difference { box { <-280, 7, -65>, <-276, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-279.8, 8, -64.8>, <-276.2, 6.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, -66>, <-274, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 6) */ difference { merge { box { <-284, 26, -9>, <-277, 0, -2> } box { <-282, 26, -10>, <-279, 0, -1> } box { <-285, 26, -7>, <-276, 0, -4> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <-283.8, 27, -8.8>, <-277.2, 25.75, -2.2> } box { <-284.8, 27, -6.8>, <-276.2, 25.7501, -4.2> } box { <-281.8, 27, -9.8>, <-279.2, 25.7501, -1.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, -11>, <-274, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 6) */ difference { merge { box { <-281, 18, 56>, <-276, 0, 65> } box { <-285, 18, 56.001>, <-276.001, 0, 60> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <-280.8, 19, 56.2>, <-276.2, 17.75, 64.8> } box { <-284.8, 19, 56.2>, <-276.2, 17.7501, 60.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, 55>, <-274, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 6) */ box { <-286, 0.005, 66>, <-274, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-283, 0.01, 71.85>, <-280, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-277, 0.01, 71.85>, <-274, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 6) */ difference { box { <-285, 21, 83>, <-276, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-284.8, 22, 83.2>, <-276.2, 20.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, 77>, <-274, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 6) */ box { <-286, 0.005, 121>, <-274, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-283, 0.01, 126.85>, <-280, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-277, 0.01, 126.85>, <-274, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 6) */ difference { merge { box { <-284, 8, 133>, <-277, 0, 142> } box { <-285, 8, 134>, <-276, 0, 141> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <-283.8, 9, 133.2>, <-277.2, 7.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-284.8, 9, 134.2>, <-276.2, 7.7501, 140.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, 132>, <-274, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 6) */ difference { box { <-280, 11, 149>, <-276, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-279.8, 12, 149.2>, <-276.2, 10.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, 143>, <-274, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 6) */ difference { box { <-285, 9, 166>, <-281, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-284.8, 10, 166.2>, <-281.2, 8.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-286, 0.1, 165>, <-274, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, -176>, <-263, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -173>, <-268.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -167>, <-268.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, -143>, <-263, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -140>, <-268.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -134>, <-268.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, -110>, <-263, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -107>, <-268.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -101>, <-268.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, -77>, <-263, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -74>, <-268.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -68>, <-268.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, -66>, <-263, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -63>, <-268.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -57>, <-268.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, -22>, <-263, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -19>, <-268.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -13>, <-268.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, -11>, <-263, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -8>, <-268.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, -2>, <-268.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, 55>, <-263, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 58>, <-268.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 64>, <-268.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, 66>, <-263, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-275, 0, 66>, <-275, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-263, 0, 78>, <-263, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-275, 0.01, 66>, <-263, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-274, 0.01, 67>, <-264, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-275, 0.01, 77.75>, <-263, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-274, 0.01, 76.75>, <-264, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-275, 0.01, 66>, <-274.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-274, 0.01, 67>, <-273.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-263.25, 0.01, 66>, <-263, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-264.25, 0.01, 67>, <-264, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, 77>, <-263, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 80>, <-268.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 86>, <-268.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, 121>, <-263, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-275, 0, 121>, <-275, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-263, 0, 133>, <-263, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-275, 0.01, 121>, <-263, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-274, 0.01, 122>, <-264, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-275, 0.01, 132.75>, <-263, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-274, 0.01, 131.75>, <-264, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-275, 0.01, 121>, <-274.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-274, 0.01, 122>, <-273.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-263.25, 0.01, 121>, <-263, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-264.25, 0.01, 122>, <-264, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, 132>, <-263, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 135>, <-268.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 141>, <-268.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, 143>, <-263, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 146>, <-268.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 152>, <-268.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 7) */ box { <-275, 0.005, 165>, <-263, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 168>, <-268.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-269.15, 0.01, 174>, <-268.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 8) */ difference { merge { box { <-262, 9, -175>, <-255, 0, -156> } box { <-263, 9, -174>, <-254, 0, -157> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <-261.8, 10, -174.8>, <-255.2, 8.75, -156.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-262.8, 10, -173.8>, <-254.2, 8.7501, -157.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, -176>, <-252, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 8) */ difference { box { <-263, 0, -164>, <-259, 0, -160> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-262.8, 1, -163.8>, <-259.2, -0.25, -160.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, -165>, <-252, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 8) */ difference { box { <-258, 11, -142>, <-254, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-257.8, 12, -141.8>, <-254.2, 10.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, -143>, <-252, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 8) */ box { <-264, 0.005, -121>, <-252, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-261, 0.01, -115.15>, <-258, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-255, 0.01, -115.15>, <-252, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 8) */ difference { box { <-263, 18, -109>, <-254, 0 , -105> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-262.8, 19, -108.8>, <-254.2, 17.75, -105.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, -110>, <-252, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 8) */ difference { box { <-263, 38, -76>, <-259, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-262.8, 39, -75.8>, <-259.2, 37.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, -77>, <-252, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 8) */ difference { merge { box { <-262, 15, -65>, <-255, 0, -56> } box { <-263, 15, -64>, <-254, 0, -57> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union box { <-261.8, 16, -64.8>, <-255.2, 14.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-262.8, 16, -63.8>, <-254.2, 14.7501, -57.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, -66>, <-252, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 8) */ difference { merge { box { <-262, 29, -21>, <-255, 0, -12> } box { <-263, 29, -20>, <-254, 0, -13> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <-261.8, 30, -20.8>, <-255.2, 28.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-262.8, 30, -19.8>, <-254.2, 28.7501, -13.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, -22>, <-252, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 8) */ difference { box { <-263, 28, 45>, <-254, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-262.8, 29, 45.2>, <-254.2, 27.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, 44>, <-252, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 8) */ difference { box { <-263, 2, 56>, <-254, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-262.8, 3, 56.2>, <-254.2, 1.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, 55>, <-252, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 8) */ box { <-264, 0.005, 66>, <-252, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-261, 0.01, 71.85>, <-258, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-255, 0.01, 71.85>, <-252, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 8) */ difference { merge { box { <-263, 7, 78>, <-254, 0, 82> } box { <-262.999, 7, 78.001>, <-259, 0, 87> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <-262.8, 8, 78.2>, <-254.2, 6.75, 81.8> } box { <-262.8, 8, 78.2>, <-259.2, 6.7501, 86.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, 77>, <-252, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 8) */ box { <-264, 0.005, 121>, <-252, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-261, 0.01, 126.85>, <-258, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-255, 0.01, 126.85>, <-252, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 8) */ difference { merge { box { <-262, 29, 134>, <-255, 0, 141> } box { <-260, 29, 133>, <-257, 0, 142> } box { <-263, 29, 136>, <-254, 0, 139> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <-261.8, 30, 134.2>, <-255.2, 28.75, 140.8> } box { <-262.8, 30, 136.2>, <-254.2, 28.7501, 138.8> } box { <-259.8, 30, 133.2>, <-257.2, 28.7501, 141.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, 132>, <-252, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 8) */ difference { box { <-258, 16, 149>, <-254, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-257.8, 17, 149.2>, <-254.2, 15.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, 143>, <-252, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 8) */ difference { merge { box { <-259, 9, 166>, <-254, 0, 175> } box { <-263, 9, 166.001>, <-254.001, 0, 170> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <-258.8, 10, 166.2>, <-254.2, 8.75, 174.8> } box { <-262.8, 10, 166.2>, <-254.2, 8.7501, 170.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-264, 0.1, 165>, <-252, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -176>, <-241, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -173>, <-246.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -167>, <-246.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -165>, <-241, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -162>, <-246.85, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -156>, <-246.85, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -143>, <-241, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -140>, <-246.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -134>, <-246.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -121>, <-241, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-253, 0, -121>, <-253, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-241, 0, -109>, <-241, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-253, 0.01, -121>, <-241, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, -120>, <-242, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-253, 0.01, -109.25>, <-241, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, -110.25>, <-242, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-253, 0.01, -121>, <-252.75, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, -120>, <-251.75, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-241.25, 0.01, -121>, <-241, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-242.25, 0.01, -120>, <-242, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -110>, <-241, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -107>, <-246.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -101>, <-246.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -77>, <-241, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -74>, <-246.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -68>, <-246.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -66>, <-241, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -63>, <-246.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -57>, <-246.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -44>, <-241, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -41>, <-246.85, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -35>, <-246.85, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -22>, <-241, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -19>, <-246.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -13>, <-246.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, -11>, <-241, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -8>, <-246.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, -2>, <-246.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 22>, <-241, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 25>, <-246.85, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 31>, <-246.85, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 44>, <-241, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 47>, <-246.85, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 53>, <-246.85, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 55>, <-241, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 58>, <-246.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 64>, <-246.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 66>, <-241, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-253, 0, 66>, <-253, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-241, 0, 78>, <-241, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-253, 0.01, 66>, <-241, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, 67>, <-242, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-253, 0.01, 77.75>, <-241, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, 76.75>, <-242, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-253, 0.01, 66>, <-252.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, 67>, <-251.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-241.25, 0.01, 66>, <-241, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-242.25, 0.01, 67>, <-242, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 77>, <-241, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 80>, <-246.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 86>, <-246.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 121>, <-241, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-253, 0, 121>, <-253, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-241, 0, 133>, <-241, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-253, 0.01, 121>, <-241, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, 122>, <-242, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-253, 0.01, 132.75>, <-241, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, 131.75>, <-242, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-253, 0.01, 121>, <-252.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-252, 0.01, 122>, <-251.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-241.25, 0.01, 121>, <-241, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-242.25, 0.01, 122>, <-242, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 132>, <-241, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 135>, <-246.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 141>, <-246.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 143>, <-241, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 146>, <-246.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 152>, <-246.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 9) */ box { <-253, 0.005, 165>, <-241, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 168>, <-246.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-247.15, 0.01, 174>, <-246.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-241, 12, -175>, <-222, 0, -171> } box { <-240.999, 12, -174.999>, <-232, 0, -166> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <-240.8, 13, -174.8>, <-222.2, 11.75, -171.2> } box { <-240.8, 13, -174.8>, <-232.2, 11.7501, -166.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -176>, <-230, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 1, -159>, <-232, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-240.8, 2, -158.8>, <-232.2, 0.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -165>, <-230, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 10) */ difference { box { <-236, 4, -142>, <-232, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-235.8, 5, -141.8>, <-232.2, 3.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -143>, <-230, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 12, -131>, <-232, 0 , -127> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-240.8, 13, -130.8>, <-232.2, 11.75, -127.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -132>, <-230, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 10) */ box { <-242, 0.005, -121>, <-230, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-239, 0.01, -115.15>, <-236, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-233, 0.01, -115.15>, <-230, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-237, 19, -109>, <-232, 0, -100> } box { <-241, 19, -108.999>, <-232.001, 0, -105> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <-236.8, 20, -108.8>, <-232.2, 18.75, -100.2> } box { <-240.8, 20, -108.8>, <-232.2, 18.7501, -104.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -110>, <-230, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 10) */ difference { box { <-236, 8, -71>, <-232, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-235.8, 9, -70.8>, <-232.2, 7.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -77>, <-230, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 31, -65>, <-237, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-240.8, 32, -64.8>, <-237.2, 30.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -66>, <-230, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 2, -38>, <-232, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-240.8, 3, -37.8>, <-232.2, 1.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -44>, <-230, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 22, -21>, <-232, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-240.8, 23, -20.8>, <-232.2, 21.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, -22>, <-230, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 10) */ difference { box { <-240, 62, -9>, <-233, 0, -2> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <105 0 0> translate <-237, 62, -10> } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <75 0 0> translate <-237, 62, -1> } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <0 0 105> translate <-232, 62, -6> } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <0 0 75> translate <-241, 62, -6> } } // end difference merge { box { <-240, 42, -9>, <-233, 0, -2> } box { <-241, 42, -10>, <-238, 0, -7> } box { <-235, 42, -10>, <-232, 0, -7> } box { <-241, 42, -4>, <-238, 0, -1> } box { <-235, 42, -4>, <-232, 0, -1> } cylinder { < -236.5, 0, -5.5>, < -236.5, 63, -5.5>, .3 } cylinder { < -236.5, 0, -5.5>, < -236.5, 69, -5.5>, .1 } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union box { <-242, 0.1, -11>, <-230, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-241, 10, 23>, <-232, 0, 27> } box { <-240.999, 10, 23.001>, <-237, 0, 32> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union merge { box { <-240.8, 11, 23.2>, <-232.2, 9.75, 26.8> } box { <-240.8, 11, 23.2>, <-237.2, 9.7501, 31.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 22>, <-230, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 17, 45>, <-237, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-240.8, 18, 45.2>, <-237.2, 16.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 44>, <-230, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-241, 21, 56>, <-237, 0, 65> } box { <-240.999, 21, 60>, <-232, 0, 64.999> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <-240.8, 22, 56.2>, <-237.2, 20.75, 64.8> } box { <-240.8, 22, 60.2>, <-232.2, 20.7501, 64.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 55>, <-230, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 10) */ box { <-242, 0.005, 66>, <-230, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-239, 0.01, 71.85>, <-236, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-233, 0.01, 71.85>, <-230, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-238, 46, 78>, <-225, 0, 87> } box { <-241, 46, 81>, <-222, 0, 84> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union box { <-237.8, 47, 78.2>, <-225.2, 45.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-240.8, 47, 81.2>, <-222.2, 45.7501, 83.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 77>, <-230, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-240, 9, 89>, <-233, 0, 98> } box { <-241, 9, 90>, <-232, 0, 97> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <-239.8, 10, 89.2>, <-233.2, 8.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-240.8, 10, 90.2>, <-232.2, 8.7501, 96.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 88>, <-230, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 6, 111>, <-237, 0, 115> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-240.8, 7, 111.2>, <-237.2, 5.75, 114.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 110>, <-230, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 10) */ box { <-242, 0.005, 121>, <-230, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-239, 0.01, 126.85>, <-236, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-233, 0.01, 126.85>, <-230, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-240, 12, 134>, <-233, 0, 141> } box { <-241, 9, 133>, <-232, 0, 142> } box { <-239, 22, 135>, <-234, 0, 140> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <-238.8, 23, 135.2>, <-234.2, 21.75, 139.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 132>, <-230, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 10) */ difference { merge { box { <-241, 17, 144>, <-237, 0, 153> } box { <-240.999, 17, 148>, <-232, 0, 152.999> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <-240.8, 18, 144.2>, <-237.2, 16.75, 152.8> } box { <-240.8, 18, 148.2>, <-232.2, 16.7501, 152.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 143>, <-230, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 10) */ difference { box { <-241, 5, 166>, <-237, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-240.8, 6, 166.2>, <-237.2, 4.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-242, 0.1, 165>, <-230, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 11) */ difference { box { <-230, 0, -175>, <-221, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-229.8, 1, -174.8>, <-221.2, -0.25, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -176>, <-219, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 11) */ difference { box { <-230, 2, -164>, <-221, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-229.8, 3, -163.8>, <-221.2, 1.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -165>, <-219, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-229, 13, -142>, <-222, 0, -123> } box { <-230, 13, -141>, <-221, 0, -124> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union box { <-228.8, 14, -141.8>, <-222.2, 12.75, -123.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-229.8, 14, -140.8>, <-221.2, 12.7501, -124.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -143>, <-219, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 11) */ difference { box { <-225, 0, -131>, <-221, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-224.8, 1, -130.8>, <-221.2, -0.25, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -132>, <-219, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 11) */ box { <-231, 0.005, -121>, <-219, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-228, 0.01, -115.15>, <-225, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-222, 0.01, -115.15>, <-219, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-230, 14, -109>, <-211, 0, -105> } box { <-229.999, 14, -108.999>, <-221, 0, -100> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <-229.8, 15, -108.8>, <-211.2, 13.75, -105.2> } box { <-229.8, 15, -108.8>, <-221.2, 13.7501, -100.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -110>, <-219, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 11) */ difference { box { <-230, 1, -76>, <-226, 0, -72> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-229.8, 2, -75.8>, <-226.2, 0.75, -72.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -77>, <-219, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-229, 23, -64>, <-222, 0, -57> } box { <-230, 20, -65>, <-221, 0, -56> } box { <-228, 33, -63>, <-223, 0, -58> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <-227.8, 34, -62.8>, <-223.2, 32.75, -58.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -66>, <-219, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 11) */ difference { box { <-225, 10, -43>, <-221, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-224.8, 11, -42.8>, <-221.2, 9.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -44>, <-219, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-230, 22, -21>, <-226, 0, -12> } box { <-229.999, 22, -17>, <-221, 0, -12.001> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <-229.8, 23, -20.8>, <-226.2, 21.75, -12.2> } box { <-229.8, 23, -16.8>, <-221.2, 21.7501, -12.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, -22>, <-219, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-226, 13, 23>, <-221, 0, 32> } box { <-230, 13, 23.001>, <-221.001, 0, 27> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union merge { box { <-225.8, 14, 23.2>, <-221.2, 12.75, 31.8> } box { <-229.8, 14, 23.2>, <-221.2, 12.7501, 27.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, 22>, <-219, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 11) */ box { <-231, 0.005, 66>, <-219, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-228, 0.01, 71.85>, <-225, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-222, 0.01, 71.85>, <-219, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 11) */ difference { box { <-230, 0, 83>, <-221, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-229.8, 1, 83.2>, <-221.2, -0.25, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, 77>, <-219, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-229, 48, 90>, <-222, 0, 97> } box { <-230, 39, 89>, <-221, 0, 98> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union box { <-228.8, 49, 90.2>, <-222.2, 47.75, 96.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, 88>, <-219, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-229, 32, 112>, <-222, 0, 119> } box { <-227, 32, 111>, <-224, 0, 120> } box { <-230, 32, 114>, <-221, 0, 117> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <-228.8, 33, 112.2>, <-222.2, 31.75, 118.8> } box { <-229.8, 33, 114.2>, <-221.2, 31.7501, 116.8> } box { <-226.8, 33, 111.2>, <-224.2, 31.7501, 119.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, 110>, <-219, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 11) */ box { <-231, 0.005, 121>, <-219, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-228, 0.01, 126.85>, <-225, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-222, 0.01, 126.85>, <-219, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 11) */ difference { box { <-230, 17, 133>, <-226, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-229.8, 18, 133.2>, <-226.2, 16.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, 132>, <-219, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 11) */ difference { merge { box { <-226, 11, 144>, <-221, 0, 153> } box { <-230, 11, 144.001>, <-221.001, 0, 148> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <-225.8, 12, 144.2>, <-221.2, 10.75, 152.8> } box { <-229.8, 12, 144.2>, <-221.2, 10.7501, 148.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, 143>, <-219, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 11) */ difference { box { <-225, 1, 166>, <-221, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-224.8, 2, 166.2>, <-221.2, 0.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-231, 0.1, 165>, <-219, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 12) */ difference { box { <-214, 4, -170>, <-210, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-213.8, 5, -169.8>, <-210.2, 3.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -176>, <-208, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 12) */ difference { box { <-214, 2, -159>, <-210, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-213.8, 3, -158.8>, <-210.2, 1.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -165>, <-208, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 9, -137>, <-210, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-218.8, 10, -136.8>, <-210.2, 8.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -143>, <-208, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 1, -131>, <-215, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-218.8, 2, -130.8>, <-215.2, 0.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -132>, <-208, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 12) */ box { <-220, 0.005, -121>, <-208, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-217, 0.01, -115.15>, <-214, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-211, 0.01, -115.15>, <-208, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 0, -104>, <-210, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-218.8, 1, -103.8>, <-210.2, -0.25, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -110>, <-208, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 12) */ box { <-220, 0.005, -88>, <-208, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-217, 0.01, -82.15>, <-214, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-211, 0.01, -82.15>, <-208, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 12) */ difference { merge { box { <-218, 25, -75>, <-211, 0, -68> } box { <-219, 11, -76>, <-210, 0, -67> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union box { <-217.8, 26, -74.8>, <-211.2, 24.75, -68.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -77>, <-208, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 7, -65>, <-215, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-218.8, 8, -64.8>, <-215.2, 6.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -66>, <-208, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 12) */ difference { box { <-214, 10, -43>, <-210, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-213.8, 11, -42.8>, <-210.2, 9.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -44>, <-208, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 12) */ box { <-220, 0.005, -33>, <-208, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-217, 0.01, -27.15>, <-214, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-211, 0.01, -27.15>, <-208, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 12) */ difference { box { <-214, 12, -10>, <-210, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-213.8, 13, -9.8>, <-210.2, 11.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, -11>, <-208, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 12) */ difference { merge { box { <-216, 40, 23>, <-213, 0, 42> } box { <-219, 40, 26>, <-210, 0, 39> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union box { <-215.8, 41, 23.2>, <-213.2, 39.75, 41.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-218.8, 41, 26.2>, <-210.2, 39.7501, 38.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 22>, <-208, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (35, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 0, 34>, <-215, 0, 43> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-218.8, 1, 34.2>, <-215.2, -0.25, 42.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 33>, <-208, 0, 45> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 28, 45>, <-215, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-218.8, 29, 45.2>, <-215.2, 27.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 44>, <-208, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 12) */ difference { merge { box { <-218, 25, 57>, <-211, 0, 64> } box { <-216, 25, 56>, <-213, 0, 65> } box { <-219, 25, 59>, <-210, 0, 62> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <-217.8, 26, 57.2>, <-211.2, 24.75, 63.8> } box { <-218.8, 26, 59.2>, <-210.2, 24.7501, 61.8> } box { <-215.8, 26, 56.2>, <-213.2, 24.7501, 64.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 55>, <-208, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 12) */ box { <-220, 0.005, 66>, <-208, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-217, 0.01, 71.85>, <-214, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-211, 0.01, 71.85>, <-208, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 12) */ difference { merge { box { <-219, 26, 78>, <-215, 0, 87> } box { <-218.999, 26, 82>, <-210, 0, 86.999> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <-218.8, 27, 78.2>, <-215.2, 25.75, 86.8> } box { <-218.8, 27, 82.2>, <-210.2, 25.7501, 86.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 77>, <-208, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 12) */ difference { merge { box { <-219, 11, 89>, <-210, 0, 93> } box { <-218.999, 11, 89.001>, <-215, 0, 98> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <-218.8, 12, 89.2>, <-210.2, 10.75, 92.8> } box { <-218.8, 12, 89.2>, <-215.2, 10.7501, 97.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 88>, <-208, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 2, 111>, <-210, 0 , 115> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-218.8, 3, 111.2>, <-210.2, 1.75, 114.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 110>, <-208, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 12) */ box { <-220, 0.005, 121>, <-208, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-217, 0.01, 126.85>, <-214, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-211, 0.01, 126.85>, <-208, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 25, 133>, <-215, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-218.8, 26, 133.2>, <-215.2, 24.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 132>, <-208, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 3, 149>, <-210, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-218.8, 4, 149.2>, <-210.2, 2.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 143>, <-208, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 12) */ difference { box { <-219, 2, 171>, <-210, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-218.8, 3, 171.2>, <-210.2, 1.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-220, 0.1, 165>, <-208, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -176>, <-197, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -173>, <-202.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -167>, <-202.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -165>, <-197, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -162>, <-202.85, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -156>, <-202.85, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -154>, <-197, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, -154>, <-209, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, -142>, <-197, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -154>, <-197, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -153>, <-198, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -142.25>, <-197, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -143.25>, <-198, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -154>, <-208.75, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -153>, <-207.75, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, -154>, <-197, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, -153>, <-198, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -143>, <-197, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -140>, <-202.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -134>, <-202.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -132>, <-197, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -129>, <-202.85, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -123>, <-202.85, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -121>, <-197, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, -121>, <-209, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, -109>, <-197, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -121>, <-197, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -120>, <-198, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -109.25>, <-197, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -110.25>, <-198, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -121>, <-208.75, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -120>, <-207.75, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, -121>, <-197, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, -120>, <-198, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -110>, <-197, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -107>, <-202.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -101>, <-202.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -88>, <-197, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, -88>, <-209, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, -76>, <-197, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -88>, <-197, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -87>, <-198, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -76.25>, <-197, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -77.25>, <-198, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -88>, <-208.75, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -87>, <-207.75, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, -88>, <-197, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, -87>, <-198, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -77>, <-197, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -74>, <-202.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -68>, <-202.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -66>, <-197, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -63>, <-202.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -57>, <-202.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -44>, <-197, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -41>, <-202.85, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -35>, <-202.85, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -33>, <-197, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, -33>, <-209, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, -21>, <-197, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -33>, <-197, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -32>, <-198, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -21.25>, <-197, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -22.25>, <-198, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, -33>, <-208.75, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, -32>, <-207.75, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, -33>, <-197, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, -32>, <-198, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -22>, <-197, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -19>, <-202.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -13>, <-202.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, -11>, <-197, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -8>, <-202.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, -2>, <-202.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 22>, <-197, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 25>, <-202.85, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 31>, <-202.85, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 33>, <-197, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, 33>, <-209, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, 45>, <-197, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 33>, <-197, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 34>, <-198, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 44.75>, <-197, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 43.75>, <-198, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 33>, <-208.75, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 34>, <-207.75, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, 33>, <-197, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, 34>, <-198, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 44>, <-197, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 47>, <-202.85, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 53>, <-202.85, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 55>, <-197, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 58>, <-202.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 64>, <-202.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 66>, <-197, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, 66>, <-209, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, 78>, <-197, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 66>, <-197, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 67>, <-198, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 77.75>, <-197, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 76.75>, <-198, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 66>, <-208.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 67>, <-207.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, 66>, <-197, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, 67>, <-198, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 77>, <-197, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 80>, <-202.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 86>, <-202.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 88>, <-197, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 91>, <-202.85, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 97>, <-202.85, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 99>, <-197, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, 99>, <-209, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, 111>, <-197, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 99>, <-197, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 100>, <-198, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 110.75>, <-197, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 109.75>, <-198, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 99>, <-208.75, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 100>, <-207.75, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, 99>, <-197, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, 100>, <-198, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 110>, <-197, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 113>, <-202.85, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 119>, <-202.85, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 121>, <-197, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-209, 0, 121>, <-209, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-197, 0, 133>, <-197, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 121>, <-197, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 122>, <-198, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 132.75>, <-197, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 131.75>, <-198, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-209, 0.01, 121>, <-208.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-208, 0.01, 122>, <-207.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-197.25, 0.01, 121>, <-197, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-198.25, 0.01, 122>, <-198, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 132>, <-197, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 135>, <-202.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 141>, <-202.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 143>, <-197, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 146>, <-202.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 152>, <-202.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 13) */ box { <-209, 0.005, 165>, <-197, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 168>, <-202.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-203.15, 0.01, 174>, <-202.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-193, 10, -175>, <-188, 0, -166> } box { <-197, 10, -171>, <-188.001, 0, -166.001> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union box { <-192.8, 11, -174.8>, <-188.2, 9.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-196.8, 11, -170.8>, <-188.2, 9.7501, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -176>, <-186, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 14) */ difference { box { <-192, 3, -159>, <-188, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-191.8, 4, -158.8>, <-188.2, 2.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -165>, <-186, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, -154>, <-186, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, -148.15>, <-192, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, -148.15>, <-186, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-193, 14, -142>, <-188, 0, -133> } box { <-197, 14, -141.999>, <-188.001, 0, -138> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <-192.8, 15, -141.8>, <-188.2, 13.75, -133.2> } box { <-196.8, 15, -141.8>, <-188.2, 13.7501, -137.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -143>, <-186, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 14) */ difference { box { <-192, 2, -126>, <-188, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-191.8, 3, -125.8>, <-188.2, 1.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -132>, <-186, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, -121>, <-186, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, -115.15>, <-192, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, -115.15>, <-186, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 14) */ difference { box { <-192, 18, -104>, <-188, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-191.8, 19, -103.8>, <-188.2, 17.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -110>, <-186, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, -88>, <-186, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, -82.15>, <-192, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, -82.15>, <-186, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 14) */ difference { box { <-197, 34, -76>, <-188, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-196.8, 35, -75.8>, <-188.2, 33.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -77>, <-186, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-196, 39, -64>, <-189, 0, -57> } box { <-197, 31, -65>, <-188, 0, -56> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union box { <-195.8, 40, -63.8>, <-189.2, 38.75, -57.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -66>, <-186, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, -55>, <-186, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, -49.15>, <-192, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, -49.15>, <-186, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 14) */ difference { box { <-197, 6, -43>, <-188, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-196.8, 7, -42.8>, <-188.2, 5.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -44>, <-186, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, -33>, <-186, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, -27.15>, <-192, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, -27.15>, <-186, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-196, 13, -21>, <-189, 0, -12> } box { <-197, 13, -20>, <-188, 0, -13> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <-195.8, 14, -20.8>, <-189.2, 12.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-196.8, 14, -19.8>, <-188.2, 12.7501, -13.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -22>, <-186, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-196, 24, -9>, <-189, 0, -2> } box { <-197, 17, -10>, <-188, 0, -1> } box { <-195, 31, -8>, <-190, 0, -3> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <-194.8, 32, -7.8>, <-190.2, 30.75, -3.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, -11>, <-186, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-196, 20, 13>, <-189, 0, 20> } box { <-197, 5, 12>, <-188, 0, 21> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union box { <-195.8, 21, 13.2>, <-189.2, 19.75, 19.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 11>, <-186, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 14) */ difference { box { <-197, 13, 23>, <-188, 0 , 27> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-196.8, 14, 23.2>, <-188.2, 12.75, 26.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 22>, <-186, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, 33>, <-186, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, 38.85>, <-192, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, 38.85>, <-186, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 14) */ difference { box { <-197, 34, 45>, <-188, 0 , 49> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-196.8, 35, 45.2>, <-188.2, 33.75, 48.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 44>, <-186, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-196, 34, 57>, <-189, 0, 64> } box { <-194, 34, 56>, <-191, 0, 65> } box { <-197, 34, 59>, <-188, 0, 62> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <-195.8, 35, 57.2>, <-189.2, 33.75, 63.8> } box { <-196.8, 35, 59.2>, <-188.2, 33.7501, 61.8> } box { <-193.8, 35, 56.2>, <-191.2, 33.7501, 64.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 55>, <-186, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, 66>, <-186, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, 71.85>, <-192, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, 71.85>, <-186, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-193, 30, 78>, <-188, 0, 87> } box { <-197, 30, 82>, <-188.001, 0, 86.999> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <-192.8, 31, 78.2>, <-188.2, 29.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-196.8, 31, 82.2>, <-188.2, 29.7501, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 77>, <-186, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-193, 39, 89>, <-188, 0, 98> } box { <-197, 39, 93>, <-188.001, 0, 97.999> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union box { <-192.8, 40, 89.2>, <-188.2, 38.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-196.8, 40, 93.2>, <-188.2, 38.7501, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 88>, <-186, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, 99>, <-186, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, 104.85>, <-192, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, 104.85>, <-186, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-194, 22, 111>, <-191, 0, 120> } box { <-197, 22, 114>, <-188, 0, 117> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union box { <-193.8, 23, 111.2>, <-191.2, 21.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-196.8, 23, 114.2>, <-188.2, 21.7501, 116.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 110>, <-186, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 14) */ box { <-198, 0.005, 121>, <-186, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-195, 0.01, 126.85>, <-192, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-189, 0.01, 126.85>, <-186, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 14) */ difference { merge { box { <-196, 30, 134>, <-189, 0, 141> } box { <-197, 30, 133>, <-194, 0, 136> } box { <-191, 30, 133>, <-188, 0, 136> } box { <-197, 30, 139>, <-194, 0, 142> } box { <-191, 30, 139>, <-188, 0, 142> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <-195.8, 31, 134.2>, <-189.2, 29.75, 140.8> } box { <-196.8, 31, 133.2>, <-194.2, 29.7501, 135.8> } box { <-190.8, 31, 139.2>, <-188.2, 29.7501, 141.8> } box { <-196.8, 31, 139.2>, <-194.2, 29.7501, 141.8> } box { <-190.8, 31, 133.2>, <-188.2, 29.7501, 135.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 132>, <-186, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 14) */ difference { box { <-192, 2, 149>, <-188, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-191.8, 3, 149.2>, <-188.2, 1.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 143>, <-186, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 14) */ difference { box { <-192, 10, 171>, <-188, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-191.8, 11, 171.2>, <-188.2, 9.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-198, 0.1, 165>, <-186, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-182, 13, -175>, <-177, 0, -166> } box { <-186, 13, -174.999>, <-177.001, 0, -171> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-181.8, 14, -174.8>, <-177.2, 12.75, -166.2> } box { <-185.8, 14, -174.8>, <-177.2, 12.7501, -170.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -176>, <-175, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 15) */ difference { box { <-181, 2, -159>, <-177, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-180.8, 3, -158.8>, <-177.2, 1.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -165>, <-175, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, -154>, <-175, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, -148.15>, <-181, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, -148.15>, <-175, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 4, -142>, <-177, 0 , -138> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-185.8, 5, -141.8>, <-177.2, 3.75, -138.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -143>, <-175, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 9, -126>, <-177, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-185.8, 10, -125.8>, <-177.2, 8.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -132>, <-175, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, -121>, <-175, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, -115.15>, <-181, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, -115.15>, <-175, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-186, 18, -109>, <-177, 0, -105> } box { <-185.999, 18, -108.999>, <-182, 0, -100> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-185.8, 19, -108.8>, <-177.2, 17.75, -105.2> } box { <-185.8, 19, -108.8>, <-182.2, 17.7501, -100.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -110>, <-175, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 15) */ difference { box { <-181, 7, -98>, <-177, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-180.8, 8, -97.8>, <-177.2, 6.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -99>, <-175, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, -88>, <-175, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, -82.15>, <-181, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, -82.15>, <-175, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-185, 20, -76>, <-178, 0, -67> } box { <-186, 20, -75>, <-177, 0, -68> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <-184.8, 21, -75.8>, <-178.2, 19.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-185.8, 21, -74.8>, <-177.2, 19.7501, -68.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -77>, <-175, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 17, -65>, <-182, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-185.8, 18, -64.8>, <-182.2, 16.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -66>, <-175, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, -55>, <-175, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, -49.15>, <-181, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, -49.15>, <-175, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-182, 20, -43>, <-177, 0, -34> } box { <-186, 20, -42.999>, <-177.001, 0, -39> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union merge { box { <-181.8, 21, -42.8>, <-177.2, 19.75, -34.2> } box { <-185.8, 21, -42.8>, <-177.2, 19.7501, -38.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -44>, <-175, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, -33>, <-175, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, -27.15>, <-181, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, -27.15>, <-175, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 19, -21>, <-177, 0 , -17> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-185.8, 20, -20.8>, <-177.2, 18.75, -17.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -22>, <-175, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 5, -5>, <-177, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-185.8, 6, -4.8>, <-177.2, 4.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, -11>, <-175, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, 0>, <-175, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, 5.85>, <-181, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, 5.85>, <-175, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-185, 15, 12>, <-178, 0, 21> } box { <-186, 15, 13>, <-177, 0, 20> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <-184.8, 16, 12.2>, <-178.2, 14.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-185.8, 16, 13.2>, <-177.2, 14.7501, 19.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 11>, <-175, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 15) */ difference { box { <-181, 6, 28>, <-177, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-180.8, 7, 28.2>, <-177.2, 5.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 22>, <-175, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, 33>, <-175, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, 38.85>, <-181, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, 38.85>, <-175, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-185, 12, 46>, <-178, 0, 53> } box { <-186, 3, 45>, <-177, 0, 54> } box { <-184, 21, 47>, <-179, 0, 52> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <-183.8, 22, 47.2>, <-179.2, 20.75, 51.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 44>, <-175, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 6, 56>, <-182, 0, 60> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-185.8, 7, 56.2>, <-182.2, 5.75, 59.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 55>, <-175, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, 66>, <-175, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, 71.85>, <-181, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, 71.85>, <-175, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 13, 83>, <-177, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-185.8, 14, 83.2>, <-177.2, 12.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 77>, <-175, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-186, 20, 89>, <-182, 0, 98> } box { <-185.999, 20, 93>, <-177, 0, 97.999> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <-185.8, 21, 89.2>, <-182.2, 19.75, 97.8> } box { <-185.8, 21, 93.2>, <-177.2, 19.7501, 97.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 88>, <-175, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, 99>, <-175, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, 104.85>, <-181, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, 104.85>, <-175, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 11, 116>, <-177, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-185.8, 12, 116.2>, <-177.2, 10.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 110>, <-175, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, 121>, <-175, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, 126.85>, <-181, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, 126.85>, <-175, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 3, 133>, <-182, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-185.8, 4, 133.2>, <-182.2, 2.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 132>, <-175, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 15) */ difference { box { <-186, 18, 144>, <-182, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-185.8, 19, 144.2>, <-182.2, 17.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 143>, <-175, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 15) */ box { <-187, 0.005, 154>, <-175, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-184, 0.01, 159.85>, <-181, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-178, 0.01, 159.85>, <-175, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 15) */ difference { merge { box { <-185, 15, 166>, <-178, 0, 175> } box { <-186, 15, 167>, <-177, 0, 174> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union box { <-184.8, 16, 166.2>, <-178.2, 14.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-185.8, 16, 167.2>, <-177.2, 14.7501, 173.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-187, 0.1, 165>, <-175, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 11, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -231>, <-164, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -228>, <-169.85, 0, -225> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -222>, <-169.85, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 12, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -220>, <-164, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -217>, <-169.85, 0, -214> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -211>, <-169.85, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -209>, <-164, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, -209>, <-176, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, -197>, <-164, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -209>, <-164, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -208>, <-165, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -197.25>, <-164, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -198.25>, <-165, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -209>, <-175.75, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -208>, <-174.75, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, -209>, <-164, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, -208>, <-165, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -198>, <-164, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -195>, <-169.85, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -189>, <-169.85, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -187>, <-164, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, -187>, <-176, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, -175>, <-164, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -187>, <-164, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -186>, <-165, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -175.25>, <-164, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -176.25>, <-165, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -187>, <-175.75, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -186>, <-174.75, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, -187>, <-164, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, -186>, <-165, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -176>, <-164, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -173>, <-169.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -167>, <-169.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -165>, <-164, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -162>, <-169.85, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -156>, <-169.85, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -154>, <-164, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, -154>, <-176, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, -142>, <-164, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -154>, <-164, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -153>, <-165, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -142.25>, <-164, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -143.25>, <-165, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -154>, <-175.75, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -153>, <-174.75, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, -154>, <-164, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, -153>, <-165, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -143>, <-164, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -140>, <-169.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -134>, <-169.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -132>, <-164, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -129>, <-169.85, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -123>, <-169.85, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -121>, <-164, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, -121>, <-176, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, -109>, <-164, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -121>, <-164, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -120>, <-165, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -109.25>, <-164, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -110.25>, <-165, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -121>, <-175.75, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -120>, <-174.75, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, -121>, <-164, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, -120>, <-165, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -110>, <-164, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -107>, <-169.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -101>, <-169.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -99>, <-164, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -96>, <-169.85, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -90>, <-169.85, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -88>, <-164, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, -88>, <-176, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, -76>, <-164, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -88>, <-164, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -87>, <-165, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -76.25>, <-164, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -77.25>, <-165, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -88>, <-175.75, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -87>, <-174.75, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, -88>, <-164, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, -87>, <-165, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -77>, <-164, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -74>, <-169.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -68>, <-169.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -66>, <-164, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -63>, <-169.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -57>, <-169.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -55>, <-164, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, -55>, <-176, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, -43>, <-164, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -55>, <-164, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -54>, <-165, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -43.25>, <-164, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -44.25>, <-165, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -55>, <-175.75, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -54>, <-174.75, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, -55>, <-164, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, -54>, <-165, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -44>, <-164, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -41>, <-169.85, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -35>, <-169.85, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -33>, <-164, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, -33>, <-176, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, -21>, <-164, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -33>, <-164, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -32>, <-165, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -21.25>, <-164, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -22.25>, <-165, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, -33>, <-175.75, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, -32>, <-174.75, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, -33>, <-164, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, -32>, <-165, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -22>, <-164, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -19>, <-169.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -13>, <-169.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, -11>, <-164, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -8>, <-169.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, -2>, <-169.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 0>, <-164, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 0>, <-176, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 12>, <-164, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 0>, <-164, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 1>, <-165, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 11.75>, <-164, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 10.75>, <-165, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 0>, <-175.75, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 1>, <-174.75, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 0>, <-164, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 1>, <-165, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 11>, <-164, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 14>, <-169.85, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 20>, <-169.85, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 22>, <-164, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 25>, <-169.85, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 31>, <-169.85, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 33>, <-164, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 33>, <-176, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 45>, <-164, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 33>, <-164, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 34>, <-165, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 44.75>, <-164, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 43.75>, <-165, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 33>, <-175.75, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 34>, <-174.75, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 33>, <-164, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 34>, <-165, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 44>, <-164, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 47>, <-169.85, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 53>, <-169.85, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 55>, <-164, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 58>, <-169.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 64>, <-169.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 66>, <-164, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 66>, <-176, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 78>, <-164, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 66>, <-164, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 67>, <-165, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 77.75>, <-164, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 76.75>, <-165, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 66>, <-175.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 67>, <-174.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 66>, <-164, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 67>, <-165, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 77>, <-164, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 80>, <-169.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 86>, <-169.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 88>, <-164, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 91>, <-169.85, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 97>, <-169.85, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 99>, <-164, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 99>, <-176, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 111>, <-164, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 99>, <-164, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 100>, <-165, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 110.75>, <-164, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 109.75>, <-165, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 99>, <-175.75, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 100>, <-174.75, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 99>, <-164, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 100>, <-165, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 110>, <-164, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 113>, <-169.85, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 119>, <-169.85, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 121>, <-164, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 121>, <-176, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 133>, <-164, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 121>, <-164, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 122>, <-165, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 132.75>, <-164, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 131.75>, <-165, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 121>, <-175.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 122>, <-174.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 121>, <-164, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 122>, <-165, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 132>, <-164, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 135>, <-169.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 141>, <-169.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 143>, <-164, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 146>, <-169.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 152>, <-169.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 154>, <-164, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 154>, <-176, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 166>, <-164, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 154>, <-164, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 155>, <-165, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 165.75>, <-164, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 164.75>, <-165, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 154>, <-175.75, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 155>, <-174.75, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 154>, <-164, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 155>, <-165, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 165>, <-164, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 168>, <-169.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 174>, <-169.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 176>, <-164, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 179>, <-169.85, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 185>, <-169.85, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 187>, <-164, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 187>, <-176, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 199>, <-164, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 187>, <-164, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 188>, <-165, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 198.75>, <-164, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 197.75>, <-165, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 187>, <-175.75, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 188>, <-174.75, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 187>, <-164, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 188>, <-165, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 198>, <-164, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 201>, <-169.85, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 207>, <-169.85, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 209>, <-164, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 212>, <-169.85, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 218>, <-169.85, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 220>, <-164, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 220>, <-176, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 232>, <-164, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 220>, <-164, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 221>, <-165, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 231.75>, <-164, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 230.75>, <-165, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 220>, <-175.75, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 221>, <-174.75, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 220>, <-164, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 221>, <-165, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 231>, <-164, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 234>, <-169.85, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 240>, <-169.85, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 242>, <-164, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 245>, <-169.85, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-170.15, 0.01, 251>, <-169.85, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 16) */ box { <-176, 0.005, 253>, <-164, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-176, 0, 253>, <-176, 2.25, 253>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-164, 0, 265>, <-164, 2.25, 265>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 253>, <-164, 0, 253.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 254>, <-165, 0, 254.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 264.75>, <-164, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 263.75>, <-165, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-176, 0.01, 253>, <-175.75, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-175, 0.01, 254>, <-174.75, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-164.25, 0.01, 253>, <-164, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-165.25, 0.01, 254>, <-165, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 4, -258>, <-155, 0, -254> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-163.8, 5, -257.8>, <-155.2, 3.75, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -264>, <-153, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 17) */ difference { box { <-159, 4, -252>, <-155, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-158.8, 5, -251.8>, <-155.2, 3.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -253>, <-153, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -242>, <-153, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -236.15>, <-159, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -236.15>, <-153, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 5, -230>, <-155, 0 , -226> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-163.8, 6, -229.8>, <-155.2, 4.75, -226.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -231>, <-153, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 5, -219>, <-160, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-163.8, 6, -218.8>, <-160.2, 4.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -220>, <-153, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -209>, <-153, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -203.15>, <-159, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -203.15>, <-153, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 17) */ difference { box { <-159, 3, -197>, <-155, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-158.8, 4, -196.8>, <-155.2, 2.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -198>, <-153, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -187>, <-153, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -181.15>, <-159, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -181.15>, <-153, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, -175>, <-155, 0 , -171> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-163.8, 4, -174.8>, <-155.2, 2.75, -171.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -176>, <-153, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 2, -164>, <-155, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-163.8, 3, -163.8>, <-155.2, 1.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -165>, <-153, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -154>, <-153, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -148.15>, <-159, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -148.15>, <-153, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 17) */ difference { box { <-159, 2, -137>, <-155, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-158.8, 3, -136.8>, <-155.2, 1.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -143>, <-153, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 1, -131>, <-160, 0, -127> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-163.8, 2, -130.8>, <-160.2, 0.75, -127.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -132>, <-153, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -121>, <-153, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -115.15>, <-159, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -115.15>, <-153, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 2, -109>, <-155, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-163.8, 3, -108.8>, <-155.2, 1.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -110>, <-153, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, -93>, <-155, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-163.8, 4, -92.8>, <-155.2, 2.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -99>, <-153, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -88>, <-153, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -82.15>, <-159, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -82.15>, <-153, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 1, -76>, <-160, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-163.8, 2, -75.8>, <-160.2, 0.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -77>, <-153, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 17) */ difference { box { <-159, 1, -60>, <-155, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-158.8, 2, -59.8>, <-155.2, 0.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -66>, <-153, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -55>, <-153, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -49.15>, <-159, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -49.15>, <-153, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 4, -43>, <-160, 0, -39> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-163.8, 5, -42.8>, <-160.2, 3.75, -39.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -44>, <-153, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, -33>, <-153, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, -27.15>, <-159, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, -27.15>, <-153, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 5, -21>, <-155, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-163.8, 6, -20.8>, <-155.2, 4.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -22>, <-153, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 1, -10>, <-155, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-163.8, 2, -9.8>, <-155.2, 0.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, -11>, <-153, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 0>, <-153, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 5.85>, <-159, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 5.85>, <-153, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 17>, <-155, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 17.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 11>, <-153, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 17) */ difference { box { <-159, 1, 23>, <-155, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-158.8, 2, 23.2>, <-155.2, 0.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 22>, <-153, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 33>, <-153, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 38.85>, <-159, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 38.85>, <-153, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 4, 45>, <-160, 0, 49> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-163.8, 5, 45.2>, <-160.2, 3.75, 48.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 44>, <-153, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 61>, <-155, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 61.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 55>, <-153, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 66>, <-153, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 71.85>, <-159, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 71.85>, <-153, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 78>, <-160, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 78.2>, <-160.2, 2.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 77>, <-153, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 89>, <-155, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 89.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 88>, <-153, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 99>, <-153, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 104.85>, <-159, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 104.85>, <-153, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 1, 111>, <-160, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-163.8, 2, 111.2>, <-160.2, 0.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 110>, <-153, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 121>, <-153, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 126.85>, <-159, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 126.85>, <-153, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 2, 133>, <-160, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-163.8, 3, 133.2>, <-160.2, 1.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 132>, <-153, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 144>, <-155, 0 , 148> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 144.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 147.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 143>, <-153, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 154>, <-153, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 159.85>, <-159, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 159.85>, <-153, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 1, 171>, <-155, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-163.8, 2, 171.2>, <-155.2, 0.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 165>, <-153, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 177>, <-155, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 177.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 176>, <-153, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 187>, <-153, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 192.85>, <-159, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 192.85>, <-153, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 5, 199>, <-155, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-163.8, 6, 199.2>, <-155.2, 4.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 198>, <-153, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 17) */ difference { box { <-159, 3, 215>, <-155, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-158.8, 4, 215.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 209>, <-153, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 220>, <-153, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 225.85>, <-159, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 225.85>, <-153, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 232>, <-155, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 232.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 231>, <-153, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 5, 243>, <-160, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-163.8, 6, 243.2>, <-160.2, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 242>, <-153, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 253>, <-153, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 258.85>, <-159, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 258.85>, <-153, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 2, 270>, <-155, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-163.8, 3, 270.2>, <-155.2, 1.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 264>, <-153, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 2, 276>, <-155, 0, 285> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-163.8, 3, 276.2>, <-155.2, 1.75, 284.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 275>, <-153, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 286>, <-153, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 291.85>, <-159, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 291.85>, <-153, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 3, 298>, <-155, 0, 307> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-163.8, 4, 298.2>, <-155.2, 2.75, 306.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 297>, <-153, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 17) */ difference { box { <-164, 1, 309>, <-160, 0, 313> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-163.8, 2, 309.2>, <-160.2, 0.75, 312.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 308>, <-153, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 319>, <-153, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 324.85>, <-159, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 324.85>, <-153, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (62, 17) */ difference { box { <-159, 4, 336>, <-155, 0, 340> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-158.8, 5, 336.2>, <-155.2, 3.75, 339.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-165, 0.1, 330>, <-153, 0, 342> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 63, 17) */ box { <-165, 0.005, 341>, <-153, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-162, 0.01, 346.85>, <-159, 0, 347.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-156, 0.01, 346.85>, <-153, 0, 347.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 8, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -264>, <-142, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -261>, <-147.85, 0, -258> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -255>, <-147.85, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 9, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -253>, <-142, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -250>, <-147.85, 0, -247> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -244>, <-147.85, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -242>, <-142, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -242>, <-154, 2.25, -242>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -230>, <-142, 2.25, -230>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -242>, <-142, 0, -241.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -241>, <-143, 0, -240.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -230.25>, <-142, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -231.25>, <-143, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -242>, <-153.75, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -241>, <-152.75, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -242>, <-142, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -241>, <-143, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 11, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -231>, <-142, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -228>, <-147.85, 0, -225> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -222>, <-147.85, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 12, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -220>, <-142, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -217>, <-147.85, 0, -214> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -211>, <-147.85, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -209>, <-142, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -209>, <-154, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -197>, <-142, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -209>, <-142, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -208>, <-143, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -197.25>, <-142, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -198.25>, <-143, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -209>, <-153.75, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -208>, <-152.75, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -209>, <-142, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -208>, <-143, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -198>, <-142, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -195>, <-147.85, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -189>, <-147.85, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -187>, <-142, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -187>, <-154, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -175>, <-142, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -187>, <-142, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -186>, <-143, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -175.25>, <-142, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -176.25>, <-143, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -187>, <-153.75, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -186>, <-152.75, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -187>, <-142, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -186>, <-143, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -176>, <-142, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -173>, <-147.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -167>, <-147.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -165>, <-142, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -162>, <-147.85, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -156>, <-147.85, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -154>, <-142, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -154>, <-154, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -142>, <-142, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -154>, <-142, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -153>, <-143, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -142.25>, <-142, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -143.25>, <-143, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -154>, <-153.75, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -153>, <-152.75, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -154>, <-142, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -153>, <-143, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -143>, <-142, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -140>, <-147.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -134>, <-147.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -132>, <-142, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -129>, <-147.85, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -123>, <-147.85, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -121>, <-142, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -121>, <-154, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -109>, <-142, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -121>, <-142, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -120>, <-143, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -109.25>, <-142, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -110.25>, <-143, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -121>, <-153.75, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -120>, <-152.75, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -121>, <-142, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -120>, <-143, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -110>, <-142, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -107>, <-147.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -101>, <-147.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -99>, <-142, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -96>, <-147.85, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -90>, <-147.85, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -88>, <-142, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -88>, <-154, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -76>, <-142, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -88>, <-142, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -87>, <-143, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -76.25>, <-142, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -77.25>, <-143, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -88>, <-153.75, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -87>, <-152.75, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -88>, <-142, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -87>, <-143, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -77>, <-142, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -74>, <-147.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -68>, <-147.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -66>, <-142, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -63>, <-147.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -57>, <-147.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -55>, <-142, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -55>, <-154, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -43>, <-142, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -55>, <-142, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -54>, <-143, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -43.25>, <-142, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -44.25>, <-143, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -55>, <-153.75, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -54>, <-152.75, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -55>, <-142, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -54>, <-143, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -44>, <-142, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -41>, <-147.85, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -35>, <-147.85, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -33>, <-142, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, -33>, <-154, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, -21>, <-142, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -33>, <-142, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -32>, <-143, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -21.25>, <-142, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -22.25>, <-143, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, -33>, <-153.75, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, -32>, <-152.75, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, -33>, <-142, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, -32>, <-143, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -22>, <-142, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -19>, <-147.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -13>, <-147.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, -11>, <-142, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -8>, <-147.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, -2>, <-147.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 0>, <-142, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 0>, <-154, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 12>, <-142, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 0>, <-142, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 1>, <-143, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 11.75>, <-142, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 10.75>, <-143, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 0>, <-153.75, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 1>, <-152.75, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 0>, <-142, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 1>, <-143, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 11>, <-142, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 14>, <-147.85, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 20>, <-147.85, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 22>, <-142, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 25>, <-147.85, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 31>, <-147.85, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 33>, <-142, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 33>, <-154, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 45>, <-142, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 33>, <-142, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 34>, <-143, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 44.75>, <-142, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 43.75>, <-143, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 33>, <-153.75, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 34>, <-152.75, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 33>, <-142, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 34>, <-143, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 44>, <-142, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 47>, <-147.85, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 53>, <-147.85, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 55>, <-142, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 58>, <-147.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 64>, <-147.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 66>, <-142, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 66>, <-154, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 78>, <-142, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 66>, <-142, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 67>, <-143, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 77.75>, <-142, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 76.75>, <-143, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 66>, <-153.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 67>, <-152.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 66>, <-142, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 67>, <-143, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 77>, <-142, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 80>, <-147.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 86>, <-147.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 88>, <-142, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 91>, <-147.85, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 97>, <-147.85, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 99>, <-142, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 99>, <-154, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 111>, <-142, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 99>, <-142, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 100>, <-143, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 110.75>, <-142, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 109.75>, <-143, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 99>, <-153.75, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 100>, <-152.75, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 99>, <-142, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 100>, <-143, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 110>, <-142, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 113>, <-147.85, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 119>, <-147.85, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 121>, <-142, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 121>, <-154, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 133>, <-142, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 121>, <-142, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 122>, <-143, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 132.75>, <-142, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 131.75>, <-143, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 121>, <-153.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 122>, <-152.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 121>, <-142, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 122>, <-143, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 132>, <-142, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 135>, <-147.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 141>, <-147.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 143>, <-142, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 146>, <-147.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 152>, <-147.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 154>, <-142, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 154>, <-154, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 166>, <-142, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 154>, <-142, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 155>, <-143, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 165.75>, <-142, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 164.75>, <-143, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 154>, <-153.75, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 155>, <-152.75, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 154>, <-142, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 155>, <-143, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 165>, <-142, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 168>, <-147.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 174>, <-147.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 176>, <-142, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 179>, <-147.85, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 185>, <-147.85, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 187>, <-142, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 187>, <-154, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 199>, <-142, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 187>, <-142, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 188>, <-143, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 198.75>, <-142, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 197.75>, <-143, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 187>, <-153.75, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 188>, <-152.75, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 187>, <-142, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 188>, <-143, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 198>, <-142, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 201>, <-147.85, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 207>, <-147.85, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 209>, <-142, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 212>, <-147.85, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 218>, <-147.85, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 220>, <-142, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 220>, <-154, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 232>, <-142, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 220>, <-142, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 221>, <-143, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 231.75>, <-142, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 230.75>, <-143, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 220>, <-153.75, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 221>, <-152.75, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 220>, <-142, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 221>, <-143, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 231>, <-142, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 234>, <-147.85, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 240>, <-147.85, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 242>, <-142, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 245>, <-147.85, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 251>, <-147.85, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 253>, <-142, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 253>, <-154, 2.25, 253>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 265>, <-142, 2.25, 265>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 253>, <-142, 0, 253.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 254>, <-143, 0, 254.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 264.75>, <-142, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 263.75>, <-143, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 253>, <-153.75, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 254>, <-152.75, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 253>, <-142, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 254>, <-143, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 56, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 264>, <-142, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 267>, <-147.85, 0, 270> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 273>, <-147.85, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 57, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 275>, <-142, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 278>, <-147.85, 0, 281> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 284>, <-147.85, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 286>, <-142, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 286>, <-154, 2.25, 286>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 298>, <-142, 2.25, 298>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 286>, <-142, 0, 286.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 287>, <-143, 0, 287.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 297.75>, <-142, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 296.75>, <-143, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 286>, <-153.75, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 287>, <-152.75, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 286>, <-142, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 287>, <-143, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 59, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 297>, <-142, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 300>, <-147.85, 0, 303> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 306>, <-147.85, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 60, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 308>, <-142, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 311>, <-147.85, 0, 314> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 317>, <-147.85, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 319>, <-142, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 319>, <-154, 2.25, 319>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 331>, <-142, 2.25, 331>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 319>, <-142, 0, 319.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 320>, <-143, 0, 320.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 330.75>, <-142, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 329.75>, <-143, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 319>, <-153.75, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 320>, <-152.75, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 319>, <-142, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 320>, <-143, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 62, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 330>, <-142, 0, 342> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 333>, <-147.85, 0, 336> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-148.15, 0.01, 339>, <-147.85, 0, 342> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 63, 18) */ box { <-154, 0.005, 341>, <-142, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-154, 0, 341>, <-154, 2.25, 341>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-142, 0, 353>, <-142, 2.25, 353>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 341>, <-142, 0, 341.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 342>, <-143, 0, 342.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 352.75>, <-142, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 351.75>, <-143, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-154, 0.01, 341>, <-153.75, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-153, 0.01, 342>, <-152.75, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-142.25, 0.01, 341>, <-142, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-143.25, 0.01, 342>, <-143, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 19) */ difference { merge { box { <-142, 7, -197>, <-123, 0, -193> } box { <-141.999, 7, -196.999>, <-133, 0, -188> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <-141.8, 8, -196.8>, <-123.2, 6.75, -193.2> } box { <-141.8, 8, -196.8>, <-133.2, 6.7501, -188.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -198>, <-131, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, -187>, <-131, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, -181.15>, <-137, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, -181.15>, <-131, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 4, -175>, <-138, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-141.8, 5, -174.8>, <-138.2, 3.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -176>, <-131, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 4, -164>, <-138, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-141.8, 5, -163.8>, <-138.2, 3.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -165>, <-131, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, -154>, <-131, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, -148.15>, <-137, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, -148.15>, <-131, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 2, -142>, <-133, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-141.8, 3, -141.8>, <-133.2, 1.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -143>, <-131, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 6, -131>, <-133, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-136.8, 7, -130.8>, <-133.2, 5.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -132>, <-131, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, -121>, <-131, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, -115.15>, <-137, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, -115.15>, <-131, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 19) */ difference { merge { box { <-141, 7, -109>, <-134, 0, -100> } box { <-142, 7, -108>, <-133, 0, -101> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union box { <-140.8, 8, -108.8>, <-134.2, 6.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-141.8, 8, -107.8>, <-133.2, 6.7501, -101.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -110>, <-131, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 2, -98>, <-133, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-141.8, 3, -97.8>, <-133.2, 1.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -99>, <-131, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, -88>, <-131, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, -82.15>, <-137, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, -82.15>, <-131, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 5, -71>, <-133, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-136.8, 6, -70.8>, <-133.2, 4.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -77>, <-131, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 6, -60>, <-133, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-136.8, 7, -59.8>, <-133.2, 5.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -66>, <-131, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, -55>, <-131, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, -49.15>, <-137, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, -49.15>, <-131, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 1, -38>, <-133, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-136.8, 2, -37.8>, <-133.2, 0.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -44>, <-131, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, -33>, <-131, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, -27.15>, <-137, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, -27.15>, <-131, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 19) */ difference { merge { box { <-142, 7, -21>, <-123, 0, -17> } box { <-141.999, 7, -20.999>, <-133, 0, -12> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <-141.8, 8, -20.8>, <-123.2, 6.75, -17.2> } box { <-141.8, 8, -20.8>, <-133.2, 6.7501, -12.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -22>, <-131, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 3, -10>, <-133, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-141.8, 4, -9.8>, <-133.2, 2.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, -11>, <-131, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 0>, <-131, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 5.85>, <-137, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 5.85>, <-131, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 3, 12>, <-138, 0, 16> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-141.8, 4, 12.2>, <-138.2, 2.75, 15.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 11>, <-131, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 2, 23>, <-133, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-141.8, 3, 23.2>, <-133.2, 1.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 22>, <-131, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 33>, <-131, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 38.85>, <-137, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 38.85>, <-131, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 6, 50>, <-133, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-141.8, 7, 50.2>, <-133.2, 5.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 44>, <-131, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 2, 56>, <-138, 0, 60> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-141.8, 3, 56.2>, <-138.2, 1.75, 59.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 55>, <-131, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 66>, <-131, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 71.85>, <-137, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 71.85>, <-131, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 3, 78>, <-138, 0, 82> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-141.8, 4, 78.2>, <-138.2, 2.75, 81.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 77>, <-131, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 2, 94>, <-133, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-141.8, 3, 94.2>, <-133.2, 1.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 88>, <-131, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 99>, <-131, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 104.85>, <-137, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 104.85>, <-131, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 6, 111>, <-138, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-141.8, 7, 111.2>, <-138.2, 5.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 110>, <-131, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 121>, <-131, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 126.85>, <-137, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 126.85>, <-131, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 5, 138>, <-133, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-136.8, 6, 138.2>, <-133.2, 4.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 132>, <-131, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 7, 149>, <-133, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-141.8, 8, 149.2>, <-133.2, 6.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 143>, <-131, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 154>, <-131, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 159.85>, <-137, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 159.85>, <-131, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 3, 166>, <-138, 0, 170> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-141.8, 4, 166.2>, <-138.2, 2.75, 169.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 165>, <-131, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 1, 177>, <-133, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-136.8, 2, 177.2>, <-133.2, 0.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 176>, <-131, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 187>, <-131, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 192.85>, <-137, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 192.85>, <-131, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 5, 199>, <-133, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-141.8, 6, 199.2>, <-133.2, 4.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 198>, <-131, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 2, 210>, <-138, 0, 214> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-141.8, 3, 210.2>, <-138.2, 1.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 209>, <-131, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 220>, <-131, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 225.85>, <-137, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 225.85>, <-131, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 2, 232>, <-133, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-136.8, 3, 232.2>, <-133.2, 1.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 231>, <-131, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 5, 248>, <-133, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-141.8, 6, 248.2>, <-133.2, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 242>, <-131, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 253>, <-131, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 258.85>, <-137, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 258.85>, <-131, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 2, 265>, <-138, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-141.8, 3, 265.2>, <-138.2, 1.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 264>, <-131, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 19) */ difference { box { <-142, 5, 281>, <-133, 0, 285> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-141.8, 6, 281.2>, <-133.2, 4.75, 284.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 275>, <-131, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 286>, <-131, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 291.85>, <-137, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 291.85>, <-131, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 19) */ difference { box { <-137, 5, 303>, <-133, 0, 307> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-136.8, 6, 303.2>, <-133.2, 4.75, 306.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 297>, <-131, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 19) */ difference { merge { box { <-138, 7, 309>, <-133, 0, 318> } box { <-142, 7, 313>, <-133.001, 0, 317.999> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union box { <-137.8, 8, 309.2>, <-133.2, 6.75, 317.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-141.8, 8, 313.2>, <-133.2, 6.7501, 317.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-143, 0.1, 308>, <-131, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 19) */ box { <-143, 0.005, 319>, <-131, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-140, 0.01, 324.85>, <-137, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-134, 0.01, 324.85>, <-131, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 1, -318>, <-127, 0, -309> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-130.8, 2, -317.8>, <-127.2, 0.75, -309.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -319>, <-120, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 1, -302>, <-122, 0, -298> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-130.8, 2, -301.8>, <-122.2, 0.75, -298.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -308>, <-120, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -297>, <-120, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -291.15>, <-126, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -291.15>, <-120, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 1, -285>, <-127, 0, -281> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-130.8, 2, -284.8>, <-127.2, 0.75, -281.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -286>, <-120, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -275>, <-120, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -269.15>, <-126, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -269.15>, <-120, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, -258>, <-122, 0, -254> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-130.8, 3, -257.8>, <-122.2, 1.75, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -264>, <-120, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 4, -252>, <-122, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-125.8, 5, -251.8>, <-122.2, 3.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -253>, <-120, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -242>, <-120, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -236.15>, <-126, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -236.15>, <-120, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 5, -230>, <-127, 0, -226> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-130.8, 6, -229.8>, <-127.2, 4.75, -226.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -231>, <-120, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 2, -214>, <-122, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-125.8, 3, -213.8>, <-122.2, 1.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -220>, <-120, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -209>, <-120, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -203.15>, <-126, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -203.15>, <-120, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 0, -197>, <-122, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-130.8, 1, -196.8>, <-122.2, -0.25, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -198>, <-120, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -187>, <-120, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -181.15>, <-126, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -181.15>, <-120, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 5, -175>, <-122, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-125.8, 6, -174.8>, <-122.2, 4.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -176>, <-120, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 3, -159>, <-122, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-125.8, 4, -158.8>, <-122.2, 2.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -165>, <-120, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -154>, <-120, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -148.15>, <-126, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -148.15>, <-120, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, -142>, <-127, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-130.8, 3, -141.8>, <-127.2, 1.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -143>, <-120, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, -131>, <-122, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-130.8, 3, -130.8>, <-122.2, 1.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -132>, <-120, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -121>, <-120, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -115.15>, <-126, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -115.15>, <-120, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, -109>, <-127, 0, -105> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-130.8, 3, -108.8>, <-127.2, 1.75, -105.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -110>, <-120, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, -98>, <-127, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-130.8, 3, -97.8>, <-127.2, 1.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -99>, <-120, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -88>, <-120, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -82.15>, <-126, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -82.15>, <-120, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 6, -71>, <-122, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-125.8, 7, -70.8>, <-122.2, 5.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -77>, <-120, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 6, -65>, <-122, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-130.8, 7, -64.8>, <-122.2, 5.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -66>, <-120, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -55>, <-120, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -49.15>, <-126, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -49.15>, <-120, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 1, -43>, <-122, 0 , -39> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-130.8, 2, -42.8>, <-122.2, 0.75, -39.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -44>, <-120, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, -33>, <-120, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, -27.15>, <-126, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, -27.15>, <-120, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 0, -21>, <-122, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-130.8, 1, -20.8>, <-122.2, -0.25, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -22>, <-120, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 5, -5>, <-122, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-130.8, 6, -4.8>, <-122.2, 4.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, -11>, <-120, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 0>, <-120, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 5.85>, <-126, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 5.85>, <-120, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 6, 12>, <-127, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-130.8, 7, 12.2>, <-127.2, 5.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 11>, <-120, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, 23>, <-122, 0 , 27> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-130.8, 3, 23.2>, <-122.2, 1.75, 26.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 22>, <-120, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 33>, <-120, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 38.85>, <-126, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 38.85>, <-120, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 3, 50>, <-122, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-125.8, 4, 50.2>, <-122.2, 2.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 44>, <-120, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 7, 61>, <-122, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-125.8, 8, 61.2>, <-122.2, 6.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 55>, <-120, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 66>, <-120, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 71.85>, <-126, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 71.85>, <-120, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, 78>, <-127, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-130.8, 3, 78.2>, <-127.2, 1.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 77>, <-120, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 4, 89>, <-122, 0 , 93> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-130.8, 5, 89.2>, <-122.2, 3.75, 92.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 88>, <-120, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 99>, <-120, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 104.85>, <-126, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 104.85>, <-120, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, 111>, <-122, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-130.8, 3, 111.2>, <-122.2, 1.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 110>, <-120, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 121>, <-120, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 126.85>, <-126, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 126.85>, <-120, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 5, 138>, <-122, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-130.8, 6, 138.2>, <-122.2, 4.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 132>, <-120, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 20) */ difference { merge { box { <-127, 7, 144>, <-122, 0, 153> } box { <-131, 7, 148>, <-122.001, 0, 152.999> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union box { <-126.8, 8, 144.2>, <-122.2, 6.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-130.8, 8, 148.2>, <-122.2, 6.7501, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 143>, <-120, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 154>, <-120, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 159.85>, <-126, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 159.85>, <-120, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 4, 166>, <-122, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-125.8, 5, 166.2>, <-122.2, 3.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 165>, <-120, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 4, 182>, <-122, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-125.8, 5, 182.2>, <-122.2, 3.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 176>, <-120, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 187>, <-120, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 192.85>, <-126, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 192.85>, <-120, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 3, 204>, <-122, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-125.8, 4, 204.2>, <-122.2, 2.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 198>, <-120, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 6, 210>, <-127, 0, 214> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-130.8, 7, 210.2>, <-127.2, 5.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 209>, <-120, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 220>, <-120, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 225.85>, <-126, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 225.85>, <-120, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 1, 237>, <-122, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-130.8, 2, 237.2>, <-122.2, 0.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 231>, <-120, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 20) */ difference { box { <-131, 2, 248>, <-122, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-130.8, 3, 248.2>, <-122.2, 1.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 242>, <-120, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 20) */ box { <-132, 0.005, 253>, <-120, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-129, 0.01, 258.85>, <-126, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-123, 0.01, 258.85>, <-120, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 20) */ difference { box { <-126, 7, 265>, <-122, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-125.8, 8, 265.2>, <-122.2, 6.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-132, 0.1, 264>, <-120, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 8, -197>, <-111, 0 , -193> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-119.8, 9, -196.8>, <-111.2, 7.75, -193.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -198>, <-109, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, -187>, <-109, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, -181.15>, <-115, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, -181.15>, <-109, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-120, 7, -175>, <-101, 0, -166> } box { <-119.999, 7, -174.999>, <-111, 0, -156> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <-119.8, 8, -174.8>, <-101.2, 6.75, -166.2> } box { <-119.8, 8, -174.8>, <-111.2, 6.7501, -156.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -176>, <-109, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 0, -159>, <-111, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-114.8, 1, -158.8>, <-111.2, -0.25, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -165>, <-109, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, -154>, <-109, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, -148.15>, <-115, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, -148.15>, <-109, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-116, 9, -142>, <-111, 0, -123> } box { <-120, 9, -141.999>, <-111.001, 0, -133> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union merge { box { <-115.8, 10, -141.8>, <-111.2, 8.75, -123.2> } box { <-119.8, 10, -141.8>, <-111.2, 8.7501, -132.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -143>, <-109, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 0, -131>, <-111, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-119.8, 1, -130.8>, <-111.2, -0.25, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -132>, <-109, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, -121>, <-109, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, -115.15>, <-115, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, -115.15>, <-109, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 3, -109>, <-111, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-114.8, 4, -108.8>, <-111.2, 2.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -110>, <-109, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-120, 9, -98>, <-111, 0, -94> } box { <-119.999, 9, -97.999>, <-116, 0, -89> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <-119.8, 10, -97.8>, <-111.2, 8.75, -94.2> } box { <-119.8, 10, -97.8>, <-116.2, 8.7501, -89.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -99>, <-109, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, -88>, <-109, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, -82.15>, <-115, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, -82.15>, <-109, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-120, 10, -76>, <-116, 0, -57> } box { <-119.999, 10, -67>, <-111, 0, -57.001> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <-119.8, 11, -75.8>, <-116.2, 9.75, -57.2> } box { <-119.8, 11, -66.8>, <-111.2, 9.7501, -57.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -77>, <-109, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 0, -65>, <-111, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-119.8, 1, -64.8>, <-111.2, -0.25, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -66>, <-109, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, -55>, <-109, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, -49.15>, <-115, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, -49.15>, <-109, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 7, -43>, <-111, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-114.8, 8, -42.8>, <-111.2, 6.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -44>, <-109, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, -33>, <-109, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, -27.15>, <-115, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, -27.15>, <-109, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 2, -16>, <-111, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-114.8, 3, -15.8>, <-111.2, 1.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -22>, <-109, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-120, 7, -10>, <-111, 0, -6> } box { <-119.999, 7, -9.999>, <-116, 0, -1> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <-119.8, 8, -9.8>, <-111.2, 6.75, -6.2> } box { <-119.8, 8, -9.8>, <-116.2, 6.7501, -1.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, -11>, <-109, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 0>, <-109, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 5.85>, <-115, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 5.85>, <-109, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-111, 7, 12>, <-101, 0, 31> } box { <-120, 7, 21>, <-101.001, 0, 30.999> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union box { <-110.8, 8, 12.2>, <-101.2, 6.75, 30.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-119.8, 8, 21.2>, <-101.2, 6.7501, 30.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 11>, <-109, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 0, 28>, <-111, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-114.8, 1, 28.2>, <-111.2, -0.25, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 22>, <-109, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 33>, <-109, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 38.85>, <-115, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 38.85>, <-109, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 6, 45>, <-116, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-119.8, 7, 45.2>, <-116.2, 5.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 44>, <-109, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 1, 61>, <-111, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-119.8, 2, 61.2>, <-111.2, 0.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 55>, <-109, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 66>, <-109, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 71.85>, <-115, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 71.85>, <-109, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 3, 83>, <-111, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-114.8, 4, 83.2>, <-111.2, 2.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 77>, <-109, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 10, 94>, <-111, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-114.8, 11, 94.2>, <-111.2, 9.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 88>, <-109, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 99>, <-109, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 104.85>, <-115, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 104.85>, <-109, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 21) */ difference { box { <-115, 1, 111>, <-111, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-114.8, 2, 111.2>, <-111.2, 0.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 110>, <-109, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 121>, <-109, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 126.85>, <-115, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 126.85>, <-109, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-120, 9, 133>, <-101, 0, 137> } box { <-119.999, 9, 133.001>, <-111, 0, 142> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union merge { box { <-119.8, 10, 133.2>, <-101.2, 8.75, 136.8> } box { <-119.8, 10, 133.2>, <-111.2, 8.7501, 141.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 132>, <-109, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 4, 144>, <-111, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-119.8, 5, 144.2>, <-111.2, 3.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 143>, <-109, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 154>, <-109, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 159.85>, <-115, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 159.85>, <-109, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-120, 8, 166>, <-111, 0, 175> } box { <-119.999, 8, 166.001>, <-116, 0, 185> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union merge { box { <-119.8, 9, 166.2>, <-111.2, 7.75, 174.8> } box { <-119.8, 9, 166.2>, <-116.2, 7.7501, 184.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 165>, <-109, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 0, 177>, <-116, 0, 181> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-119.8, 1, 177.2>, <-116.2, -0.25, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 176>, <-109, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 187>, <-109, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 192.85>, <-115, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 192.85>, <-109, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 21) */ difference { merge { box { <-116, 8, 199>, <-111, 0, 218> } box { <-120, 8, 208>, <-111.001, 0, 217.999> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <-115.8, 9, 199.2>, <-111.2, 7.75, 217.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-119.8, 9, 208.2>, <-111.2, 7.7501, 217.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 198>, <-109, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 0, 210>, <-116, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-119.8, 1, 210.2>, <-116.2, -0.25, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 209>, <-109, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 21) */ box { <-121, 0.005, 220>, <-109, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-118, 0.01, 225.85>, <-115, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-112, 0.01, 225.85>, <-109, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 21) */ difference { box { <-120, 5, 232>, <-111, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-119.8, 6, 232.2>, <-111.2, 4.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-121, 0.1, 231>, <-109, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -297>, <-98, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -291.15>, <-104, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -291.15>, <-98, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 1, -285>, <-100, 0, -276> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-103.8, 2, -284.8>, <-100.2, 0.75, -276.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -286>, <-98, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -275>, <-98, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -269.15>, <-104, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -269.15>, <-98, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 7, -258>, <-100, 0, -254> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-103.8, 8, -257.8>, <-100.2, 6.75, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -264>, <-98, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 10, -247>, <-100, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-103.8, 11, -246.8>, <-100.2, 9.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -253>, <-98, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -242>, <-98, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -236.15>, <-104, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -236.15>, <-98, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 3, -230>, <-100, 0 , -226> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-108.8, 4, -229.8>, <-100.2, 2.75, -226.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -231>, <-98, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 4, -219>, <-100, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-108.8, 5, -218.8>, <-100.2, 3.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -220>, <-98, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -209>, <-98, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -203.15>, <-104, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -203.15>, <-98, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 6, -197>, <-100, 0 , -193> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-108.8, 7, -196.8>, <-100.2, 5.75, -193.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -198>, <-98, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -187>, <-98, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -181.15>, <-104, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -181.15>, <-98, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 0, -175>, <-105, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-108.8, 1, -174.8>, <-105.2, -0.25, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -176>, <-98, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 22) */ difference { merge { box { <-109, 10, -164>, <-90, 0, -160> } box { <-108.999, 10, -163.999>, <-100, 0, -155> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <-108.8, 11, -163.8>, <-90.2, 9.75, -160.2> } box { <-108.8, 11, -163.8>, <-100.2, 9.7501, -155.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -165>, <-98, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -154>, <-98, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -148.15>, <-104, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -148.15>, <-98, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 3, -142>, <-100, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-108.8, 4, -141.8>, <-100.2, 2.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -143>, <-98, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 5, -131>, <-100, 0 , -127> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-108.8, 6, -130.8>, <-100.2, 4.75, -127.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -132>, <-98, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -121>, <-98, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -115.15>, <-104, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -115.15>, <-98, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 5, -104>, <-100, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-103.8, 6, -103.8>, <-100.2, 4.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -110>, <-98, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 4, -98>, <-100, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-103.8, 5, -97.8>, <-100.2, 3.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -99>, <-98, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -88>, <-98, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -82.15>, <-104, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -82.15>, <-98, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 4, -71>, <-100, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-108.8, 5, -70.8>, <-100.2, 3.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -77>, <-98, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 7, -65>, <-100, 0 , -61> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-108.8, 8, -64.8>, <-100.2, 6.75, -61.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -66>, <-98, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -55>, <-98, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -49.15>, <-104, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -49.15>, <-98, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 10, -43>, <-100, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-103.8, 11, -42.8>, <-100.2, 9.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -44>, <-98, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, -33>, <-98, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, -27.15>, <-104, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, -27.15>, <-98, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 3, -21>, <-100, 0 , -17> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-108.8, 4, -20.8>, <-100.2, 2.75, -17.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -22>, <-98, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 3, -5>, <-100, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-103.8, 4, -4.8>, <-100.2, 2.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, -11>, <-98, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 0>, <-98, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 5.85>, <-104, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 5.85>, <-98, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 0, 17>, <-100, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-103.8, 1, 17.2>, <-100.2, -0.25, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 11>, <-98, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 0, 28>, <-100, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-108.8, 1, 28.2>, <-100.2, -0.25, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 22>, <-98, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 33>, <-98, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 38.85>, <-104, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 38.85>, <-98, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 22) */ difference { merge { box { <-109, 9, 45>, <-100, 0, 49> } box { <-108.999, 9, 45.001>, <-105, 0, 54> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <-108.8, 10, 45.2>, <-100.2, 8.75, 48.8> } box { <-108.8, 10, 45.2>, <-105.2, 8.7501, 53.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 44>, <-98, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 3, 56>, <-100, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-108.8, 4, 56.2>, <-100.2, 2.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 55>, <-98, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 66>, <-98, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 71.85>, <-104, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 71.85>, <-98, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 6, 78>, <-100, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-108.8, 7, 78.2>, <-100.2, 5.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 77>, <-98, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 22) */ difference { merge { box { <-105, 9, 89>, <-100, 0, 98> } box { <-109, 9, 93>, <-100.001, 0, 97.999> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <-104.8, 10, 89.2>, <-100.2, 8.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-108.8, 10, 93.2>, <-100.2, 8.7501, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 88>, <-98, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 99>, <-98, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 104.85>, <-104, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 104.85>, <-98, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 10, 116>, <-100, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-103.8, 11, 116.2>, <-100.2, 9.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 110>, <-98, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 121>, <-98, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 126.85>, <-104, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 126.85>, <-98, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 0, 138>, <-100, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-108.8, 1, 138.2>, <-100.2, -0.25, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 132>, <-98, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 2, 149>, <-100, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-103.8, 3, 149.2>, <-100.2, 1.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 143>, <-98, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 154>, <-98, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 159.85>, <-104, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 159.85>, <-98, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 1, 166>, <-100, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-108.8, 2, 166.2>, <-100.2, 0.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 165>, <-98, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 9, 177>, <-100, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-108.8, 10, 177.2>, <-100.2, 8.75, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 176>, <-98, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 187>, <-98, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 192.85>, <-104, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 192.85>, <-98, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 5, 199>, <-100, 0 , 203> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-108.8, 6, 199.2>, <-100.2, 4.75, 202.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 198>, <-98, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 5, 210>, <-100, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-108.8, 6, 210.2>, <-100.2, 4.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 209>, <-98, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 220>, <-98, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 225.85>, <-104, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 225.85>, <-98, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 1, 232>, <-105, 0, 236> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-108.8, 2, 232.2>, <-105.2, 0.75, 235.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 231>, <-98, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 22) */ difference { box { <-109, 3, 243>, <-105, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-108.8, 4, 243.2>, <-105.2, 2.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 242>, <-98, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 253>, <-98, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 258.85>, <-104, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 258.85>, <-98, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 6, 270>, <-100, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-103.8, 7, 270.2>, <-100.2, 5.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 264>, <-98, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 22) */ difference { merge { box { <-108, 7, 276>, <-101, 0, 285> } box { <-109, 7, 277>, <-100, 0, 284> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <-107.8, 8, 276.2>, <-101.2, 6.75, 284.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-108.8, 8, 277.2>, <-100.2, 6.7501, 283.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 275>, <-98, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 286>, <-98, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 291.85>, <-104, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 291.85>, <-98, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 22) */ difference { merge { box { <-105, 9, 298>, <-100, 0, 307> } box { <-109, 9, 298.001>, <-100.001, 0, 302> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <-104.8, 10, 298.2>, <-100.2, 8.75, 306.8> } box { <-108.8, 10, 298.2>, <-100.2, 8.7501, 302.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 297>, <-98, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 22) */ difference { box { <-104, 6, 309>, <-100, 0, 318> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-103.8, 7, 309.2>, <-100.2, 5.75, 317.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-110, 0.1, 308>, <-98, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 22) */ box { <-110, 0.005, 319>, <-98, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-107, 0.01, 324.85>, <-104, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-101, 0.01, 324.85>, <-98, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 1, -318>, <-94, 0, -309> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-97.8, 2, -317.8>, <-94.2, 0.75, -309.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -319>, <-87, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 1, -307>, <-94, 0, -303> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-97.8, 2, -306.8>, <-94.2, 0.75, -303.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -308>, <-87, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -297>, <-87, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -291.15>, <-93, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -291.15>, <-87, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 1, -285>, <-94, 0, -281> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-97.8, 2, -284.8>, <-94.2, 0.75, -281.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -286>, <-87, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -275>, <-87, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -269.15>, <-93, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -269.15>, <-87, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 8, -263>, <-89, 0 , -259> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-97.8, 9, -262.8>, <-89.2, 7.75, -259.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -264>, <-87, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 1, -252>, <-94, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-97.8, 2, -251.8>, <-94.2, 0.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -253>, <-87, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -242>, <-87, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -236.15>, <-93, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -236.15>, <-87, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 23) */ difference { merge { box { <-94, 7, -230>, <-89, 0, -211> } box { <-98, 7, -221>, <-89.001, 0, -211.001> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <-93.8, 8, -229.8>, <-89.2, 6.75, -211.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-97.8, 8, -220.8>, <-89.2, 6.7501, -211.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -231>, <-87, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 0, -219>, <-94, 0, -215> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-97.8, 1, -218.8>, <-94.2, -0.25, -215.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -220>, <-87, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -209>, <-87, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -203.15>, <-93, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -203.15>, <-87, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 23) */ difference { merge { box { <-89, 7, -197>, <-79, 0, -188> } box { <-98, 7, -196.999>, <-79.001, 0, -193> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <-88.8, 8, -196.8>, <-79.2, 6.75, -188.2> } box { <-97.8, 8, -196.8>, <-79.2, 6.7501, -192.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -198>, <-87, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -187>, <-87, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -181.15>, <-93, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -181.15>, <-87, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 14, -175>, <-94, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-97.8, 15, -174.8>, <-94.2, 13.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -176>, <-87, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 0, -164>, <-89, 0 , -160> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-97.8, 1, -163.8>, <-89.2, -0.25, -160.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -165>, <-87, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -154>, <-87, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -148.15>, <-93, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -148.15>, <-87, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 23) */ difference { merge { box { <-94, 10, -142>, <-89, 0, -123> } box { <-98, 10, -133>, <-89.001, 0, -123.001> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union box { <-93.8, 11, -141.8>, <-89.2, 9.75, -123.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-97.8, 11, -132.8>, <-89.2, 9.7501, -123.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -143>, <-87, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 0, -131>, <-94, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-97.8, 1, -130.8>, <-94.2, -0.25, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -132>, <-87, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -121>, <-87, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -115.15>, <-93, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -115.15>, <-87, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 23) */ difference { box { <-93, 8, -109>, <-89, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-92.8, 9, -108.8>, <-89.2, 7.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -110>, <-87, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 3, -98>, <-94, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-97.8, 4, -97.8>, <-94.2, 2.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -99>, <-87, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -88>, <-87, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -82.15>, <-93, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -82.15>, <-87, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 23) */ difference { merge { box { <-98, 10, -76>, <-94, 0, -57> } box { <-97.999, 10, -67>, <-89, 0, -57.001> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-97.8, 11, -75.8>, <-94.2, 9.75, -57.2> } box { <-97.8, 11, -66.8>, <-89.2, 9.7501, -57.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -77>, <-87, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 0, -65>, <-89, 0 , -61> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-97.8, 1, -64.8>, <-89.2, -0.25, -61.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -66>, <-87, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -55>, <-87, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -49.15>, <-93, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -49.15>, <-87, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 3, -43>, <-89, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-97.8, 4, -42.8>, <-89.2, 2.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -44>, <-87, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, -33>, <-87, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, -27.15>, <-93, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, -27.15>, <-87, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 5, -21>, <-89, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-97.8, 6, -20.8>, <-89.2, 4.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -22>, <-87, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 5, -10>, <-94, 0, -6> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-97.8, 6, -9.8>, <-94.2, 4.75, -6.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, -11>, <-87, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 0>, <-87, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 5.85>, <-93, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 5.85>, <-87, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 2, 12>, <-89, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-97.8, 3, 12.2>, <-89.2, 1.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 11>, <-87, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 23) */ difference { merge { box { <-94, 13, 23>, <-89, 0, 32> } box { <-98, 13, 23.001>, <-89.001, 0, 27> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <-93.8, 14, 23.2>, <-89.2, 12.75, 31.8> } box { <-97.8, 14, 23.2>, <-89.2, 12.7501, 27.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 22>, <-87, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 33>, <-87, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 38.85>, <-93, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 38.85>, <-87, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 4, 45>, <-89, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-97.8, 5, 45.2>, <-89.2, 3.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 44>, <-87, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 9, 61>, <-89, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-97.8, 10, 61.2>, <-89.2, 8.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 55>, <-87, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 66>, <-87, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 71.85>, <-93, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 71.85>, <-87, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 6, 83>, <-89, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-97.8, 7, 83.2>, <-89.2, 5.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 77>, <-87, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 6, 89>, <-89, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-97.8, 7, 89.2>, <-89.2, 5.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 88>, <-87, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 99>, <-87, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 104.85>, <-93, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 104.85>, <-87, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 15, 111>, <-89, 0 , 115> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-97.8, 16, 111.2>, <-89.2, 14.75, 114.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 110>, <-87, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 121>, <-87, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 126.85>, <-93, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 126.85>, <-87, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 23) */ difference { box { <-93, 10, 138>, <-89, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-92.8, 11, 138.2>, <-89.2, 9.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 132>, <-87, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 23) */ difference { merge { box { <-97, 7, 144>, <-80, 0, 153> } box { <-98, 7, 145>, <-79, 0, 152> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union box { <-96.8, 8, 144.2>, <-80.2, 6.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-97.8, 8, 145.2>, <-79.2, 6.7501, 151.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 143>, <-87, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 154>, <-87, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 159.85>, <-93, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 159.85>, <-87, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 23) */ difference { merge { box { <-98, 13, 166>, <-89, 0, 170> } box { <-97.999, 13, 166.001>, <-94, 0, 175> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union merge { box { <-97.8, 14, 166.2>, <-89.2, 12.75, 169.8> } box { <-97.8, 14, 166.2>, <-94.2, 12.7501, 174.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 165>, <-87, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 4, 177>, <-89, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-97.8, 5, 177.2>, <-89.2, 3.75, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 176>, <-87, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 187>, <-87, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 192.85>, <-93, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 192.85>, <-87, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 2, 204>, <-89, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-97.8, 3, 204.2>, <-89.2, 1.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 198>, <-87, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 5, 210>, <-89, 0 , 214> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-97.8, 6, 210.2>, <-89.2, 4.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 209>, <-87, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 220>, <-87, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 225.85>, <-93, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 225.85>, <-87, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 3, 232>, <-94, 0, 236> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-97.8, 4, 232.2>, <-94.2, 2.75, 235.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 231>, <-87, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 5, 243>, <-89, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-97.8, 6, 243.2>, <-89.2, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 242>, <-87, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 23) */ box { <-99, 0.005, 253>, <-87, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-96, 0.01, 258.85>, <-93, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-90, 0.01, 258.85>, <-87, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 23) */ difference { box { <-93, 6, 265>, <-89, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-92.8, 7, 265.2>, <-89.2, 5.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 264>, <-87, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 23) */ difference { box { <-98, 2, 276>, <-89, 0, 285> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-97.8, 3, 276.2>, <-89.2, 1.75, 284.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-99, 0.1, 275>, <-87, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 1, -318>, <-78, 0, -309> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-86.8, 2, -317.8>, <-78.2, 0.75, -309.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -319>, <-76, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 1, -302>, <-78, 0, -298> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-86.8, 2, -301.8>, <-78.2, 0.75, -298.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -308>, <-76, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -297>, <-76, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -291.15>, <-82, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -291.15>, <-76, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 24) */ difference { box { <-82, 1, -280>, <-78, 0, -276> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-81.8, 2, -279.8>, <-78.2, 0.75, -276.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -286>, <-76, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -275>, <-76, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -269.15>, <-82, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -269.15>, <-76, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-83, 8, -263>, <-78, 0, -254> } box { <-87, 8, -259>, <-78.001, 0, -254.001> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <-82.8, 9, -262.8>, <-78.2, 7.75, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-86.8, 9, -258.8>, <-78.2, 7.7501, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -264>, <-76, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 24) */ difference { box { <-82, 11, -252>, <-78, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-81.8, 12, -251.8>, <-78.2, 10.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -253>, <-76, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -242>, <-76, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -236.15>, <-82, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -236.15>, <-76, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 1, -230>, <-78, 0, -221> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-86.8, 2, -229.8>, <-78.2, 0.75, -221.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -231>, <-76, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-87, 14, -219>, <-78, 0, -215> } box { <-86.999, 14, -218.999>, <-83, 0, -210> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <-86.8, 15, -218.8>, <-78.2, 13.75, -215.2> } box { <-86.8, 15, -218.8>, <-83.2, 13.7501, -210.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -220>, <-76, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -209>, <-76, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -203.15>, <-82, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -203.15>, <-76, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 0, -192>, <-78, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-86.8, 1, -191.8>, <-78.2, -0.25, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -198>, <-76, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -187>, <-76, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -181.15>, <-82, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -181.15>, <-76, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 24) */ difference { box { <-82, 6, -170>, <-78, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-81.8, 7, -169.8>, <-78.2, 5.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -176>, <-76, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 24) */ difference { box { <-82, 3, -164>, <-78, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-81.8, 4, -163.8>, <-78.2, 2.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -165>, <-76, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -154>, <-76, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -148.15>, <-82, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -148.15>, <-76, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-87, 13, -142>, <-78, 0, -133> } box { <-86.999, 13, -141.999>, <-83, 0, -123> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <-86.8, 14, -141.8>, <-78.2, 12.75, -133.2> } box { <-86.8, 14, -141.8>, <-83.2, 12.7501, -123.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -143>, <-76, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 24) */ difference { box { <-82, 0, -131>, <-78, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-81.8, 1, -130.8>, <-78.2, -0.25, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -132>, <-76, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -121>, <-76, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -115.15>, <-82, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -115.15>, <-76, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 8, -104>, <-78, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-86.8, 9, -103.8>, <-78.2, 7.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -110>, <-76, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 5, -98>, <-83, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-86.8, 6, -97.8>, <-83.2, 4.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -99>, <-76, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -88>, <-76, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -82.15>, <-82, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -82.15>, <-76, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-87, 15, -76>, <-83, 0, -67> } box { <-86.999, 15, -72>, <-78, 0, -67.001> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <-86.8, 16, -75.8>, <-83.2, 14.75, -67.2> } box { <-86.8, 16, -71.8>, <-78.2, 14.7501, -67.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -77>, <-76, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-87, 9, -65>, <-83, 0, -56> } box { <-86.999, 9, -61>, <-78, 0, -56.001> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union merge { box { <-86.8, 10, -64.8>, <-83.2, 8.75, -56.2> } box { <-86.8, 10, -60.8>, <-78.2, 8.7501, -56.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -66>, <-76, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -55>, <-76, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -49.15>, <-82, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -49.15>, <-76, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-86, 10, -43>, <-79, 0, -34> } box { <-87, 10, -42>, <-78, 0, -35> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union box { <-85.8, 11, -42.8>, <-79.2, 9.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-86.8, 11, -41.8>, <-78.2, 9.7501, -35.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -44>, <-76, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, -33>, <-76, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, -27.15>, <-82, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, -27.15>, <-76, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 11, -16>, <-78, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-86.8, 12, -15.8>, <-78.2, 10.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -22>, <-76, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 1, -10>, <-83, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-86.8, 2, -9.8>, <-83.2, 0.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, -11>, <-76, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 0>, <-76, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 5.85>, <-82, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 5.85>, <-76, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 8, 12>, <-83, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-86.8, 9, 12.2>, <-83.2, 7.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 11>, <-76, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-83, 10, 23>, <-78, 0, 32> } box { <-87, 10, 23.001>, <-78.001, 0, 27> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <-82.8, 11, 23.2>, <-78.2, 9.75, 31.8> } box { <-86.8, 11, 23.2>, <-78.2, 9.7501, 27.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 22>, <-76, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 33>, <-76, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 38.85>, <-82, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 38.85>, <-76, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-83, 9, 45>, <-78, 0, 64> } box { <-87, 9, 54>, <-78.001, 0, 63.999> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union box { <-82.8, 10, 45.2>, <-78.2, 8.75, 63.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-86.8, 10, 54.2>, <-78.2, 8.7501, 63.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 44>, <-76, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 24) */ difference { box { <-82, 0, 56>, <-78, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-81.8, 1, 56.2>, <-78.2, -0.25, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 55>, <-76, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 66>, <-76, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 71.85>, <-82, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 71.85>, <-76, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 12, 78>, <-83, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-86.8, 13, 78.2>, <-83.2, 11.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 77>, <-76, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-87, 8, 89>, <-78, 0, 93> } box { <-86.999, 8, 89.001>, <-83, 0, 98> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-86.8, 9, 89.2>, <-78.2, 7.75, 92.8> } box { <-86.8, 9, 89.2>, <-83.2, 7.7501, 97.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 88>, <-76, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 99>, <-76, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 104.85>, <-82, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 104.85>, <-76, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 24) */ difference { box { <-82, 3, 111>, <-78, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-81.8, 4, 111.2>, <-78.2, 2.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 110>, <-76, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 121>, <-76, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 126.85>, <-82, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 126.85>, <-76, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 3, 133>, <-78, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-86.8, 4, 133.2>, <-78.2, 2.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 132>, <-76, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 0, 149>, <-78, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-86.8, 1, 149.2>, <-78.2, -0.25, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 143>, <-76, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 154>, <-76, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 159.85>, <-82, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 159.85>, <-76, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 24) */ difference { merge { box { <-87, 9, 166>, <-83, 0, 175> } box { <-86.999, 9, 170>, <-78, 0, 174.999> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <-86.8, 10, 166.2>, <-83.2, 8.75, 174.8> } box { <-86.8, 10, 170.2>, <-78.2, 8.7501, 174.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 165>, <-76, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 1, 177>, <-78, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-86.8, 2, 177.2>, <-78.2, 0.75, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 176>, <-76, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 187>, <-76, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 192.85>, <-82, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 192.85>, <-76, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 4, 199>, <-83, 0, 203> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-86.8, 5, 199.2>, <-83.2, 3.75, 202.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 198>, <-76, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 4, 210>, <-83, 0, 214> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-86.8, 5, 210.2>, <-83.2, 3.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 209>, <-76, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 24) */ box { <-88, 0.005, 220>, <-76, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-85, 0.01, 225.85>, <-82, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-79, 0.01, 225.85>, <-76, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 4, 232>, <-78, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-86.8, 5, 232.2>, <-78.2, 3.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 231>, <-76, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 24) */ difference { box { <-87, 5, 243>, <-78, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-86.8, 6, 243.2>, <-78.2, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-88, 0.1, 242>, <-76, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -275>, <-65, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -275>, <-77, 2.25, -275>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -263>, <-65, 2.25, -263>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -275>, <-65, 0, -274.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -274>, <-66, 0, -273.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -263.25>, <-65, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -264.25>, <-66, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -275>, <-76.75, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -274>, <-75.75, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -275>, <-65, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -274>, <-66, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 8, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -264>, <-65, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -261>, <-70.85, 0, -258> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -255>, <-70.85, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 9, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -253>, <-65, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -250>, <-70.85, 0, -247> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -244>, <-70.85, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -242>, <-65, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -242>, <-77, 2.25, -242>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -230>, <-65, 2.25, -230>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -242>, <-65, 0, -241.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -241>, <-66, 0, -240.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -230.25>, <-65, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -231.25>, <-66, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -242>, <-76.75, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -241>, <-75.75, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -242>, <-65, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -241>, <-66, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 11, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -231>, <-65, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -228>, <-70.85, 0, -225> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -222>, <-70.85, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 12, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -220>, <-65, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -217>, <-70.85, 0, -214> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -211>, <-70.85, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -209>, <-65, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -209>, <-77, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -197>, <-65, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -209>, <-65, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -208>, <-66, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -197.25>, <-65, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -198.25>, <-66, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -209>, <-76.75, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -208>, <-75.75, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -209>, <-65, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -208>, <-66, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -198>, <-65, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -195>, <-70.85, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -189>, <-70.85, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -187>, <-65, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -187>, <-77, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -175>, <-65, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -187>, <-65, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -186>, <-66, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -175.25>, <-65, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -176.25>, <-66, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -187>, <-76.75, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -186>, <-75.75, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -187>, <-65, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -186>, <-66, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -176>, <-65, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -173>, <-70.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -167>, <-70.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -165>, <-65, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -162>, <-70.85, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -156>, <-70.85, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -154>, <-65, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -154>, <-77, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -142>, <-65, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -154>, <-65, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -153>, <-66, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -142.25>, <-65, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -143.25>, <-66, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -154>, <-76.75, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -153>, <-75.75, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -154>, <-65, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -153>, <-66, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -143>, <-65, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -140>, <-70.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -134>, <-70.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -132>, <-65, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -129>, <-70.85, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -123>, <-70.85, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -121>, <-65, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -121>, <-77, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -109>, <-65, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -121>, <-65, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -120>, <-66, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -109.25>, <-65, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -110.25>, <-66, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -121>, <-76.75, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -120>, <-75.75, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -121>, <-65, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -120>, <-66, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -110>, <-65, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -107>, <-70.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -101>, <-70.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -99>, <-65, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -96>, <-70.85, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -90>, <-70.85, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -88>, <-65, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -88>, <-77, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -76>, <-65, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -88>, <-65, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -87>, <-66, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -76.25>, <-65, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -77.25>, <-66, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -88>, <-76.75, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -87>, <-75.75, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -88>, <-65, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -87>, <-66, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -77>, <-65, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -74>, <-70.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -68>, <-70.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -66>, <-65, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -63>, <-70.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -57>, <-70.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -55>, <-65, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -55>, <-77, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -43>, <-65, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -55>, <-65, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -54>, <-66, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -43.25>, <-65, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -44.25>, <-66, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -55>, <-76.75, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -54>, <-75.75, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -55>, <-65, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -54>, <-66, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -44>, <-65, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -41>, <-70.85, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -35>, <-70.85, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -33>, <-65, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, -33>, <-77, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, -21>, <-65, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -33>, <-65, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -32>, <-66, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -21.25>, <-65, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -22.25>, <-66, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, -33>, <-76.75, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, -32>, <-75.75, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, -33>, <-65, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, -32>, <-66, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -22>, <-65, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -19>, <-70.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -13>, <-70.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, -11>, <-65, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -8>, <-70.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, -2>, <-70.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 0>, <-65, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 0>, <-77, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 12>, <-65, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 0>, <-65, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 1>, <-66, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 11.75>, <-65, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 10.75>, <-66, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 0>, <-76.75, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 1>, <-75.75, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 0>, <-65, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 1>, <-66, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 11>, <-65, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 14>, <-70.85, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 20>, <-70.85, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 22>, <-65, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 25>, <-70.85, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 31>, <-70.85, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 33>, <-65, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 33>, <-77, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 45>, <-65, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 33>, <-65, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 34>, <-66, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 44.75>, <-65, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 43.75>, <-66, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 33>, <-76.75, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 34>, <-75.75, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 33>, <-65, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 34>, <-66, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 44>, <-65, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 47>, <-70.85, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 53>, <-70.85, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 55>, <-65, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 58>, <-70.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 64>, <-70.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 66>, <-65, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 66>, <-77, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 78>, <-65, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 66>, <-65, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 67>, <-66, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 77.75>, <-65, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 76.75>, <-66, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 66>, <-76.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 67>, <-75.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 66>, <-65, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 67>, <-66, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 77>, <-65, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 80>, <-70.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 86>, <-70.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 88>, <-65, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 91>, <-70.85, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 97>, <-70.85, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 99>, <-65, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 99>, <-77, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 111>, <-65, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 99>, <-65, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 100>, <-66, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 110.75>, <-65, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 109.75>, <-66, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 99>, <-76.75, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 100>, <-75.75, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 99>, <-65, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 100>, <-66, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 110>, <-65, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 113>, <-70.85, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 119>, <-70.85, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 121>, <-65, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 121>, <-77, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 133>, <-65, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 121>, <-65, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 122>, <-66, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 132.75>, <-65, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 131.75>, <-66, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 121>, <-76.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 122>, <-75.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 121>, <-65, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 122>, <-66, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 132>, <-65, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 135>, <-70.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 141>, <-70.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 143>, <-65, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 146>, <-70.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 152>, <-70.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 154>, <-65, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 154>, <-77, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 166>, <-65, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 154>, <-65, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 155>, <-66, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 165.75>, <-65, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 164.75>, <-66, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 154>, <-76.75, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 155>, <-75.75, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 154>, <-65, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 155>, <-66, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 165>, <-65, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 168>, <-70.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 174>, <-70.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 176>, <-65, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 179>, <-70.85, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 185>, <-70.85, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 187>, <-65, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 187>, <-77, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 199>, <-65, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 187>, <-65, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 188>, <-66, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 198.75>, <-65, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 197.75>, <-66, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 187>, <-76.75, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 188>, <-75.75, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 187>, <-65, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 188>, <-66, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 198>, <-65, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 201>, <-70.85, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 207>, <-70.85, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 209>, <-65, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 212>, <-70.85, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 218>, <-70.85, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 220>, <-65, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-77, 0, 220>, <-77, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-65, 0, 232>, <-65, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 220>, <-65, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 221>, <-66, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 231.75>, <-65, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 230.75>, <-66, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-77, 0.01, 220>, <-76.75, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-76, 0.01, 221>, <-75.75, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-65.25, 0.01, 220>, <-65, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-66.25, 0.01, 221>, <-66, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 231>, <-65, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 234>, <-70.85, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 240>, <-70.85, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 25) */ box { <-77, 0.005, 242>, <-65, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 245>, <-70.85, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-71.15, 0.01, 251>, <-70.85, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 2, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -330>, <-54, 0, -318> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -324.15>, <-60, 0, -323.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -324.15>, <-54, 0, -323.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 1, -318>, <-56, 0, -309> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-59.8, 2, -317.8>, <-56.2, 0.75, -309.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -319>, <-54, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 1, -307>, <-56, 0, -298> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-59.8, 2, -306.8>, <-56.2, 0.75, -298.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -308>, <-54, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -297>, <-54, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -291.15>, <-60, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -291.15>, <-54, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 1, -285>, <-56, 0, -276> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-64.8, 2, -284.8>, <-56.2, 0.75, -276.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -286>, <-54, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -275>, <-54, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -269.15>, <-60, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -269.15>, <-54, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-61, 10, -263>, <-56, 0, -244> } box { <-65, 10, -262.999>, <-56.001, 0, -254> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-60.8, 11, -262.8>, <-56.2, 9.75, -244.2> } box { <-64.8, 11, -262.8>, <-56.2, 9.7501, -253.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -264>, <-54, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 0, -252>, <-61, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-64.8, 1, -251.8>, <-61.2, -0.25, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -253>, <-54, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -242>, <-54, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -236.15>, <-60, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -236.15>, <-54, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 2, -230>, <-56, 0, -221> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-64.8, 3, -229.8>, <-56.2, 1.75, -221.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -231>, <-54, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 9, -214>, <-56, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-59.8, 10, -213.8>, <-56.2, 8.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -220>, <-54, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -209>, <-54, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -203.15>, <-60, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -203.15>, <-54, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-65, 7, -197>, <-56, 0, -193> } box { <-64.999, 7, -196.999>, <-61, 0, -188> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union merge { box { <-64.8, 8, -196.8>, <-56.2, 6.75, -193.2> } box { <-64.8, 8, -196.8>, <-61.2, 6.7501, -188.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -198>, <-54, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -187>, <-54, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -181.15>, <-60, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -181.15>, <-54, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-65, 14, -175>, <-61, 0, -166> } box { <-64.999, 14, -171>, <-56, 0, -166.001> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <-64.8, 15, -174.8>, <-61.2, 13.75, -166.2> } box { <-64.8, 15, -170.8>, <-56.2, 13.7501, -166.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -176>, <-54, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 8, -164>, <-56, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-59.8, 9, -163.8>, <-56.2, 7.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -165>, <-54, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -154>, <-54, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -148.15>, <-60, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -148.15>, <-54, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 14, -142>, <-61, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-64.8, 15, -141.8>, <-61.2, 13.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -143>, <-54, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-61, 15, -131>, <-56, 0, -122> } box { <-65, 15, -130.999>, <-56.001, 0, -127> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union merge { box { <-60.8, 16, -130.8>, <-56.2, 14.75, -122.2> } box { <-64.8, 16, -130.8>, <-56.2, 14.7501, -126.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -132>, <-54, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -121>, <-54, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -115.15>, <-60, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -115.15>, <-54, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-61, 13, -109>, <-56, 0, -100> } box { <-65, 13, -108.999>, <-56.001, 0, -105> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <-60.8, 14, -108.8>, <-56.2, 12.75, -100.2> } box { <-64.8, 14, -108.8>, <-56.2, 12.7501, -104.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -110>, <-54, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 2, -98>, <-56, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-59.8, 3, -97.8>, <-56.2, 1.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -99>, <-54, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -88>, <-54, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -82.15>, <-60, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -82.15>, <-54, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 6, -71>, <-56, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-64.8, 7, -70.8>, <-56.2, 5.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -77>, <-54, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 18, -65>, <-61, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-64.8, 19, -64.8>, <-61.2, 17.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -66>, <-54, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -55>, <-54, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -49.15>, <-60, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -49.15>, <-54, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 3, -38>, <-56, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-64.8, 4, -37.8>, <-56.2, 2.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -44>, <-54, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, -33>, <-54, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, -27.15>, <-60, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, -27.15>, <-54, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 1, -16>, <-56, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-59.8, 2, -15.8>, <-56.2, 0.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -22>, <-54, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 8, -5>, <-56, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-59.8, 9, -4.8>, <-56.2, 7.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, -11>, <-54, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 0>, <-54, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 5.85>, <-60, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 5.85>, <-54, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-61, 9, 12>, <-56, 0, 21> } box { <-65, 9, 12.001>, <-56.001, 0, 16> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-60.8, 10, 12.2>, <-56.2, 8.75, 20.8> } box { <-64.8, 10, 12.2>, <-56.2, 8.7501, 16.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 11>, <-54, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 2, 23>, <-56, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-59.8, 3, 23.2>, <-56.2, 1.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 22>, <-54, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 33>, <-54, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 38.85>, <-60, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 38.85>, <-54, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-64, 12, 45>, <-57, 0, 54> } box { <-65, 12, 46>, <-56, 0, 53> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <-63.8, 13, 45.2>, <-57.2, 11.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-64.8, 13, 46.2>, <-56.2, 11.7501, 52.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 44>, <-54, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 15, 61>, <-56, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-64.8, 16, 61.2>, <-56.2, 14.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 55>, <-54, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 66>, <-54, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 71.85>, <-60, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 71.85>, <-54, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 10, 78>, <-56, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-59.8, 11, 78.2>, <-56.2, 9.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 77>, <-54, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-61, 17, 89>, <-56, 0, 98> } box { <-65, 17, 89.001>, <-56.001, 0, 93> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <-60.8, 18, 89.2>, <-56.2, 16.75, 97.8> } box { <-64.8, 18, 89.2>, <-56.2, 16.7501, 93.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 88>, <-54, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 99>, <-54, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 104.85>, <-60, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 104.85>, <-54, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-65, 17, 111>, <-61, 0, 120> } box { <-64.999, 17, 115>, <-56, 0, 119.999> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <-64.8, 18, 111.2>, <-61.2, 16.75, 119.8> } box { <-64.8, 18, 115.2>, <-56.2, 16.7501, 119.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 110>, <-54, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 121>, <-54, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 126.85>, <-60, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 126.85>, <-54, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 19, 138>, <-56, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-64.8, 20, 138.2>, <-56.2, 18.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 132>, <-54, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-65, 10, 144>, <-46, 0, 148> } box { <-64.999, 10, 144.001>, <-56, 0, 153> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <-64.8, 11, 144.2>, <-46.2, 9.75, 147.8> } box { <-64.8, 11, 144.2>, <-56.2, 9.7501, 152.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 143>, <-54, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 154>, <-54, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 159.85>, <-60, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 159.85>, <-54, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 9, 166>, <-56, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-59.8, 10, 166.2>, <-56.2, 8.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 165>, <-54, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 9, 177>, <-56, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-64.8, 10, 177.2>, <-56.2, 8.75, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 176>, <-54, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 187>, <-54, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 192.85>, <-60, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 192.85>, <-54, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 5, 199>, <-56, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-64.8, 6, 199.2>, <-56.2, 4.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 198>, <-54, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 26) */ difference { box { <-60, 4, 210>, <-56, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-59.8, 5, 210.2>, <-56.2, 3.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 209>, <-54, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 220>, <-54, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 225.85>, <-60, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 225.85>, <-54, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 3, 237>, <-56, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-64.8, 4, 237.2>, <-56.2, 2.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 231>, <-54, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 5, 243>, <-56, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-64.8, 6, 243.2>, <-56.2, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 242>, <-54, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 253>, <-54, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 258.85>, <-60, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 258.85>, <-54, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 3, 265>, <-56, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-64.8, 4, 265.2>, <-56.2, 2.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 264>, <-54, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 2, 281>, <-56, 0, 285> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-64.8, 3, 281.2>, <-56.2, 1.75, 284.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 275>, <-54, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 26) */ box { <-66, 0.005, 286>, <-54, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-63, 0.01, 291.85>, <-60, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-57, 0.01, 291.85>, <-54, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 26) */ difference { box { <-65, 5, 298>, <-61, 0, 302> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-64.8, 6, 298.2>, <-61.2, 4.75, 301.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 297>, <-54, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 26) */ difference { merge { box { <-64, 13, 309>, <-57, 0, 318> } box { <-65, 13, 310>, <-56, 0, 317> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <-63.8, 14, 309.2>, <-57.2, 12.75, 317.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-64.8, 14, 310.2>, <-56.2, 12.7501, 316.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-66, 0.1, 308>, <-54, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, -209>, <-43, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, -203.15>, <-49, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, -203.15>, <-43, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 27) */ difference { merge { box { <-54, 10, -197>, <-50, 0, -188> } box { <-53.999, 10, -193>, <-45, 0, -188.001> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <-53.8, 11, -196.8>, <-50.2, 9.75, -188.2> } box { <-53.8, 11, -192.8>, <-45.2, 9.7501, -188.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -198>, <-43, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, -187>, <-43, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, -181.15>, <-49, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, -181.15>, <-43, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 5, -175>, <-45, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-48.8, 6, -174.8>, <-45.2, 4.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -176>, <-43, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 5, -164>, <-45, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-53.8, 6, -163.8>, <-45.2, 4.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -165>, <-43, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, -154>, <-43, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, -148.15>, <-49, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, -148.15>, <-43, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 27) */ difference { merge { box { <-50, 11, -142>, <-45, 0, -133> } box { <-54, 11, -141.999>, <-45.001, 0, -138> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <-49.8, 12, -141.8>, <-45.2, 10.75, -133.2> } box { <-53.8, 12, -141.8>, <-45.2, 10.7501, -137.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -143>, <-43, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 6, -131>, <-45, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-53.8, 7, -130.8>, <-45.2, 5.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -132>, <-43, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, -121>, <-43, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, -115.15>, <-49, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, -115.15>, <-43, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 1, -109>, <-45, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-48.8, 2, -108.8>, <-45.2, 0.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -110>, <-43, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 2, -98>, <-45, 0 , -94> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-53.8, 3, -97.8>, <-45.2, 1.75, -94.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -99>, <-43, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, -88>, <-43, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, -82.15>, <-49, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, -82.15>, <-43, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 16, -71>, <-45, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-48.8, 17, -70.8>, <-45.2, 15.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -77>, <-43, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 14, -65>, <-45, 0 , -61> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-53.8, 15, -64.8>, <-45.2, 13.75, -61.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -66>, <-43, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, -55>, <-43, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, -49.15>, <-49, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, -49.15>, <-43, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, -33>, <-43, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, -27.15>, <-49, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, -27.15>, <-43, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 27) */ difference { merge { box { <-54, 16, -21>, <-45, 0, -17> } box { <-53.999, 16, -20.999>, <-50, 0, -12> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <-53.8, 17, -20.8>, <-45.2, 15.75, -17.2> } box { <-53.8, 17, -20.8>, <-50.2, 15.7501, -12.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, -22>, <-43, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 0>, <-43, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 5.85>, <-49, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 5.85>, <-43, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 25, 23>, <-45, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-48.8, 26, 23.2>, <-45.2, 24.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 22>, <-43, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 33>, <-43, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 38.85>, <-49, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 38.85>, <-43, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 27) */ difference { merge { box { <-50, 18, 45>, <-45, 0, 54> } box { <-54, 18, 49>, <-45.001, 0, 53.999> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union box { <-49.8, 19, 45.2>, <-45.2, 17.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-53.8, 19, 49.2>, <-45.2, 17.7501, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 44>, <-43, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 66>, <-43, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 71.85>, <-49, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 71.85>, <-43, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 27) */ difference { merge { box { <-54, 24, 78>, <-50, 0, 87> } box { <-53.999, 24, 82>, <-45, 0, 86.999> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <-53.8, 25, 78.2>, <-50.2, 23.75, 86.8> } box { <-53.8, 25, 82.2>, <-45.2, 23.7501, 86.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 77>, <-43, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 14, 94>, <-45, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-48.8, 15, 94.2>, <-45.2, 13.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 88>, <-43, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 99>, <-43, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 104.85>, <-49, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 104.85>, <-43, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 4, 116>, <-45, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-53.8, 5, 116.2>, <-45.2, 3.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 110>, <-43, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 121>, <-43, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 126.85>, <-49, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 126.85>, <-43, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 11, 138>, <-45, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-48.8, 12, 138.2>, <-45.2, 10.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 132>, <-43, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 0, 149>, <-45, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-48.8, 1, 149.2>, <-45.2, -0.25, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 143>, <-43, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 154>, <-43, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 159.85>, <-49, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 159.85>, <-43, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 5, 166>, <-50, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-53.8, 6, 166.2>, <-50.2, 4.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 165>, <-43, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 15, 182>, <-45, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <-53.8, 16, 182.2>, <-45.2, 14.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 176>, <-43, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 187>, <-43, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 192.85>, <-49, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 192.85>, <-43, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 5, 204>, <-45, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-48.8, 6, 204.2>, <-45.2, 4.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 198>, <-43, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 2, 215>, <-45, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-53.8, 3, 215.2>, <-45.2, 1.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 209>, <-43, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 220>, <-43, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 225.85>, <-49, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 225.85>, <-43, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 27) */ difference { box { <-49, 2, 232>, <-45, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-48.8, 3, 232.2>, <-45.2, 1.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 231>, <-43, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 27) */ difference { box { <-54, 1, 248>, <-45, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-53.8, 2, 248.2>, <-45.2, 0.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 242>, <-43, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 253>, <-43, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 258.85>, <-49, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 258.85>, <-43, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 27) */ difference { merge { box { <-54, 14, 265>, <-45, 0, 269> } box { <-53.999, 14, 265.001>, <-50, 0, 274> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <-53.8, 15, 265.2>, <-45.2, 13.75, 268.8> } box { <-53.8, 15, 265.2>, <-50.2, 13.7501, 273.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 264>, <-43, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 27) */ difference { merge { box { <-54, 8, 276>, <-45, 0, 280> } box { <-53.999, 8, 276.001>, <-50, 0, 285> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <-53.8, 9, 276.2>, <-45.2, 7.75, 279.8> } box { <-53.8, 9, 276.2>, <-50.2, 7.7501, 284.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-55, 0.1, 275>, <-43, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 27) */ box { <-55, 0.005, 286>, <-43, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-52, 0.01, 291.85>, <-49, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-46, 0.01, 291.85>, <-43, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -209>, <-32, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, -209>, <-44, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, -197>, <-32, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -209>, <-32, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -208>, <-33, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -197.25>, <-32, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -198.25>, <-33, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -209>, <-43.75, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -208>, <-42.75, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, -209>, <-32, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, -208>, <-33, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -198>, <-32, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -195>, <-37.85, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -189>, <-37.85, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -187>, <-32, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, -187>, <-44, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, -175>, <-32, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -187>, <-32, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -186>, <-33, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -175.25>, <-32, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -176.25>, <-33, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -187>, <-43.75, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -186>, <-42.75, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, -187>, <-32, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, -186>, <-33, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -176>, <-32, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -173>, <-37.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -167>, <-37.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -165>, <-32, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -162>, <-37.85, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -156>, <-37.85, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -154>, <-32, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, -154>, <-44, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, -142>, <-32, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -154>, <-32, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -153>, <-33, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -142.25>, <-32, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -143.25>, <-33, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -154>, <-43.75, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -153>, <-42.75, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, -154>, <-32, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, -153>, <-33, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -143>, <-32, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -140>, <-37.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -134>, <-37.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -132>, <-32, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -129>, <-37.85, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -123>, <-37.85, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -121>, <-32, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, -121>, <-44, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, -109>, <-32, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -121>, <-32, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -120>, <-33, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -109.25>, <-32, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -110.25>, <-33, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -121>, <-43.75, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -120>, <-42.75, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, -121>, <-32, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, -120>, <-33, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -110>, <-32, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -107>, <-37.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -101>, <-37.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -99>, <-32, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -96>, <-37.85, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -90>, <-37.85, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -88>, <-32, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, -88>, <-44, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, -76>, <-32, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -88>, <-32, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -87>, <-33, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -76.25>, <-32, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -77.25>, <-33, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -88>, <-43.75, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -87>, <-42.75, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, -88>, <-32, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, -87>, <-33, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -77>, <-32, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -74>, <-37.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -68>, <-37.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -66>, <-32, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -63>, <-37.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -57>, <-37.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -55>, <-32, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, -55>, <-44, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, -43>, <-32, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -55>, <-32, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -54>, <-33, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -43.25>, <-32, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -44.25>, <-33, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -55>, <-43.75, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -54>, <-42.75, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, -55>, <-32, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, -54>, <-33, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -44>, <-32, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -41>, <-37.85, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -35>, <-37.85, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -33>, <-32, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, -33>, <-44, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, -21>, <-32, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -33>, <-32, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -32>, <-33, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -21.25>, <-32, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -22.25>, <-33, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, -33>, <-43.75, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, -32>, <-42.75, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, -33>, <-32, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, -32>, <-33, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -22>, <-32, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -19>, <-37.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -13>, <-37.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, -11>, <-32, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -8>, <-37.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, -2>, <-37.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 0>, <-32, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 0>, <-44, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 12>, <-32, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 0>, <-32, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 1>, <-33, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 11.75>, <-32, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 10.75>, <-33, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 0>, <-43.75, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 1>, <-42.75, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 0>, <-32, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 1>, <-33, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 11>, <-32, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 14>, <-37.85, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 20>, <-37.85, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 22>, <-32, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 25>, <-37.85, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 31>, <-37.85, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 33>, <-32, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 33>, <-44, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 45>, <-32, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 33>, <-32, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 34>, <-33, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 44.75>, <-32, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 43.75>, <-33, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 33>, <-43.75, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 34>, <-42.75, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 33>, <-32, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 34>, <-33, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 44>, <-32, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 47>, <-37.85, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 53>, <-37.85, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 55>, <-32, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 58>, <-37.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 64>, <-37.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 66>, <-32, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 66>, <-44, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 78>, <-32, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 66>, <-32, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 67>, <-33, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 77.75>, <-32, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 76.75>, <-33, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 66>, <-43.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 67>, <-42.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 66>, <-32, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 67>, <-33, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 77>, <-32, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 80>, <-37.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 86>, <-37.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 88>, <-32, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 91>, <-37.85, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 97>, <-37.85, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 99>, <-32, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 99>, <-44, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 111>, <-32, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 99>, <-32, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 100>, <-33, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 110.75>, <-32, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 109.75>, <-33, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 99>, <-43.75, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 100>, <-42.75, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 99>, <-32, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 100>, <-33, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 110>, <-32, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 113>, <-37.85, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 119>, <-37.85, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 121>, <-32, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 121>, <-44, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 133>, <-32, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 121>, <-32, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 122>, <-33, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 132.75>, <-32, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 131.75>, <-33, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 121>, <-43.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 122>, <-42.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 121>, <-32, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 122>, <-33, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 132>, <-32, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 135>, <-37.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 141>, <-37.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 143>, <-32, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 146>, <-37.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 152>, <-37.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 154>, <-32, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 154>, <-44, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 166>, <-32, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 154>, <-32, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 155>, <-33, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 165.75>, <-32, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 164.75>, <-33, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 154>, <-43.75, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 155>, <-42.75, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 154>, <-32, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 155>, <-33, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 165>, <-32, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 168>, <-37.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 174>, <-37.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 176>, <-32, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 179>, <-37.85, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 185>, <-37.85, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 187>, <-32, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 187>, <-44, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 199>, <-32, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 187>, <-32, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 188>, <-33, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 198.75>, <-32, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 197.75>, <-33, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 187>, <-43.75, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 188>, <-42.75, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 187>, <-32, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 188>, <-33, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 198>, <-32, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 201>, <-37.85, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 207>, <-37.85, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 209>, <-32, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 212>, <-37.85, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 218>, <-37.85, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 220>, <-32, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 220>, <-44, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 232>, <-32, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 220>, <-32, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 221>, <-33, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 231.75>, <-32, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 230.75>, <-33, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 220>, <-43.75, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 221>, <-42.75, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 220>, <-32, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 221>, <-33, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 231>, <-32, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 234>, <-37.85, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 240>, <-37.85, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 242>, <-32, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 245>, <-37.85, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-38.15, 0.01, 251>, <-37.85, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 28) */ box { <-44, 0.005, 253>, <-32, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-44, 0, 253>, <-44, 2.25, 253>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <-32, 0, 265>, <-32, 2.25, 265>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 253>, <-32, 0, 253.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 254>, <-33, 0, 254.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 264.75>, <-32, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 263.75>, <-33, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-44, 0.01, 253>, <-43.75, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-43, 0.01, 254>, <-42.75, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-32.25, 0.01, 253>, <-32, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-33.25, 0.01, 254>, <-33, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 1, -318>, <-23, 0, -309> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-31.8, 2, -317.8>, <-23.2, 0.75, -309.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -319>, <-21, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 1, -302>, <-23, 0, -298> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-31.8, 2, -301.8>, <-23.2, 0.75, -298.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -308>, <-21, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -297>, <-21, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -291.15>, <-27, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -291.15>, <-21, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 1, -280>, <-23, 0, -276> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-26.8, 2, -279.8>, <-23.2, 0.75, -276.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -286>, <-21, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -275>, <-21, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -269.15>, <-27, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -269.15>, <-21, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 4, -263>, <-23, 0 , -259> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-31.8, 5, -262.8>, <-23.2, 3.75, -259.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -264>, <-21, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 17, -252>, <-23, 0 , -248> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-31.8, 18, -251.8>, <-23.2, 16.75, -248.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -253>, <-21, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -242>, <-21, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -236.15>, <-27, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -236.15>, <-21, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 29) */ difference { merge { box { <-31, 24, -229>, <-24, 0, -222> } box { <-32, 17, -230>, <-23, 0, -221> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union box { <-30.8, 25, -228.8>, <-24.2, 23.75, -222.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -231>, <-21, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 5, -219>, <-23, 0 , -215> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-31.8, 6, -218.8>, <-23.2, 4.75, -215.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -220>, <-21, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -209>, <-21, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -203.15>, <-27, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -203.15>, <-21, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 19, -192>, <-23, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-26.8, 20, -191.8>, <-23.2, 18.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -198>, <-21, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -187>, <-21, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -181.15>, <-27, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -181.15>, <-21, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 5, -175>, <-23, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-31.8, 6, -174.8>, <-23.2, 4.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -176>, <-21, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 1, -164>, <-28, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-31.8, 2, -163.8>, <-28.2, 0.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -165>, <-21, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -154>, <-21, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -148.15>, <-27, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -148.15>, <-21, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 7, -142>, <-23, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-26.8, 8, -141.8>, <-23.2, 6.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -143>, <-21, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 2, -131>, <-28, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-31.8, 3, -130.8>, <-28.2, 1.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -132>, <-21, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -121>, <-21, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -115.15>, <-27, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -115.15>, <-21, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 18, -109>, <-23, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-26.8, 19, -108.8>, <-23.2, 17.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -110>, <-21, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 12, -93>, <-23, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <-26.8, 13, -92.8>, <-23.2, 11.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -99>, <-21, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -88>, <-21, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -82.15>, <-27, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -82.15>, <-21, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 29) */ difference { merge { box { <-31, 11, -76>, <-24, 0, -67> } box { <-32, 11, -75>, <-23, 0, -68> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <-30.8, 12, -75.8>, <-24.2, 10.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-31.8, 12, -74.8>, <-23.2, 10.7501, -68.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -77>, <-21, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 29) */ difference { merge { box { <-31, 34, -64>, <-24, 0, -57> } box { <-32, 28, -65>, <-23, 0, -56> } box { <-30, 40, -63>, <-25, 0, -58> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union box { <-29.8, 41, -62.8>, <-25.2, 39.75, -58.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -66>, <-21, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -55>, <-21, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -49.15>, <-27, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -49.15>, <-21, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 5, -43>, <-23, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-31.8, 6, -42.8>, <-23.2, 4.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -44>, <-21, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, -33>, <-21, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, -27.15>, <-27, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, -27.15>, <-21, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 10, -21>, <-23, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-26.8, 11, -20.8>, <-23.2, 9.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -22>, <-21, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 29) */ difference { merge { box { <-31, 24, -9>, <-24, 0, -2> } box { <-32, 16, -10>, <-23, 0, -1> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <-30.8, 25, -8.8>, <-24.2, 23.75, -2.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, -11>, <-21, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 0>, <-21, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 5.85>, <-27, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 5.85>, <-21, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 29) */ difference { merge { box { <-31, 38, 13>, <-24, 0, 30> } box { <-32, 22, 12>, <-23, 0, 31> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <-30.8, 39, 13.2>, <-24.2, 37.75, 29.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 11>, <-21, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 0, 28>, <-23, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-31.8, 1, 28.2>, <-23.2, -0.25, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 22>, <-21, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 33>, <-21, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 38.85>, <-27, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 38.85>, <-21, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 4, 45>, <-23, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-26.8, 5, 45.2>, <-23.2, 3.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 44>, <-21, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 66>, <-21, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 71.85>, <-27, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 71.85>, <-21, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 6, 94>, <-23, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <-26.8, 7, 94.2>, <-23.2, 5.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 88>, <-21, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 99>, <-21, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 104.85>, <-27, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 104.85>, <-21, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 2, 111>, <-23, 0 , 115> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-31.8, 3, 111.2>, <-23.2, 1.75, 114.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 110>, <-21, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 121>, <-21, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 126.85>, <-27, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 126.85>, <-21, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 18, 133>, <-28, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-31.8, 19, 133.2>, <-28.2, 17.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 132>, <-21, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 29) */ difference { merge { box { <-32, 17, 144>, <-13, 0, 148> } box { <-31.999, 17, 144.001>, <-23, 0, 153> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <-31.8, 18, 144.2>, <-13.2, 16.75, 147.8> } box { <-31.8, 18, 144.2>, <-23.2, 16.7501, 152.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 143>, <-21, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 154>, <-21, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 159.85>, <-27, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 159.85>, <-21, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 29) */ difference { merge { box { <-32, 9, 166>, <-13, 0, 175> } box { <-31.999, 9, 166.001>, <-23, 0, 185> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union merge { box { <-31.8, 10, 166.2>, <-13.2, 8.75, 174.8> } box { <-31.8, 10, 166.2>, <-23.2, 8.7501, 184.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 165>, <-21, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 0, 177>, <-23, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-31.8, 1, 177.2>, <-23.2, -0.25, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 176>, <-21, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 187>, <-21, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 192.85>, <-27, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 192.85>, <-21, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 6, 199>, <-28, 0, 203> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-31.8, 7, 199.2>, <-28.2, 5.75, 202.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 198>, <-21, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 29) */ difference { box { <-27, 1, 215>, <-23, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-26.8, 2, 215.2>, <-23.2, 0.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 209>, <-21, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 29) */ box { <-33, 0.005, 220>, <-21, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-30, 0.01, 225.85>, <-27, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-24, 0.01, 225.85>, <-21, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 1, 237>, <-23, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <-31.8, 2, 237.2>, <-23.2, 0.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 231>, <-21, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 29) */ difference { box { <-32, 3, 243>, <-28, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <-31.8, 4, 243.2>, <-28.2, 2.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-33, 0.1, 242>, <-21, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -275>, <-10, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -269.15>, <-16, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -269.15>, <-10, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 30) */ difference { merge { box { <-17, 9, -263>, <-12, 0, -254> } box { <-21, 9, -259>, <-12.001, 0, -254.001> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union box { <-16.8, 10, -262.8>, <-12.2, 8.75, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <-20.8, 10, -258.8>, <-12.2, 8.7501, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -264>, <-10, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 31, -252>, <-17, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-20.8, 32, -251.8>, <-17.2, 30.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -253>, <-10, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -242>, <-10, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -236.15>, <-16, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -236.15>, <-10, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 30) */ difference { merge { box { <-17, 17, -230>, <-12, 0, -211> } box { <-21, 17, -229.999>, <-12.001, 0, -221> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union merge { box { <-16.8, 18, -229.8>, <-12.2, 16.75, -211.2> } box { <-20.8, 18, -229.8>, <-12.2, 16.7501, -220.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -231>, <-10, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 30) */ difference { box { <-16, 0, -219>, <-12, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-15.8, 1, -218.8>, <-12.2, -0.25, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -220>, <-10, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -209>, <-10, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -203.15>, <-16, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -203.15>, <-10, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 30) */ difference { box { <-16, 8, -192>, <-12, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-15.8, 9, -191.8>, <-12.2, 7.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -198>, <-10, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -187>, <-10, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -181.15>, <-16, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -181.15>, <-10, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 30) */ difference { box { <-16, 11, -170>, <-12, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <-15.8, 12, -169.8>, <-12.2, 10.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -176>, <-10, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 6, -164>, <-12, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <-20.8, 7, -163.8>, <-12.2, 5.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -165>, <-10, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -154>, <-10, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -148.15>, <-16, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -148.15>, <-10, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 13, -137>, <-12, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-20.8, 14, -136.8>, <-12.2, 12.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -143>, <-10, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 5, -131>, <-17, 0, -127> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-20.8, 6, -130.8>, <-17.2, 4.75, -127.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -132>, <-10, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -121>, <-10, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -115.15>, <-16, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -115.15>, <-10, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 3, -109>, <-12, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-20.8, 4, -108.8>, <-12.2, 2.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -110>, <-10, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 30) */ difference { merge { box { <-21, 12, -98>, <-12, 0, -94> } box { <-20.999, 12, -97.999>, <-17, 0, -89> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-20.8, 13, -97.8>, <-12.2, 11.75, -94.2> } box { <-20.8, 13, -97.8>, <-17.2, 11.7501, -89.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -99>, <-10, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -88>, <-10, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -82.15>, <-16, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -82.15>, <-10, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 30) */ difference { merge { box { <-20, 38, -75>, <-13, 0, -68> } box { <-18, 38, -76>, <-15, 0, -67> } box { <-21, 38, -73>, <-12, 0, -70> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-19.8, 39, -74.8>, <-13.2, 37.75, -68.2> } box { <-20.8, 39, -72.8>, <-12.2, 37.7501, -70.2> } box { <-17.8, 39, -75.8>, <-15.2, 37.7501, -67.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -77>, <-10, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 30) */ difference { merge { box { <-20, 31, -64>, <-13, 0, -57> } box { <-18, 31, -65>, <-15, 0, -56> } box { <-21, 31, -62>, <-12, 0, -59> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <-19.8, 32, -63.8>, <-13.2, 30.75, -57.2> } box { <-20.8, 32, -61.8>, <-12.2, 30.7501, -59.2> } box { <-17.8, 32, -64.8>, <-15.2, 30.7501, -56.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -66>, <-10, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -55>, <-10, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -49.15>, <-16, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -49.15>, <-10, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 30) */ difference { merge { box { <-21, 13, -43>, <-17, 0, -34> } box { <-20.999, 13, -39>, <-12, 0, -34.001> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <-20.8, 14, -42.8>, <-17.2, 12.75, -34.2> } box { <-20.8, 14, -38.8>, <-12.2, 12.7501, -34.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -44>, <-10, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, -33>, <-10, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, -27.15>, <-16, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, -27.15>, <-10, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 30) */ difference { box { <-16, 3, -21>, <-12, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-15.8, 4, -20.8>, <-12.2, 2.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, -22>, <-10, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 0>, <-10, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 5.85>, <-16, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 5.85>, <-10, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 13, 12>, <-12, 0 , 16> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <-20.8, 14, 12.2>, <-12.2, 12.75, 15.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 11>, <-10, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 3, 28>, <-12, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <-20.8, 4, 28.2>, <-12.2, 2.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 22>, <-10, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 33>, <-10, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 38.85>, <-16, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 38.85>, <-10, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 30) */ difference { box { <-16, 9, 45>, <-12, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-15.8, 10, 45.2>, <-12.2, 8.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 44>, <-10, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 30) */ difference { box { <-16, 17, 61>, <-12, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <-15.8, 18, 61.2>, <-12.2, 16.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 55>, <-10, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 66>, <-10, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 71.85>, <-16, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 71.85>, <-10, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 99>, <-10, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 104.85>, <-16, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 104.85>, <-10, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 6, 116>, <-12, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-20.8, 7, 116.2>, <-12.2, 5.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 110>, <-10, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 121>, <-10, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 126.85>, <-16, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 126.85>, <-10, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 30) */ difference { merge { box { <-21, 27, 133>, <-17, 0, 142> } box { <-20.999, 27, 137>, <-12, 0, 141.999> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <-20.8, 28, 133.2>, <-17.2, 26.75, 141.8> } box { <-20.8, 28, 137.2>, <-12.2, 26.7501, 141.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 132>, <-10, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 0, 144>, <-17, 0, 148> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <-20.8, 1, 144.2>, <-17.2, -0.25, 147.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 143>, <-10, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 154>, <-10, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 159.85>, <-16, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 159.85>, <-10, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 0, 166>, <-12, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-20.8, 1, 166.2>, <-12.2, -0.25, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 165>, <-10, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 5, 182>, <-12, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-20.8, 6, 182.2>, <-12.2, 4.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 176>, <-10, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 187>, <-10, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 192.85>, <-16, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 192.85>, <-10, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 1, 199>, <-17, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-20.8, 2, 199.2>, <-17.2, 0.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 198>, <-10, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 4, 210>, <-12, 0 , 214> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <-20.8, 5, 210.2>, <-12.2, 3.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 209>, <-10, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 220>, <-10, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 225.85>, <-16, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 225.85>, <-10, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 4, 232>, <-12, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <-20.8, 5, 232.2>, <-12.2, 3.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 231>, <-10, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 30) */ difference { box { <-21, 5, 248>, <-12, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <-20.8, 6, 248.2>, <-12.2, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <-22, 0.1, 242>, <-10, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 30) */ box { <-22, 0.005, 253>, <-10, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-19, 0.01, 258.85>, <-16, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-13, 0.01, 258.85>, <-10, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 4, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -308>, <1, 0, -296> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -305>, <-4.85, 0, -302> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -299>, <-4.85, 0, -296> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -297>, <1, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -297>, <-11, 2.25, -297>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -285>, <1, 2.25, -285>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -297>, <1, 0, -296.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -296>, <0, 0, -295.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -285.25>, <1, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -286.25>, <0, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -297>, <-10.75, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -296>, <-9.75, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -297>, <1, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -296>, <0, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 6, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -286>, <1, 0, -274> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -283>, <-4.85, 0, -280> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -277>, <-4.85, 0, -274> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -275>, <1, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -275>, <-11, 2.25, -275>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -263>, <1, 2.25, -263>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -275>, <1, 0, -274.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -274>, <0, 0, -273.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -263.25>, <1, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -264.25>, <0, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -275>, <-10.75, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -274>, <-9.75, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -275>, <1, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -274>, <0, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 8, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -264>, <1, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -261>, <-4.85, 0, -258> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -255>, <-4.85, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 9, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -253>, <1, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -250>, <-4.85, 0, -247> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -244>, <-4.85, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -242>, <1, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -242>, <-11, 2.25, -242>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -230>, <1, 2.25, -230>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -242>, <1, 0, -241.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -241>, <0, 0, -240.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -230.25>, <1, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -231.25>, <0, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -242>, <-10.75, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -241>, <-9.75, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -242>, <1, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -241>, <0, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 11, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -231>, <1, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -228>, <-4.85, 0, -225> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -222>, <-4.85, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 12, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -220>, <1, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -217>, <-4.85, 0, -214> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -211>, <-4.85, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -209>, <1, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -209>, <-11, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -197>, <1, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -209>, <1, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -208>, <0, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -197.25>, <1, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -198.25>, <0, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -209>, <-10.75, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -208>, <-9.75, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -209>, <1, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -208>, <0, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -198>, <1, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -195>, <-4.85, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -189>, <-4.85, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -187>, <1, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -187>, <-11, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -175>, <1, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -187>, <1, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -186>, <0, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -175.25>, <1, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -176.25>, <0, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -187>, <-10.75, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -186>, <-9.75, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -187>, <1, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -186>, <0, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -176>, <1, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -173>, <-4.85, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -167>, <-4.85, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -165>, <1, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -162>, <-4.85, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -156>, <-4.85, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -154>, <1, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -154>, <-11, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -142>, <1, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -154>, <1, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -153>, <0, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -142.25>, <1, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -143.25>, <0, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -154>, <-10.75, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -153>, <-9.75, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -154>, <1, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -153>, <0, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -143>, <1, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -140>, <-4.85, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -134>, <-4.85, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -132>, <1, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -129>, <-4.85, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -123>, <-4.85, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -121>, <1, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -121>, <-11, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -109>, <1, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -121>, <1, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -120>, <0, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -109.25>, <1, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -110.25>, <0, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -121>, <-10.75, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -120>, <-9.75, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -121>, <1, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -120>, <0, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -110>, <1, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -107>, <-4.85, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -101>, <-4.85, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -99>, <1, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -96>, <-4.85, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -90>, <-4.85, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -88>, <1, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -88>, <-11, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -76>, <1, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -88>, <1, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -87>, <0, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -76.25>, <1, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -77.25>, <0, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -88>, <-10.75, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -87>, <-9.75, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -88>, <1, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -87>, <0, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -77>, <1, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -74>, <-4.85, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -68>, <-4.85, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -66>, <1, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -63>, <-4.85, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -57>, <-4.85, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -55>, <1, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -55>, <-11, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -43>, <1, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -55>, <1, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -54>, <0, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -43.25>, <1, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -44.25>, <0, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -55>, <-10.75, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -54>, <-9.75, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -55>, <1, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -54>, <0, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -44>, <1, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -41>, <-4.85, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -35>, <-4.85, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -33>, <1, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, -33>, <-11, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, -21>, <1, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -33>, <1, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -32>, <0, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -21.25>, <1, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -22.25>, <0, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, -33>, <-10.75, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, -32>, <-9.75, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, -33>, <1, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, -32>, <0, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -22>, <1, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -19>, <-4.85, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -13>, <-4.85, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, -11>, <1, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -8>, <-4.85, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, -2>, <-4.85, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 0>, <1, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 0>, <-11, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 12>, <1, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 0>, <1, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 1>, <0, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 11.75>, <1, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 10.75>, <0, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 0>, <-10.75, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 1>, <-9.75, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 0>, <1, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 1>, <0, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 11>, <1, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 14>, <-4.85, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 20>, <-4.85, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 22>, <1, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 25>, <-4.85, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 31>, <-4.85, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 33>, <1, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 33>, <-11, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 45>, <1, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 33>, <1, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 34>, <0, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 44.75>, <1, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 43.75>, <0, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 33>, <-10.75, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 34>, <-9.75, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 33>, <1, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 34>, <0, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 44>, <1, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 47>, <-4.85, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 53>, <-4.85, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 55>, <1, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 58>, <-4.85, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 64>, <-4.85, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 66>, <1, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 66>, <-11, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 78>, <1, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 66>, <1, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 67>, <0, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 77.75>, <1, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 76.75>, <0, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 66>, <-10.75, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 67>, <-9.75, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 66>, <1, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 67>, <0, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 77>, <1, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 80>, <-4.85, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 86>, <-4.85, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 88>, <1, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 91>, <-4.85, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 97>, <-4.85, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 99>, <1, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 99>, <-11, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 111>, <1, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 99>, <1, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 100>, <0, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 110.75>, <1, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 109.75>, <0, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 99>, <-10.75, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 100>, <-9.75, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 99>, <1, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 100>, <0, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 110>, <1, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 113>, <-4.85, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 119>, <-4.85, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 121>, <1, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 121>, <-11, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 133>, <1, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 121>, <1, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 122>, <0, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 132.75>, <1, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 131.75>, <0, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 121>, <-10.75, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 122>, <-9.75, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 121>, <1, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 122>, <0, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 132>, <1, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 135>, <-4.85, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 141>, <-4.85, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 143>, <1, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 146>, <-4.85, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 152>, <-4.85, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 154>, <1, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 154>, <-11, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 166>, <1, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 154>, <1, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 155>, <0, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 165.75>, <1, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 164.75>, <0, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 154>, <-10.75, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 155>, <-9.75, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 154>, <1, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 155>, <0, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 165>, <1, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 168>, <-4.85, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 174>, <-4.85, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 176>, <1, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 179>, <-4.85, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 185>, <-4.85, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 187>, <1, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 187>, <-11, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 199>, <1, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 187>, <1, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 188>, <0, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 198.75>, <1, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 197.75>, <0, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 187>, <-10.75, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 188>, <-9.75, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 187>, <1, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 188>, <0, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 198>, <1, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 201>, <-4.85, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 207>, <-4.85, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 209>, <1, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 212>, <-4.85, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 218>, <-4.85, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 220>, <1, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <-11, 0, 220>, <-11, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <1, 0, 232>, <1, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 220>, <1, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 221>, <0, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 231.75>, <1, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 230.75>, <0, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-11, 0.01, 220>, <-10.75, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-10, 0.01, 221>, <-9.75, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <0.75, 0.01, 220>, <1, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <-0.25, 0.01, 221>, <0, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 31) */ box { <-11, 0.005, 231>, <1, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 234>, <-4.85, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <-5.15, 0.01, 240>, <-4.85, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, -187>, <12, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, -181.15>, <6, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, -181.15>, <12, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 32) */ difference { box { <1, 2, -175>, <5, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <1.2, 3, -174.8>, <4.8, 1.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -176>, <12, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 32) */ difference { box { <6, 3, -164>, <10, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <6.2, 4, -163.8>, <9.8, 2.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -165>, <12, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, -154>, <12, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, -148.15>, <6, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, -148.15>, <12, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 32) */ difference { merge { box { <10, 12, -142>, <20, 0, -123> } box { <1, 12, -141.999>, <19.999, 0, -133> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <10.2, 13, -141.8>, <19.8, 11.75, -123.2> } box { <1.2, 13, -141.8>, <19.8, 11.7501, -132.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -143>, <12, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 32) */ difference { box { <1, 0, -131>, <10, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <1.2, 1, -130.8>, <9.8, -0.25, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -132>, <12, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, -121>, <12, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, -115.15>, <6, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, -115.15>, <12, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 32) */ difference { box { <6, 6, -109>, <10, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <6.2, 7, -108.8>, <9.8, 5.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -110>, <12, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 32) */ difference { box { <1, 4, -98>, <5, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <1.2, 5, -97.8>, <4.8, 3.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -99>, <12, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, -88>, <12, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, -82.15>, <6, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, -82.15>, <12, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 32) */ difference { merge { box { <5, 10, -76>, <10, 0, -67> } box { <1, 10, -72>, <9.999, 0, -67.001> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <5.2, 11, -75.8>, <9.8, 9.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <1.2, 11, -71.8>, <9.8, 9.7501, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -77>, <12, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 32) */ difference { box { <1, 37, -65>, <10, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <1.2, 38, -64.8>, <9.8, 36.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -66>, <12, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, -55>, <12, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, -49.15>, <6, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, -49.15>, <12, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, -33>, <12, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, -27.15>, <6, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, -27.15>, <12, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 32) */ difference { merge { box { <1, 12, -10>, <5, 0, -1> } box { <1.001, 12, -6>, <10, 0, -1.001> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union merge { box { <1.2, 13, -9.8>, <4.8, 11.75, -1.2> } box { <1.2, 13, -5.8>, <9.8, 11.7501, -1.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, -11>, <12, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 0>, <12, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 5.85>, <6, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 5.85>, <12, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 33>, <12, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 38.85>, <6, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 38.85>, <12, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 66>, <12, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 71.85>, <6, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 71.85>, <12, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 32) */ difference { box { <6, 11, 78>, <10, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <6.2, 12, 78.2>, <9.8, 10.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 77>, <12, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 99>, <12, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 104.85>, <6, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 104.85>, <12, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 32) */ difference { merge { box { <10, 15, 111>, <20, 0, 120> } box { <1, 15, 111.001>, <19.999, 0, 115> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <10.2, 16, 111.2>, <19.8, 14.75, 119.8> } box { <1.2, 16, 111.2>, <19.8, 14.7501, 115.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 110>, <12, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 121>, <12, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 126.85>, <6, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 126.85>, <12, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 32) */ difference { box { <6, 17, 133>, <10, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <6.2, 18, 133.2>, <9.8, 16.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 132>, <12, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 32) */ difference { box { <1, 11, 149>, <10, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <1.2, 12, 149.2>, <9.8, 10.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 143>, <12, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 154>, <12, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 159.85>, <6, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 159.85>, <12, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 32) */ difference { merge { box { <1, 8, 166>, <20, 0, 175> } box { <1.001, 8, 166.001>, <10, 0, 185> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <1.2, 9, 166.2>, <19.8, 7.75, 174.8> } box { <1.2, 9, 166.2>, <9.8, 7.7501, 184.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 165>, <12, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 32) */ difference { box { <1, 0, 177>, <10, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <1.2, 1, 177.2>, <9.8, -0.25, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 176>, <12, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 187>, <12, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 192.85>, <6, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 192.85>, <12, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 32) */ difference { box { <6, 5, 199>, <10, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <6.2, 6, 199.2>, <9.8, 4.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 198>, <12, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 32) */ difference { box { <1, 1, 210>, <10, 0 , 214> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <1.2, 2, 210.2>, <9.8, 0.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <0, 0.1, 209>, <12, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 32) */ box { <0, 0.005, 220>, <12, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <3, 0.01, 225.85>, <6, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <9, 0.01, 225.85>, <12, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, -187>, <23, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, -181.15>, <17, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, -181.15>, <23, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <12, 8, -175>, <21, 0, -171> } box { <12.001, 8, -174.999>, <16, 0, -166> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <12.2, 9, -174.8>, <20.8, 7.75, -171.2> } box { <12.2, 9, -174.8>, <15.8, 7.7501, -166.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -176>, <23, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 1, -164>, <21, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <12.2, 2, -163.8>, <20.8, 0.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -165>, <23, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, -154>, <23, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, -148.15>, <17, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, -148.15>, <23, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 33) */ difference { box { <17, 0, -137>, <21, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <17.2, 1, -136.8>, <20.8, -0.25, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -143>, <23, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 13, -131>, <21, 0 , -127> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <12.2, 14, -130.8>, <20.8, 12.75, -127.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -132>, <23, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, -121>, <23, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, -115.15>, <17, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, -115.15>, <23, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 17, -109>, <16, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <12.2, 18, -108.8>, <15.8, 16.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -110>, <23, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <16, 14, -98>, <21, 0, -89> } box { <12, 14, -97.999>, <20.999, 0, -94> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <16.2, 15, -97.8>, <20.8, 13.75, -89.2> } box { <12.2, 15, -97.8>, <20.8, 13.7501, -93.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -99>, <23, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, -88>, <23, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, -82.15>, <17, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, -82.15>, <23, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 33) */ difference { box { <17, 13, -76>, <21, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <17.2, 14, -75.8>, <20.8, 12.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -77>, <23, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <15, 23, -65>, <18, 0, -56> } box { <12, 23, -62>, <21, 0, -59> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <15.2, 24, -64.8>, <17.8, 22.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <12.2, 24, -61.8>, <20.8, 22.7501, -59.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -66>, <23, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, -55>, <23, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, -49.15>, <17, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, -49.15>, <23, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, -33>, <23, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, -27.15>, <17, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, -27.15>, <23, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <16, 16, -21>, <21, 0, -12> } box { <12, 16, -20.999>, <20.999, 0, -17> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <16.2, 17, -20.8>, <20.8, 15.75, -12.2> } box { <12.2, 17, -20.8>, <20.8, 15.7501, -16.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -22>, <23, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 26, -10>, <16, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <12.2, 27, -9.8>, <15.8, 25.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, -11>, <23, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 0>, <23, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 5.85>, <17, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 5.85>, <23, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 33) */ difference { box { <17, 7, 17>, <21, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <17.2, 8, 17.2>, <20.8, 6.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 11>, <23, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <13, 19, 23>, <20, 0, 32> } box { <12, 19, 24>, <21, 0, 31> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <13.2, 20, 23.2>, <19.8, 18.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <12.2, 20, 24.2>, <20.8, 18.7501, 30.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 22>, <23, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 33>, <23, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 38.85>, <17, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 38.85>, <23, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 33) */ difference { box { <13, 50, 46>, <20, 0, 53> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <105 0 0> translate <16, 50, 45> } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <75 0 0> translate <16, 50, 54> } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <0 0 105> translate <21, 50, 49> } box { < -12, -4, -12>, < 12, 4, 12> texture { pigment{color rgb <1 1 1>} finish {reflection 0.4} } rotate <0 0 75> translate <12, 50, 49> } } // end difference merge { box { <13, 30, 46>, <20, 0, 53> } box { <12, 30, 45>, <15, 0, 48> } box { <18, 30, 45>, <21, 0, 48> } box { <12, 30, 51>, <15, 0, 54> } box { <18, 30, 51>, <21, 0, 54> } cylinder { < 16.5, 0, 49.5>, < 16.5, 51, 49.5>, .3 } cylinder { < 16.5, 0, 49.5>, < 16.5, 57, 49.5>, .1 } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union box { <11, 0.1, 44>, <23, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 31, 56>, <21, 0 , 60> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <12.2, 32, 56.2>, <20.8, 30.75, 59.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 55>, <23, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 66>, <23, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 71.85>, <17, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 71.85>, <23, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <13, 23, 79>, <20, 0, 86> } box { <12, 19, 78>, <21, 0, 87> } box { <14, 29, 80>, <19, 0, 85> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union box { <14.2, 30, 80.2>, <18.8, 28.75, 84.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 77>, <23, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 6, 89>, <21, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <12.2, 7, 89.2>, <20.8, 5.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 88>, <23, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 99>, <23, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 104.85>, <17, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 104.85>, <23, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 0, 111>, <21, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <12.2, 1, 111.2>, <20.8, -0.25, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 110>, <23, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 121>, <23, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 126.85>, <17, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 126.85>, <23, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <13, 17, 133>, <20, 0, 152> } box { <12, 17, 134>, <21, 0, 151> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <13.2, 18, 133.2>, <19.8, 16.75, 151.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <12.2, 18, 134.2>, <20.8, 16.7501, 150.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 132>, <23, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 0, 144>, <16, 0, 148> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <12.2, 1, 144.2>, <15.8, -0.25, 147.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 143>, <23, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 154>, <23, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 159.85>, <17, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 159.85>, <23, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 0, 171>, <21, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <12.2, 1, 171.2>, <20.8, -0.25, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 165>, <23, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 12, 177>, <16, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <12.2, 13, 177.2>, <15.8, 11.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 176>, <23, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 187>, <23, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 192.85>, <17, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 192.85>, <23, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 33) */ difference { box { <17, 9, 199>, <21, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <17.2, 10, 199.2>, <20.8, 8.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 198>, <23, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 6, 215>, <21, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <12.2, 7, 215.2>, <20.8, 5.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 209>, <23, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 220>, <23, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 225.85>, <17, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 225.85>, <23, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 1, 232>, <16, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <12.2, 2, 232.2>, <15.8, 0.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 231>, <23, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 2, 248>, <21, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <12.2, 3, 248.2>, <20.8, 1.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 242>, <23, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 253>, <23, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 258.85>, <17, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 258.85>, <23, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 33) */ difference { box { <12, 5, 270>, <21, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <12.2, 6, 270.2>, <20.8, 4.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 264>, <23, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 33) */ difference { merge { box { <13, 21, 277>, <20, 0, 284> } box { <12, 14, 276>, <21, 0, 285> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union box { <13.2, 22, 277.2>, <19.8, 20.75, 283.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 275>, <23, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 33) */ box { <11, 0.005, 286>, <23, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <14, 0.01, 291.85>, <17, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <20, 0.01, 291.85>, <23, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 33) */ difference { box { <17, 16, 303>, <21, 0, 307> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <17.2, 17, 303.2>, <20.8, 15.75, 306.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 297>, <23, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 33) */ difference { box { <17, 5, 314>, <21, 0, 318> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <17.2, 6, 314.2>, <20.8, 4.75, 317.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <11, 0.1, 308>, <23, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -275>, <34, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -275>, <22, 2.25, -275>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -263>, <34, 2.25, -263>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -275>, <34, 0, -274.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -274>, <33, 0, -273.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -263.25>, <34, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -264.25>, <33, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -275>, <22.25, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -274>, <23.25, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -275>, <34, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -274>, <33, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 8, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -264>, <34, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -261>, <28.15, 0, -258> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -255>, <28.15, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 9, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -253>, <34, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -250>, <28.15, 0, -247> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -244>, <28.15, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -242>, <34, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -242>, <22, 2.25, -242>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -230>, <34, 2.25, -230>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -242>, <34, 0, -241.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -241>, <33, 0, -240.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -230.25>, <34, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -231.25>, <33, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -242>, <22.25, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -241>, <23.25, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -242>, <34, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -241>, <33, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 11, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -231>, <34, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -228>, <28.15, 0, -225> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -222>, <28.15, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 12, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -220>, <34, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -217>, <28.15, 0, -214> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -211>, <28.15, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -209>, <34, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -209>, <22, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -197>, <34, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -209>, <34, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -208>, <33, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -197.25>, <34, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -198.25>, <33, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -209>, <22.25, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -208>, <23.25, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -209>, <34, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -208>, <33, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -198>, <34, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -195>, <28.15, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -189>, <28.15, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -187>, <34, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -187>, <22, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -175>, <34, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -187>, <34, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -186>, <33, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -175.25>, <34, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -176.25>, <33, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -187>, <22.25, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -186>, <23.25, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -187>, <34, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -186>, <33, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -176>, <34, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -173>, <28.15, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -167>, <28.15, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -165>, <34, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -162>, <28.15, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -156>, <28.15, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -154>, <34, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -154>, <22, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -142>, <34, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -154>, <34, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -153>, <33, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -142.25>, <34, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -143.25>, <33, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -154>, <22.25, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -153>, <23.25, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -154>, <34, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -153>, <33, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -143>, <34, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -140>, <28.15, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -134>, <28.15, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -132>, <34, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -129>, <28.15, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -123>, <28.15, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -121>, <34, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -121>, <22, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -109>, <34, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -121>, <34, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -120>, <33, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -109.25>, <34, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -110.25>, <33, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -121>, <22.25, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -120>, <23.25, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -121>, <34, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -120>, <33, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -110>, <34, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -107>, <28.15, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -101>, <28.15, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -99>, <34, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -96>, <28.15, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -90>, <28.15, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -88>, <34, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -88>, <22, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -76>, <34, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -88>, <34, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -87>, <33, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -76.25>, <34, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -77.25>, <33, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -88>, <22.25, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -87>, <23.25, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -88>, <34, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -87>, <33, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -77>, <34, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -74>, <28.15, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -68>, <28.15, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -66>, <34, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -63>, <28.15, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -57>, <28.15, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -55>, <34, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -55>, <22, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -43>, <34, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -55>, <34, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -54>, <33, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -43.25>, <34, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -44.25>, <33, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -55>, <22.25, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -54>, <23.25, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -55>, <34, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -54>, <33, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -44>, <34, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -41>, <28.15, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -35>, <28.15, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -33>, <34, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, -33>, <22, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, -21>, <34, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, -33>, <34, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -32>, <33, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -21.25>, <34, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -22.25>, <33, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, -33>, <22.25, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, -32>, <23.25, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, -33>, <34, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, -32>, <33, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -22>, <34, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -19>, <28.15, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -13>, <28.15, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, -11>, <34, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -8>, <28.15, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, -2>, <28.15, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 0>, <34, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 0>, <22, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 12>, <34, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 0>, <34, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 1>, <33, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 11.75>, <34, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 10.75>, <33, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 0>, <22.25, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 1>, <23.25, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 0>, <34, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 1>, <33, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 11>, <34, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 14>, <28.15, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 20>, <28.15, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 22>, <34, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 25>, <28.15, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 31>, <28.15, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 33>, <34, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 33>, <22, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 45>, <34, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 33>, <34, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 34>, <33, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 44.75>, <34, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 43.75>, <33, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 33>, <22.25, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 34>, <23.25, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 33>, <34, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 34>, <33, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 44>, <34, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 47>, <28.15, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 53>, <28.15, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 55>, <34, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 58>, <28.15, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 64>, <28.15, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 66>, <34, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 66>, <22, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 78>, <34, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 66>, <34, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 67>, <33, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 77.75>, <34, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 76.75>, <33, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 66>, <22.25, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 67>, <23.25, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 66>, <34, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 67>, <33, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 77>, <34, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 80>, <28.15, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 86>, <28.15, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 88>, <34, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 91>, <28.15, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 97>, <28.15, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 99>, <34, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 99>, <22, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 111>, <34, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 99>, <34, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 100>, <33, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 110.75>, <34, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 109.75>, <33, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 99>, <22.25, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 100>, <23.25, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 99>, <34, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 100>, <33, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 110>, <34, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 113>, <28.15, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 119>, <28.15, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 121>, <34, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 121>, <22, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 133>, <34, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 121>, <34, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 122>, <33, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 132.75>, <34, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 131.75>, <33, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 121>, <22.25, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 122>, <23.25, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 121>, <34, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 122>, <33, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 132>, <34, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 135>, <28.15, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 141>, <28.15, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 143>, <34, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 146>, <28.15, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 152>, <28.15, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 154>, <34, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 154>, <22, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 166>, <34, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 154>, <34, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 155>, <33, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 165.75>, <34, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 164.75>, <33, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 154>, <22.25, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 155>, <23.25, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 154>, <34, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 155>, <33, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 165>, <34, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 168>, <28.15, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 174>, <28.15, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 176>, <34, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 179>, <28.15, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 185>, <28.15, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 187>, <34, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 187>, <22, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 199>, <34, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 187>, <34, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 188>, <33, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 198.75>, <34, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 197.75>, <33, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 187>, <22.25, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 188>, <23.25, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 187>, <34, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 188>, <33, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 198>, <34, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 201>, <28.15, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 207>, <28.15, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 209>, <34, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 212>, <28.15, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 218>, <28.15, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 220>, <34, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 220>, <22, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 232>, <34, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 220>, <34, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 221>, <33, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 231.75>, <34, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 230.75>, <33, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 220>, <22.25, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 221>, <23.25, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 220>, <34, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 221>, <33, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 231>, <34, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 234>, <28.15, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 240>, <28.15, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 242>, <34, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 245>, <28.15, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 251>, <28.15, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 253>, <34, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <22, 0, 253>, <22, 2.25, 253>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <34, 0, 265>, <34, 2.25, 265>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <22, 0.01, 253>, <34, 0, 253.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 254>, <33, 0, 254.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 264.75>, <34, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 263.75>, <33, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <22, 0.01, 253>, <22.25, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <23, 0.01, 254>, <23.25, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <33.75, 0.01, 253>, <34, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <32.75, 0.01, 254>, <33, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 56, 34) */ box { <22, 0.005, 264>, <34, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 267>, <28.15, 0, 270> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <27.85, 0.01, 273>, <28.15, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -242>, <45, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -236.15>, <39, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -236.15>, <45, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 35) */ difference { merge { box { <35, 18, -229>, <42, 0, -212> } box { <34, 13, -230>, <43, 0, -211> } box { <36, 24, -228>, <41, 0, -213> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <36.2, 25, -227.8>, <40.8, 23.75, -213.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -231>, <45, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 35) */ difference { box { <39, 0, -214>, <43, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <39.2, 1, -213.8>, <42.8, -0.25, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -220>, <45, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -209>, <45, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -203.15>, <39, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -203.15>, <45, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 2, -197>, <43, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <34.2, 3, -196.8>, <42.8, 1.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -198>, <45, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -187>, <45, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -181.15>, <39, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -181.15>, <45, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 14, -170>, <43, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <34.2, 15, -169.8>, <42.8, 13.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -176>, <45, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 2, -164>, <38, 0, -160> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <34.2, 3, -163.8>, <37.8, 1.75, -160.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -165>, <45, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -154>, <45, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -148.15>, <39, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -148.15>, <45, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 35) */ difference { merge { box { <38, 14, -142>, <43, 0, -123> } box { <34, 14, -141.999>, <42.999, 0, -133> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <38.2, 15, -141.8>, <42.8, 13.75, -123.2> } box { <34.2, 15, -141.8>, <42.8, 13.7501, -132.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -143>, <45, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 0, -131>, <43, 0 , -127> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <34.2, 1, -130.8>, <42.8, -0.25, -127.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -132>, <45, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -121>, <45, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -115.15>, <39, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -115.15>, <45, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 35) */ difference { merge { box { <35, 20, -108>, <42, 0, -101> } box { <34, 20, -109>, <37, 0, -106> } box { <40, 20, -109>, <43, 0, -106> } box { <34, 20, -103>, <37, 0, -100> } box { <40, 20, -103>, <43, 0, -100> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <35.2, 21, -107.8>, <41.8, 19.75, -101.2> } box { <34.2, 21, -108.8>, <36.8, 19.7501, -106.2> } box { <40.2, 21, -102.8>, <42.8, 19.7501, -100.2> } box { <34.2, 21, -102.8>, <36.8, 19.7501, -100.2> } box { <40.2, 21, -108.8>, <42.8, 19.7501, -106.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -110>, <45, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 35) */ difference { box { <39, 5, -93>, <43, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <39.2, 6, -92.8>, <42.8, 4.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -99>, <45, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -88>, <45, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -82.15>, <39, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -82.15>, <45, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 39, -76>, <43, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <34.2, 40, -75.8>, <42.8, 38.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -77>, <45, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 35) */ difference { box { <39, 19, -60>, <43, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <39.2, 20, -59.8>, <42.8, 18.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -66>, <45, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -55>, <45, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -49.15>, <39, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -49.15>, <45, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 35, -43>, <43, 0 , -39> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <34.2, 36, -42.8>, <42.8, 34.75, -39.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -44>, <45, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, -33>, <45, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, -27.15>, <39, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, -27.15>, <45, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 35) */ difference { merge { box { <38, 32, -21>, <43, 0, -12> } box { <34, 32, -20.999>, <42.999, 0, -17> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <38.2, 33, -20.8>, <42.8, 31.75, -12.2> } box { <34.2, 33, -20.8>, <42.8, 31.7501, -16.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -22>, <45, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 35) */ difference { merge { box { <38, 16, -10>, <43, 0, -1> } box { <34, 16, -6>, <42.999, 0, -1.001> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <38.2, 17, -9.8>, <42.8, 15.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <34.2, 17, -5.8>, <42.8, 15.7501, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, -11>, <45, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, 0>, <45, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, 5.85>, <39, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, 5.85>, <45, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, 33>, <45, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, 38.85>, <39, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, 38.85>, <45, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 35) */ difference { box { <39, 35, 56>, <43, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <39.2, 36, 56.2>, <42.8, 34.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, 55>, <45, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, 66>, <45, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, 71.85>, <39, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, 71.85>, <45, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, 99>, <45, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, 104.85>, <39, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, 104.85>, <45, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 35) */ difference { merge { box { <34, 10, 111>, <43, 0, 115> } box { <34.001, 10, 111.001>, <38, 0, 120> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <34.2, 11, 111.2>, <42.8, 9.75, 114.8> } box { <34.2, 11, 111.2>, <37.8, 9.7501, 119.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, 110>, <45, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, 121>, <45, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, 126.85>, <39, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, 126.85>, <45, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 3, 133>, <38, 0, 137> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <34.2, 4, 133.2>, <37.8, 2.75, 136.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, 132>, <45, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 35) */ difference { box { <34, 19, 149>, <43, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <34.2, 20, 149.2>, <42.8, 18.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, 143>, <45, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, 154>, <45, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, 159.85>, <39, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, 159.85>, <45, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 35) */ difference { merge { box { <38, 13, 166>, <43, 0, 175> } box { <34, 13, 170>, <42.999, 0, 174.999> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <38.2, 14, 166.2>, <42.8, 12.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <34.2, 14, 170.2>, <42.8, 12.7501, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, 165>, <45, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 35) */ difference { box { <39, 7, 182>, <43, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <39.2, 8, 182.2>, <42.8, 6.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <33, 0.1, 176>, <45, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 35) */ box { <33, 0.005, 187>, <45, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <36, 0.01, 192.85>, <39, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <42, 0.01, 192.85>, <45, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 2, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -330>, <56, 0, -318> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -324.15>, <50, 0, -323.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -324.15>, <56, 0, -323.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 1, -313>, <54, 0, -309> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <50.2, 2, -312.8>, <53.8, 0.75, -309.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -319>, <56, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 1, -302>, <54, 0, -298> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <45.2, 2, -301.8>, <53.8, 0.75, -298.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -308>, <56, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -297>, <56, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -291.15>, <50, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -291.15>, <56, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 1, -280>, <54, 0, -276> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <45.2, 2, -279.8>, <53.8, 0.75, -276.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -286>, <56, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -275>, <56, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -269.15>, <50, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -269.15>, <56, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 2, -263>, <54, 0 , -259> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <45.2, 3, -262.8>, <53.8, 1.75, -259.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -264>, <56, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 36) */ difference { merge { box { <48, 31, -252>, <51, 0, -243> } box { <45, 31, -249>, <54, 0, -246> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <48.2, 32, -251.8>, <50.8, 30.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <45.2, 32, -248.8>, <53.8, 30.7501, -246.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -253>, <56, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -242>, <56, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -236.15>, <50, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -236.15>, <56, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 10, -230>, <54, 0, -221> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <50.2, 11, -229.8>, <53.8, 9.75, -221.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -231>, <56, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 2, -219>, <54, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <45.2, 3, -218.8>, <53.8, 1.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -220>, <56, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -209>, <56, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -203.15>, <50, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -203.15>, <56, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 3, -197>, <54, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <50.2, 4, -196.8>, <53.8, 2.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -198>, <56, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -187>, <56, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -181.15>, <50, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -181.15>, <56, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 6, -175>, <54, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <45.2, 7, -174.8>, <53.8, 5.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -176>, <56, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 7, -164>, <54, 0 , -160> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <45.2, 8, -163.8>, <53.8, 6.75, -160.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -165>, <56, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -154>, <56, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -148.15>, <50, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -148.15>, <56, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 4, -142>, <49, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <45.2, 5, -141.8>, <48.8, 3.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -143>, <56, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 14, -126>, <54, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <45.2, 15, -125.8>, <53.8, 13.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -132>, <56, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -121>, <56, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -115.15>, <50, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -115.15>, <56, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 2, -109>, <54, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <50.2, 3, -108.8>, <53.8, 1.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -110>, <56, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 36) */ difference { merge { box { <46, 9, -98>, <53, 0, -89> } box { <45, 9, -97>, <54, 0, -90> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <46.2, 10, -97.8>, <52.8, 8.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <45.2, 10, -96.8>, <53.8, 8.7501, -90.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -99>, <56, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -88>, <56, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -82.15>, <50, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -82.15>, <56, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 36) */ difference { merge { box { <46, 38, -75>, <53, 0, -58> } box { <45, 27, -76>, <54, 0, -57> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <46.2, 39, -74.8>, <52.8, 37.75, -58.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -77>, <56, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 0, -65>, <54, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <50.2, 1, -64.8>, <53.8, -0.25, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, -66>, <56, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -55>, <56, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -49.15>, <50, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -49.15>, <56, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, -33>, <56, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, -27.15>, <50, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, -27.15>, <56, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 0>, <56, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 5.85>, <50, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 5.85>, <56, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 13, 23>, <49, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <45.2, 14, 23.2>, <48.8, 12.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 22>, <56, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 33>, <56, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 38.85>, <50, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 38.85>, <56, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 36) */ difference { merge { box { <46, 11, 45>, <53, 0, 64> } box { <45, 11, 46>, <54, 0, 63> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union box { <46.2, 12, 45.2>, <52.8, 10.75, 63.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <45.2, 12, 46.2>, <53.8, 10.7501, 62.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 44>, <56, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 0, 56>, <54, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <50.2, 1, 56.2>, <53.8, -0.25, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 55>, <56, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 66>, <56, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 71.85>, <50, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 71.85>, <56, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 99>, <56, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 104.85>, <50, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 104.85>, <56, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 2, 111>, <54, 0 , 115> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <45.2, 3, 111.2>, <53.8, 1.75, 114.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 110>, <56, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 121>, <56, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 126.85>, <50, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 126.85>, <56, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 2, 133>, <49, 0, 137> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <45.2, 3, 133.2>, <48.8, 1.75, 136.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 132>, <56, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 36) */ difference { merge { box { <46, 17, 144>, <53, 0, 153> } box { <45, 17, 145>, <54, 0, 152> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union box { <46.2, 18, 144.2>, <52.8, 16.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <45.2, 18, 145.2>, <53.8, 16.7501, 151.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 143>, <56, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 154>, <56, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 159.85>, <50, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 159.85>, <56, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 1, 171>, <54, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <45.2, 2, 171.2>, <53.8, 0.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 165>, <56, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 36) */ difference { merge { box { <45, 13, 177>, <54, 0, 181> } box { <45.001, 13, 177.001>, <49, 0, 186> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <45.2, 14, 177.2>, <53.8, 12.75, 180.8> } box { <45.2, 14, 177.2>, <48.8, 12.7501, 185.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 176>, <56, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 187>, <56, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 192.85>, <50, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 192.85>, <56, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 5, 199>, <54, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <45.2, 6, 199.2>, <53.8, 4.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 198>, <56, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 3, 210>, <54, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <50.2, 4, 210.2>, <53.8, 2.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 209>, <56, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 220>, <56, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 225.85>, <50, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 225.85>, <56, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 1, 232>, <54, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <45.2, 2, 232.2>, <53.8, 0.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 231>, <56, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 5, 243>, <54, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <50.2, 6, 243.2>, <53.8, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 242>, <56, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 253>, <56, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 258.85>, <50, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 258.85>, <56, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 36) */ difference { box { <50, 10, 265>, <54, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <50.2, 11, 265.2>, <53.8, 9.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 264>, <56, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 36) */ difference { box { <45, 7, 281>, <54, 0, 285> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <45.2, 8, 281.2>, <53.8, 6.75, 284.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 275>, <56, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 36) */ box { <44, 0.005, 286>, <56, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <47, 0.01, 291.85>, <50, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <53, 0.01, 291.85>, <56, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 36) */ difference { merge { box { <46, 9, 298>, <53, 0, 307> } box { <45, 9, 299>, <54, 0, 306> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union box { <46.2, 10, 298.2>, <52.8, 8.75, 306.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <45.2, 10, 299.2>, <53.8, 8.7501, 305.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <44, 0.1, 297>, <56, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -297>, <67, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -297>, <55, 2.25, -297>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -285>, <67, 2.25, -285>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -297>, <67, 0, -296.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -296>, <66, 0, -295.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -285.25>, <67, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -286.25>, <66, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -297>, <55.25, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -296>, <56.25, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -297>, <67, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -296>, <66, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 6, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -286>, <67, 0, -274> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -283>, <61.15, 0, -280> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -277>, <61.15, 0, -274> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -275>, <67, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -275>, <55, 2.25, -275>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -263>, <67, 2.25, -263>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -275>, <67, 0, -274.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -274>, <66, 0, -273.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -263.25>, <67, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -264.25>, <66, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -275>, <55.25, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -274>, <56.25, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -275>, <67, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -274>, <66, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 8, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -264>, <67, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -261>, <61.15, 0, -258> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -255>, <61.15, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 9, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -253>, <67, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -250>, <61.15, 0, -247> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -244>, <61.15, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -242>, <67, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -242>, <55, 2.25, -242>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -230>, <67, 2.25, -230>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -242>, <67, 0, -241.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -241>, <66, 0, -240.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -230.25>, <67, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -231.25>, <66, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -242>, <55.25, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -241>, <56.25, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -242>, <67, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -241>, <66, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 11, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -231>, <67, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -228>, <61.15, 0, -225> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -222>, <61.15, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 12, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -220>, <67, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -217>, <61.15, 0, -214> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -211>, <61.15, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -209>, <67, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -209>, <55, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -197>, <67, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -209>, <67, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -208>, <66, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -197.25>, <67, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -198.25>, <66, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -209>, <55.25, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -208>, <56.25, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -209>, <67, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -208>, <66, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -198>, <67, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -195>, <61.15, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -189>, <61.15, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -187>, <67, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -187>, <55, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -175>, <67, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -187>, <67, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -186>, <66, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -175.25>, <67, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -176.25>, <66, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -187>, <55.25, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -186>, <56.25, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -187>, <67, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -186>, <66, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -176>, <67, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -173>, <61.15, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -167>, <61.15, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -165>, <67, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -162>, <61.15, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -156>, <61.15, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -154>, <67, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -154>, <55, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -142>, <67, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -154>, <67, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -153>, <66, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -142.25>, <67, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -143.25>, <66, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -154>, <55.25, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -153>, <56.25, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -154>, <67, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -153>, <66, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -143>, <67, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -140>, <61.15, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -134>, <61.15, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -132>, <67, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -129>, <61.15, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -123>, <61.15, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -121>, <67, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -121>, <55, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -109>, <67, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -121>, <67, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -120>, <66, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -109.25>, <67, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -110.25>, <66, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -121>, <55.25, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -120>, <56.25, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -121>, <67, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -120>, <66, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -110>, <67, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -107>, <61.15, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -101>, <61.15, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -99>, <67, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -96>, <61.15, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -90>, <61.15, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -88>, <67, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -88>, <55, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -76>, <67, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -88>, <67, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -87>, <66, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -76.25>, <67, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -77.25>, <66, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -88>, <55.25, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -87>, <56.25, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -88>, <67, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -87>, <66, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -77>, <67, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -74>, <61.15, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -68>, <61.15, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -66>, <67, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -63>, <61.15, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -57>, <61.15, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -55>, <67, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -55>, <55, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -43>, <67, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -55>, <67, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -54>, <66, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -43.25>, <67, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -44.25>, <66, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -55>, <55.25, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -54>, <56.25, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -55>, <67, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -54>, <66, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -44>, <67, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -41>, <61.15, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -35>, <61.15, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -33>, <67, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, -33>, <55, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, -21>, <67, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, -33>, <67, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -32>, <66, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -21.25>, <67, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -22.25>, <66, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, -33>, <55.25, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, -32>, <56.25, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, -33>, <67, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, -32>, <66, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -22>, <67, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -19>, <61.15, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -13>, <61.15, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, -11>, <67, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -8>, <61.15, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, -2>, <61.15, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 0>, <67, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 0>, <55, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 12>, <67, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 0>, <67, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 1>, <66, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 11.75>, <67, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 10.75>, <66, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 0>, <55.25, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 1>, <56.25, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 0>, <67, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 1>, <66, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 11>, <67, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 14>, <61.15, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 20>, <61.15, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 22>, <67, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 25>, <61.15, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 31>, <61.15, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 33>, <67, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 33>, <55, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 45>, <67, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 33>, <67, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 34>, <66, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 44.75>, <67, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 43.75>, <66, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 33>, <55.25, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 34>, <56.25, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 33>, <67, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 34>, <66, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 44>, <67, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 47>, <61.15, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 53>, <61.15, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 55>, <67, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 58>, <61.15, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 64>, <61.15, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 66>, <67, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 66>, <55, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 78>, <67, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 66>, <67, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 67>, <66, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 77.75>, <67, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 76.75>, <66, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 66>, <55.25, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 67>, <56.25, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 66>, <67, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 67>, <66, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 77>, <67, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 80>, <61.15, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 86>, <61.15, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 88>, <67, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 91>, <61.15, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 97>, <61.15, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 99>, <67, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 99>, <55, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 111>, <67, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 99>, <67, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 100>, <66, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 110.75>, <67, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 109.75>, <66, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 99>, <55.25, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 100>, <56.25, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 99>, <67, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 100>, <66, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 110>, <67, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 113>, <61.15, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 119>, <61.15, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 121>, <67, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 121>, <55, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 133>, <67, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 121>, <67, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 122>, <66, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 132.75>, <67, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 131.75>, <66, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 121>, <55.25, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 122>, <56.25, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 121>, <67, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 122>, <66, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 132>, <67, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 135>, <61.15, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 141>, <61.15, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 143>, <67, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 146>, <61.15, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 152>, <61.15, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 154>, <67, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 154>, <55, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 166>, <67, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 154>, <67, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 155>, <66, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 165.75>, <67, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 164.75>, <66, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 154>, <55.25, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 155>, <56.25, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 154>, <67, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 155>, <66, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 165>, <67, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 168>, <61.15, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 174>, <61.15, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 176>, <67, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 179>, <61.15, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 185>, <61.15, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 187>, <67, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 187>, <55, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 199>, <67, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 187>, <67, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 188>, <66, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 198.75>, <67, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 197.75>, <66, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 187>, <55.25, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 188>, <56.25, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 187>, <67, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 188>, <66, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 198>, <67, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 201>, <61.15, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 207>, <61.15, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 209>, <67, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 212>, <61.15, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 218>, <61.15, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 220>, <67, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 220>, <55, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 232>, <67, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 220>, <67, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 221>, <66, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 231.75>, <67, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 230.75>, <66, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 220>, <55.25, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 221>, <56.25, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 220>, <67, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 221>, <66, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 231>, <67, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 234>, <61.15, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 240>, <61.15, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 242>, <67, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 245>, <61.15, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 251>, <61.15, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 253>, <67, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 253>, <55, 2.25, 253>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 265>, <67, 2.25, 265>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 253>, <67, 0, 253.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 254>, <66, 0, 254.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 264.75>, <67, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 263.75>, <66, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 253>, <55.25, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 254>, <56.25, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 253>, <67, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 254>, <66, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 56, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 264>, <67, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 267>, <61.15, 0, 270> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 273>, <61.15, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 57, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 275>, <67, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 278>, <61.15, 0, 281> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 284>, <61.15, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 286>, <67, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 286>, <55, 2.25, 286>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 298>, <67, 2.25, 298>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 286>, <67, 0, 286.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 287>, <66, 0, 287.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 297.75>, <67, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 296.75>, <66, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 286>, <55.25, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 287>, <56.25, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 286>, <67, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 287>, <66, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 59, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 297>, <67, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 300>, <61.15, 0, 303> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 306>, <61.15, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 60, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 308>, <67, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 311>, <61.15, 0, 314> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 317>, <61.15, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 319>, <67, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 319>, <55, 2.25, 319>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 331>, <67, 2.25, 331>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 319>, <67, 0, 319.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 320>, <66, 0, 320.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 330.75>, <67, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 329.75>, <66, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 319>, <55.25, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 320>, <56.25, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 319>, <67, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 320>, <66, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 62, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 330>, <67, 0, 342> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 333>, <61.15, 0, 336> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <60.85, 0.01, 339>, <61.15, 0, 342> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 63, 37) */ box { <55, 0.005, 341>, <67, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <55, 0, 341>, <55, 2.25, 341>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <67, 0, 353>, <67, 2.25, 353>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <55, 0.01, 341>, <67, 0, 341.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 342>, <66, 0, 342.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 352.75>, <67, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 351.75>, <66, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <55, 0.01, 341>, <55.25, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <56, 0.01, 342>, <56.25, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <66.75, 0.01, 341>, <67, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <65.75, 0.01, 342>, <66, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 2, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -330>, <78, 0, -318> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -324.15>, <72, 0, -323.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -324.15>, <78, 0, -323.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 1, -318>, <71, 0, -314> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <67.2, 2, -317.8>, <70.8, 0.75, -314.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -319>, <78, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 1, -307>, <71, 0, -303> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <67.2, 2, -306.8>, <70.8, 0.75, -303.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -308>, <78, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -297>, <78, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -291.15>, <72, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -291.15>, <78, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 1, -285>, <76, 0 , -281> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <67.2, 2, -284.8>, <75.8, 0.75, -281.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -286>, <78, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -275>, <78, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -269.15>, <72, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -269.15>, <78, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 11, -263>, <76, 0 , -259> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <67.2, 12, -262.8>, <75.8, 10.75, -259.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -264>, <78, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 2, -247>, <76, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <67.2, 3, -246.8>, <75.8, 1.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -253>, <78, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -242>, <78, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -236.15>, <72, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -236.15>, <78, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <68, 23, -229>, <75, 0, -222> } box { <67, 23, -230>, <70, 0, -227> } box { <73, 23, -230>, <76, 0, -227> } box { <67, 23, -224>, <70, 0, -221> } box { <73, 23, -224>, <76, 0, -221> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <68.2, 24, -228.8>, <74.8, 22.75, -222.2> } box { <67.2, 24, -229.8>, <69.8, 22.7501, -227.2> } box { <73.2, 24, -223.8>, <75.8, 22.7501, -221.2> } box { <67.2, 24, -223.8>, <69.8, 22.7501, -221.2> } box { <73.2, 24, -229.8>, <75.8, 22.7501, -227.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -231>, <78, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <68, 9, -219>, <75, 0, -210> } box { <67, 9, -218>, <76, 0, -211> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union box { <68.2, 10, -218.8>, <74.8, 8.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <67.2, 10, -217.8>, <75.8, 8.7501, -211.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -220>, <78, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -209>, <78, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -203.15>, <72, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -203.15>, <78, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 16, -192>, <76, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <67.2, 17, -191.8>, <75.8, 15.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -198>, <78, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -187>, <78, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -181.15>, <72, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -181.15>, <78, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <67, 10, -175>, <76, 0, -156> } box { <67.001, 10, -166>, <86, 0, -156.001> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <67.2, 11, -174.8>, <75.8, 9.75, -156.2> } box { <67.2, 11, -165.8>, <85.8, 9.7501, -156.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -176>, <78, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 0, -164>, <76, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <67.2, 1, -163.8>, <75.8, -0.25, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -165>, <78, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -154>, <78, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -148.15>, <72, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -148.15>, <78, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 3, -142>, <76, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <67.2, 4, -141.8>, <75.8, 2.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -143>, <78, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 1, -126>, <76, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <67.2, 2, -125.8>, <75.8, 0.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -132>, <78, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -121>, <78, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -115.15>, <72, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -115.15>, <78, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <71, 15, -109>, <76, 0, -90> } box { <67, 15, -108.999>, <75.999, 0, -100> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union merge { box { <71.2, 16, -108.8>, <75.8, 14.75, -90.2> } box { <67.2, 16, -108.8>, <75.8, 14.7501, -99.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -110>, <78, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 0, -98>, <71, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <67.2, 1, -97.8>, <70.8, -0.25, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -99>, <78, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -88>, <78, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -82.15>, <72, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -82.15>, <78, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <71, 18, -76>, <76, 0, -57> } box { <67, 18, -67>, <75.999, 0, -57.001> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union box { <71.2, 19, -75.8>, <75.8, 17.75, -57.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <67.2, 19, -66.8>, <75.8, 17.7501, -57.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -77>, <78, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 0, -65>, <71, 0, -61> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <67.2, 1, -64.8>, <70.8, -0.25, -61.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -66>, <78, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -55>, <78, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -49.15>, <72, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -49.15>, <78, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, -33>, <78, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, -27.15>, <72, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, -27.15>, <78, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 16, -5>, <76, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <67.2, 17, -4.8>, <75.8, 15.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, -11>, <78, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 0>, <78, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 5.85>, <72, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 5.85>, <78, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <67, 13, 12>, <76, 0, 21> } box { <67.001, 13, 12.001>, <71, 0, 31> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <67.2, 14, 12.2>, <75.8, 12.75, 20.8> } box { <67.2, 14, 12.2>, <70.8, 12.7501, 30.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 11>, <78, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 0, 23>, <76, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <67.2, 1, 23.2>, <75.8, -0.25, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 22>, <78, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 33>, <78, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 38.85>, <72, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 38.85>, <78, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 2, 45>, <71, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <67.2, 3, 45.2>, <70.8, 1.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 44>, <78, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 38) */ difference { box { <72, 6, 56>, <76, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <72.2, 7, 56.2>, <75.8, 5.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 55>, <78, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 66>, <78, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 71.85>, <72, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 71.85>, <78, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 14, 89>, <71, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <67.2, 15, 89.2>, <70.8, 13.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 88>, <78, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 99>, <78, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 104.85>, <72, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 104.85>, <78, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <67, 25, 111>, <76, 0, 120> } box { <67.001, 25, 115>, <86, 0, 119.999> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union merge { box { <67.2, 26, 111.2>, <75.8, 24.75, 119.8> } box { <67.2, 26, 115.2>, <85.8, 24.7501, 119.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 110>, <78, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 121>, <78, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 126.85>, <72, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 126.85>, <78, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <67, 13, 133>, <71, 0, 152> } box { <67.001, 13, 142>, <76, 0, 151.999> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <67.2, 14, 133.2>, <70.8, 12.75, 151.8> } box { <67.2, 14, 142.2>, <75.8, 12.7501, 151.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 132>, <78, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 38) */ difference { box { <72, 0, 144>, <76, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <72.2, 1, 144.2>, <75.8, -0.25, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 143>, <78, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 154>, <78, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 159.85>, <72, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 159.85>, <78, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 12, 166>, <76, 0 , 170> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <67.2, 13, 166.2>, <75.8, 11.75, 169.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 165>, <78, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 12, 177>, <76, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <67.2, 13, 177.2>, <75.8, 11.75, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 176>, <78, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 187>, <78, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 192.85>, <72, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 192.85>, <78, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 38) */ difference { box { <72, 2, 199>, <76, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <72.2, 3, 199.2>, <75.8, 1.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 198>, <78, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 3, 210>, <71, 0, 214> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <67.2, 4, 210.2>, <70.8, 2.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 209>, <78, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 220>, <78, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 225.85>, <72, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 225.85>, <78, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 1, 232>, <76, 0 , 236> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <67.2, 2, 232.2>, <75.8, 0.75, 235.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 231>, <78, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 5, 243>, <71, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <67.2, 6, 243.2>, <70.8, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 242>, <78, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 253>, <78, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 258.85>, <72, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 258.85>, <78, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <67, 8, 265>, <86, 0, 274> } box { <67.001, 8, 265.001>, <76, 0, 284> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union merge { box { <67.2, 9, 265.2>, <85.8, 7.75, 273.8> } box { <67.2, 9, 265.2>, <75.8, 7.7501, 283.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 264>, <78, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 0, 276>, <76, 0 , 280> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <67.2, 1, 276.2>, <75.8, -0.25, 279.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 275>, <78, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 286>, <78, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 291.85>, <72, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 291.85>, <78, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 38) */ difference { box { <67, 10, 298>, <71, 0, 307> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <67.2, 11, 298.2>, <70.8, 9.75, 306.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 297>, <78, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <68, 27, 310>, <75, 0, 317> } box { <67, 16, 309>, <76, 0, 318> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <68.2, 28, 310.2>, <74.8, 26.75, 316.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 308>, <78, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 319>, <78, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 324.85>, <72, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 324.85>, <78, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (62, 38) */ difference { merge { box { <71, 14, 331>, <76, 0, 340> } box { <67, 14, 335>, <75.999, 0, 339.999> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union box { <71.2, 15, 331.2>, <75.8, 13.75, 339.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <67.2, 15, 335.2>, <75.8, 13.7501, 339.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <66, 0.1, 330>, <78, 0, 342> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 63, 38) */ box { <66, 0.005, 341>, <78, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <69, 0.01, 346.85>, <72, 0, 347.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <75, 0.01, 346.85>, <78, 0, 347.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, -187>, <89, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, -181.15>, <83, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, -181.15>, <89, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 0, -175>, <82, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <78.2, 1, -174.8>, <81.8, -0.25, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -176>, <89, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 39) */ difference { box { <83, 10, -159>, <87, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <83.2, 11, -158.8>, <86.8, 9.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -165>, <89, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, -154>, <89, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, -148.15>, <83, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, -148.15>, <89, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <79, 7, -142>, <86, 0, -133> } box { <78, 7, -141>, <87, 0, -134> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <79.2, 8, -141.8>, <85.8, 6.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <78.2, 8, -140.8>, <86.8, 6.7501, -134.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -143>, <89, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 39) */ difference { box { <83, 10, -126>, <87, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <83.2, 11, -125.8>, <86.8, 9.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -132>, <89, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, -121>, <89, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, -115.15>, <83, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, -115.15>, <89, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 39) */ difference { box { <83, 1, -109>, <87, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <83.2, 2, -108.8>, <86.8, 0.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -110>, <89, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 9, -98>, <82, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <78.2, 10, -97.8>, <81.8, 8.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -99>, <89, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, -88>, <89, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, -82.15>, <83, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, -82.15>, <89, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <82, 29, -76>, <87, 0, -67> } box { <78, 29, -75.999>, <86.999, 0, -72> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <82.2, 30, -75.8>, <86.8, 28.75, -67.2> } box { <78.2, 30, -75.8>, <86.8, 28.7501, -71.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -77>, <89, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <79, 32, -64>, <86, 0, -57> } box { <78, 27, -65>, <87, 0, -56> } box { <80, 35, -63>, <85, 0, -58> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <80.2, 36, -62.8>, <84.8, 34.75, -58.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -66>, <89, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, -55>, <89, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, -49.15>, <83, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, -49.15>, <89, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 32, -43>, <82, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <78.2, 33, -42.8>, <81.8, 31.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -44>, <89, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, -33>, <89, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, -27.15>, <83, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, -27.15>, <89, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 41, -21>, <87, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <78.2, 42, -20.8>, <86.8, 40.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -22>, <89, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 2, -10>, <82, 0, -6> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <78.2, 3, -9.8>, <81.8, 1.75, -6.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, -11>, <89, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 0>, <89, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 5.85>, <83, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 5.85>, <89, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <79, 21, 24>, <86, 0, 31> } box { <78, 11, 23>, <87, 0, 32> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union box { <79.2, 22, 24.2>, <85.8, 20.75, 30.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 22>, <89, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 33>, <89, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 38.85>, <83, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 38.85>, <89, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 41, 45>, <87, 0, 54> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <78.2, 42, 45.2>, <86.8, 40.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 44>, <89, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <79, 30, 57>, <86, 0, 64> } box { <78, 29, 56>, <87, 0, 65> } box { <80, 31, 58>, <85, 0, 63> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <80.2, 32, 58.2>, <84.8, 30.75, 62.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 55>, <89, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 66>, <89, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 71.85>, <83, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 71.85>, <89, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 39, 83>, <87, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <78.2, 40, 83.2>, <86.8, 38.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 77>, <89, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <78, 14, 89>, <82, 0, 98> } box { <78.001, 14, 93>, <87, 0, 97.999> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union merge { box { <78.2, 15, 89.2>, <81.8, 13.75, 97.8> } box { <78.2, 15, 93.2>, <86.8, 13.7501, 97.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 88>, <89, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 99>, <89, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 104.85>, <83, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 104.85>, <89, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 39) */ difference { box { <83, 0, 116>, <87, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <83.2, 1, 116.2>, <86.8, -0.25, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 110>, <89, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 121>, <89, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 126.85>, <83, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 126.85>, <89, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 8, 138>, <87, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <78.2, 9, 138.2>, <86.8, 7.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 132>, <89, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 2, 144>, <82, 0, 148> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <78.2, 3, 144.2>, <81.8, 1.75, 147.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 143>, <89, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 154>, <89, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 159.85>, <83, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 159.85>, <89, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 39) */ difference { box { <83, 9, 171>, <87, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <83.2, 10, 171.2>, <86.8, 8.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 165>, <89, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <82, 12, 177>, <87, 0, 186> } box { <78, 12, 177.001>, <86.999, 0, 181> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <82.2, 13, 177.2>, <86.8, 11.75, 185.8> } box { <78.2, 13, 177.2>, <86.8, 11.7501, 181.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 176>, <89, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 187>, <89, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 192.85>, <83, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 192.85>, <89, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 3, 199>, <82, 0, 203> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <78.2, 4, 199.2>, <81.8, 2.75, 202.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 198>, <89, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 2, 210>, <82, 0, 214> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <78.2, 3, 210.2>, <81.8, 1.75, 213.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 209>, <89, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 220>, <89, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 225.85>, <83, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 225.85>, <89, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 1, 232>, <87, 0 , 236> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <78.2, 2, 232.2>, <86.8, 0.75, 235.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 231>, <89, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 39) */ difference { box { <83, 5, 248>, <87, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <83.2, 6, 248.2>, <86.8, 4.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 242>, <89, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 253>, <89, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 258.85>, <83, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 258.85>, <89, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 39) */ difference { box { <83, 0, 265>, <87, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <83.2, 1, 265.2>, <86.8, -0.25, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 264>, <89, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 39) */ difference { box { <78, 14, 281>, <87, 0, 285> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <78.2, 15, 281.2>, <86.8, 13.75, 284.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 275>, <89, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 39) */ box { <77, 0.005, 286>, <89, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <80, 0.01, 291.85>, <83, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <86, 0.01, 291.85>, <89, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <79, 21, 299>, <86, 0, 306> } box { <78, 11, 298>, <87, 0, 307> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <79.2, 22, 299.2>, <85.8, 20.75, 305.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 297>, <89, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 39) */ difference { merge { box { <79, 32, 310>, <86, 0, 317> } box { <78, 32, 309>, <81, 0, 312> } box { <84, 32, 309>, <87, 0, 312> } box { <78, 32, 315>, <81, 0, 318> } box { <84, 32, 315>, <87, 0, 318> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union merge { box { <79.2, 33, 310.2>, <85.8, 31.75, 316.8> } box { <78.2, 33, 309.2>, <80.8, 31.7501, 311.8> } box { <84.2, 33, 315.2>, <86.8, 31.7501, 317.8> } box { <78.2, 33, 315.2>, <80.8, 31.7501, 317.8> } box { <84.2, 33, 309.2>, <86.8, 31.7501, 311.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <77, 0.1, 308>, <89, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -198>, <100, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -195>, <94.15, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -189>, <94.15, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -187>, <100, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, -187>, <88, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, -175>, <100, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, -187>, <100, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -186>, <99, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -175.25>, <100, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -176.25>, <99, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -187>, <88.25, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -186>, <89.25, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, -187>, <100, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, -186>, <99, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -176>, <100, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -173>, <94.15, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -167>, <94.15, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -165>, <100, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -162>, <94.15, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -156>, <94.15, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -154>, <100, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, -154>, <88, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, -142>, <100, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, -154>, <100, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -153>, <99, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -142.25>, <100, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -143.25>, <99, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -154>, <88.25, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -153>, <89.25, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, -154>, <100, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, -153>, <99, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -143>, <100, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -140>, <94.15, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -134>, <94.15, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -132>, <100, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -129>, <94.15, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -123>, <94.15, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -121>, <100, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, -121>, <88, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, -109>, <100, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, -121>, <100, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -120>, <99, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -109.25>, <100, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -110.25>, <99, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -121>, <88.25, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -120>, <89.25, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, -121>, <100, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, -120>, <99, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -110>, <100, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -107>, <94.15, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -101>, <94.15, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -99>, <100, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -96>, <94.15, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -90>, <94.15, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -88>, <100, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, -88>, <88, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, -76>, <100, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, -88>, <100, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -87>, <99, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -76.25>, <100, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -77.25>, <99, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -88>, <88.25, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -87>, <89.25, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, -88>, <100, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, -87>, <99, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -77>, <100, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -74>, <94.15, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -68>, <94.15, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -66>, <100, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -63>, <94.15, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -57>, <94.15, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -55>, <100, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, -55>, <88, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, -43>, <100, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, -55>, <100, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -54>, <99, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -43.25>, <100, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -44.25>, <99, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -55>, <88.25, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -54>, <89.25, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, -55>, <100, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, -54>, <99, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -44>, <100, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -41>, <94.15, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -35>, <94.15, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -33>, <100, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, -33>, <88, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, -21>, <100, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, -33>, <100, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -32>, <99, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -21.25>, <100, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -22.25>, <99, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, -33>, <88.25, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, -32>, <89.25, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, -33>, <100, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, -32>, <99, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -22>, <100, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -19>, <94.15, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -13>, <94.15, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, -11>, <100, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -8>, <94.15, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, -2>, <94.15, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 0>, <100, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 0>, <88, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 12>, <100, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 0>, <100, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 1>, <99, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 11.75>, <100, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 10.75>, <99, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 0>, <88.25, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 1>, <89.25, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 0>, <100, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 1>, <99, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 11>, <100, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 14>, <94.15, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 20>, <94.15, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 22>, <100, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 25>, <94.15, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 31>, <94.15, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 33>, <100, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 33>, <88, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 45>, <100, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 33>, <100, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 34>, <99, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 44.75>, <100, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 43.75>, <99, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 33>, <88.25, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 34>, <89.25, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 33>, <100, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 34>, <99, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 44>, <100, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 47>, <94.15, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 53>, <94.15, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 55>, <100, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 58>, <94.15, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 64>, <94.15, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 66>, <100, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 66>, <88, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 78>, <100, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 66>, <100, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 67>, <99, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 77.75>, <100, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 76.75>, <99, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 66>, <88.25, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 67>, <89.25, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 66>, <100, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 67>, <99, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 77>, <100, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 80>, <94.15, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 86>, <94.15, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 88>, <100, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 91>, <94.15, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 97>, <94.15, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 99>, <100, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 99>, <88, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 111>, <100, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 99>, <100, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 100>, <99, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 110.75>, <100, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 109.75>, <99, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 99>, <88.25, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 100>, <89.25, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 99>, <100, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 100>, <99, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 110>, <100, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 113>, <94.15, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 119>, <94.15, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 121>, <100, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 121>, <88, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 133>, <100, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 121>, <100, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 122>, <99, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 132.75>, <100, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 131.75>, <99, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 121>, <88.25, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 122>, <89.25, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 121>, <100, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 122>, <99, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 132>, <100, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 135>, <94.15, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 141>, <94.15, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 143>, <100, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 146>, <94.15, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 152>, <94.15, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 154>, <100, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 154>, <88, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 166>, <100, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 154>, <100, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 155>, <99, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 165.75>, <100, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 164.75>, <99, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 154>, <88.25, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 155>, <89.25, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 154>, <100, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 155>, <99, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 165>, <100, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 168>, <94.15, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 174>, <94.15, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 176>, <100, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 179>, <94.15, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 185>, <94.15, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 187>, <100, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 187>, <88, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 199>, <100, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 187>, <100, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 188>, <99, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 198.75>, <100, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 197.75>, <99, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 187>, <88.25, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 188>, <89.25, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 187>, <100, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 188>, <99, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 198>, <100, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 201>, <94.15, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 207>, <94.15, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 209>, <100, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 212>, <94.15, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 218>, <94.15, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 220>, <100, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 220>, <88, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 232>, <100, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 220>, <100, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 221>, <99, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 231.75>, <100, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 230.75>, <99, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 220>, <88.25, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 221>, <89.25, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 220>, <100, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 221>, <99, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 231>, <100, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 234>, <94.15, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 240>, <94.15, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 242>, <100, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 245>, <94.15, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 251>, <94.15, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 253>, <100, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 253>, <88, 2.25, 253>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 265>, <100, 2.25, 265>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 253>, <100, 0, 253.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 254>, <99, 0, 254.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 264.75>, <100, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 263.75>, <99, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 253>, <88.25, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 254>, <89.25, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 253>, <100, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 254>, <99, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 56, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 264>, <100, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 267>, <94.15, 0, 270> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 273>, <94.15, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 57, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 275>, <100, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 278>, <94.15, 0, 281> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 284>, <94.15, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 286>, <100, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 286>, <88, 2.25, 286>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 298>, <100, 2.25, 298>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 286>, <100, 0, 286.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 287>, <99, 0, 287.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 297.75>, <100, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 296.75>, <99, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 286>, <88.25, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 287>, <89.25, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 286>, <100, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 287>, <99, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 59, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 297>, <100, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 300>, <94.15, 0, 303> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 306>, <94.15, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 60, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 308>, <100, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 311>, <94.15, 0, 314> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <93.85, 0.01, 317>, <94.15, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 40) */ box { <88, 0.005, 319>, <100, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <88, 0, 319>, <88, 2.25, 319>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <100, 0, 331>, <100, 2.25, 331>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <88, 0.01, 319>, <100, 0, 319.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 320>, <99, 0, 320.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 330.75>, <100, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 329.75>, <99, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <88, 0.01, 319>, <88.25, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <89, 0.01, 320>, <89.25, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <99.75, 0.01, 319>, <100, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <98.75, 0.01, 320>, <99, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 7, -258>, <109, 0, -254> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <100.2, 8, -257.8>, <108.8, 6.75, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -264>, <111, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <103, 23, -252>, <106, 0, -243> } box { <100, 23, -249>, <109, 0, -246> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union box { <103.2, 24, -251.8>, <105.8, 22.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <100.2, 24, -248.8>, <108.8, 22.7501, -246.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -253>, <111, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -242>, <111, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -236.15>, <105, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -236.15>, <111, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 11, -230>, <104, 0, -221> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <100.2, 12, -229.8>, <103.8, 10.75, -221.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -231>, <111, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <104, 19, -219>, <109, 0, -210> } box { <100, 19, -218.999>, <108.999, 0, -215> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <104.2, 20, -218.8>, <108.8, 18.75, -210.2> } box { <100.2, 20, -218.8>, <108.8, 18.7501, -214.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -220>, <111, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -209>, <111, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -203.15>, <105, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -203.15>, <111, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 41) */ difference { box { <105, 18, -197>, <109, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <105.2, 19, -196.8>, <108.8, 17.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -198>, <111, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -187>, <111, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -181.15>, <105, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -181.15>, <111, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <100, 14, -175>, <109, 0, -171> } box { <100.001, 14, -174.999>, <104, 0, -166> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union merge { box { <100.2, 15, -174.8>, <108.8, 13.75, -171.2> } box { <100.2, 15, -174.8>, <103.8, 13.7501, -166.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -176>, <111, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 9, -164>, <104, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <100.2, 10, -163.8>, <103.8, 8.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -165>, <111, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -154>, <111, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -148.15>, <105, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -148.15>, <111, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <100, 9, -142>, <109, 0, -133> } box { <100.001, 9, -141.999>, <104, 0, -123> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <100.2, 10, -141.8>, <108.8, 8.75, -133.2> } box { <100.2, 10, -141.8>, <103.8, 8.7501, -123.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -143>, <111, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 0, -131>, <109, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <100.2, 1, -130.8>, <108.8, -0.25, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -132>, <111, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -121>, <111, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -115.15>, <105, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -115.15>, <111, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 41) */ difference { box { <105, 13, -109>, <109, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <105.2, 14, -108.8>, <108.8, 12.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -110>, <111, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <101, 25, -97>, <108, 0, -90> } box { <100, 16, -98>, <109, 0, -89> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <101.2, 26, -96.8>, <107.8, 24.75, -90.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -99>, <111, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -88>, <111, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -82.15>, <105, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -82.15>, <111, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 1, -76>, <109, 0, -67> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <100.2, 2, -75.8>, <108.8, 0.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -77>, <111, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <101, 22, -64>, <108, 0, -57> } box { <100, 13, -65>, <109, 0, -56> } texture { WinTxt14 } } // end union box { <101.2, 23, -63.8>, <107.8, 21.75, -57.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -66>, <111, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -55>, <111, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -49.15>, <105, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -49.15>, <111, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 10, -43>, <109, 0 , -39> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <100.2, 11, -42.8>, <108.8, 9.75, -39.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -44>, <111, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, -33>, <111, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, -27.15>, <105, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, -27.15>, <111, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <104, 20, -21>, <109, 0, -12> } box { <100, 20, -20.999>, <108.999, 0, -17> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <104.2, 21, -20.8>, <108.8, 19.75, -12.2> } box { <100.2, 21, -20.8>, <108.8, 19.7501, -16.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, -22>, <111, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 0>, <111, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 5.85>, <105, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 5.85>, <111, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <104, 27, 12>, <109, 0, 21> } box { <100, 27, 12.001>, <108.999, 0, 16> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <104.2, 28, 12.2>, <108.8, 26.75, 20.8> } box { <100.2, 28, 12.2>, <108.8, 26.7501, 16.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 11>, <111, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 41) */ difference { box { <-4.0, 0, -4.0>, <4.0, 60, 4.0> texture { WinTxt13 } rotate <0, 45, 0> } box { < -15, -6, -15>, < 15, 8, 15> texture { WinTxt13 } rotate <-45 0 0> translate < 0, 60, 0> } scale <1, 1, 1> translate <104.5, 0, 27> } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 22>, <111, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 33>, <111, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 38.85>, <105, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 38.85>, <111, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 24, 61>, <109, 0, 65> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <100.2, 25, 61.2>, <108.8, 23.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 55>, <111, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 66>, <111, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 71.85>, <105, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 71.85>, <111, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 26, 83>, <109, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <100.2, 27, 83.2>, <108.8, 25.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 77>, <111, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 41) */ difference { box { <105, 30, 89>, <109, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <105.2, 31, 89.2>, <108.8, 29.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 88>, <111, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 99>, <111, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 104.85>, <105, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 104.85>, <111, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 7, 116>, <109, 0, 120> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <100.2, 8, 116.2>, <108.8, 6.75, 119.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 110>, <111, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 121>, <111, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 126.85>, <105, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 126.85>, <111, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 41) */ difference { box { <105, 8, 133>, <109, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <105.2, 9, 133.2>, <108.8, 7.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 132>, <111, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 41) */ difference { box { <105, 9, 144>, <109, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <105.2, 10, 144.2>, <108.8, 8.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 143>, <111, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 154>, <111, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 159.85>, <105, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 159.85>, <111, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 41) */ difference { merge { box { <101, 10, 166>, <108, 0, 175> } box { <100, 10, 167>, <109, 0, 174> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <101.2, 11, 166.2>, <107.8, 9.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <100.2, 11, 167.2>, <108.8, 9.7501, 173.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 165>, <111, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 41) */ difference { box { <105, 13, 177>, <109, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <105.2, 14, 177.2>, <108.8, 12.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 176>, <111, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 187>, <111, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 192.85>, <105, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 192.85>, <111, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 41) */ difference { box { <100, 1, 199>, <109, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <100.2, 2, 199.2>, <108.8, 0.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 198>, <111, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 41) */ difference { box { <105, 6, 210>, <109, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt13 } } box { <105.2, 7, 210.2>, <108.8, 5.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <99, 0.1, 209>, <111, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 41) */ box { <99, 0.005, 220>, <111, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <102, 0.01, 225.85>, <105, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <108, 0.01, 225.85>, <111, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 4, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -308>, <122, 0, -296> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -305>, <116.15, 0, -302> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -299>, <116.15, 0, -296> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -297>, <122, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -297>, <110, 2.25, -297>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -285>, <122, 2.25, -285>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -297>, <122, 0, -296.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -296>, <121, 0, -295.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -285.25>, <122, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -286.25>, <121, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -297>, <110.25, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -296>, <111.25, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -297>, <122, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -296>, <121, 0, -286> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 6, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -286>, <122, 0, -274> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -283>, <116.15, 0, -280> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -277>, <116.15, 0, -274> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -275>, <122, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -275>, <110, 2.25, -275>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -263>, <122, 2.25, -263>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -275>, <122, 0, -274.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -274>, <121, 0, -273.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -263.25>, <122, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -264.25>, <121, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -275>, <110.25, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -274>, <111.25, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -275>, <122, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -274>, <121, 0, -264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 8, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -264>, <122, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -261>, <116.15, 0, -258> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -255>, <116.15, 0, -252> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 9, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -253>, <122, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -250>, <116.15, 0, -247> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -244>, <116.15, 0, -241> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -242>, <122, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -242>, <110, 2.25, -242>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -230>, <122, 2.25, -230>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -242>, <122, 0, -241.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -241>, <121, 0, -240.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -230.25>, <122, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -231.25>, <121, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -242>, <110.25, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -241>, <111.25, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -242>, <122, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -241>, <121, 0, -231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 11, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -231>, <122, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -228>, <116.15, 0, -225> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -222>, <116.15, 0, -219> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 12, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -220>, <122, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -217>, <116.15, 0, -214> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -211>, <116.15, 0, -208> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -209>, <122, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -209>, <110, 2.25, -209>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -197>, <122, 2.25, -197>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -209>, <122, 0, -208.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -208>, <121, 0, -207.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -197.25>, <122, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -198.25>, <121, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -209>, <110.25, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -208>, <111.25, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -209>, <122, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -208>, <121, 0, -198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 14, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -198>, <122, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -195>, <116.15, 0, -192> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -189>, <116.15, 0, -186> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -187>, <122, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -187>, <110, 2.25, -187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -175>, <122, 2.25, -175>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -187>, <122, 0, -186.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -186>, <121, 0, -185.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -175.25>, <122, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -176.25>, <121, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -187>, <110.25, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -186>, <111.25, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -187>, <122, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -186>, <121, 0, -176> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 16, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -176>, <122, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -173>, <116.15, 0, -170> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -167>, <116.15, 0, -164> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 17, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -165>, <122, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -162>, <116.15, 0, -159> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -156>, <116.15, 0, -153> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -154>, <122, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -154>, <110, 2.25, -154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -142>, <122, 2.25, -142>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -154>, <122, 0, -153.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -153>, <121, 0, -152.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -142.25>, <122, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -143.25>, <121, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -154>, <110.25, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -153>, <111.25, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -154>, <122, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -153>, <121, 0, -143> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 19, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -143>, <122, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -140>, <116.15, 0, -137> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -134>, <116.15, 0, -131> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 20, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -132>, <122, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -129>, <116.15, 0, -126> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -123>, <116.15, 0, -120> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -121>, <122, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -121>, <110, 2.25, -121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -109>, <122, 2.25, -109>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -121>, <122, 0, -120.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -120>, <121, 0, -119.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -109.25>, <122, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -110.25>, <121, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -121>, <110.25, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -120>, <111.25, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -121>, <122, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -120>, <121, 0, -110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 22, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -110>, <122, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -107>, <116.15, 0, -104> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -101>, <116.15, 0, -98> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 23, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -99>, <122, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -96>, <116.15, 0, -93> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -90>, <116.15, 0, -87> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -88>, <122, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -88>, <110, 2.25, -88>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -76>, <122, 2.25, -76>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -88>, <122, 0, -87.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -87>, <121, 0, -86.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -76.25>, <122, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -77.25>, <121, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -88>, <110.25, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -87>, <111.25, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -88>, <122, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -87>, <121, 0, -77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 25, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -77>, <122, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -74>, <116.15, 0, -71> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -68>, <116.15, 0, -65> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 26, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -66>, <122, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -63>, <116.15, 0, -60> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -57>, <116.15, 0, -54> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -55>, <122, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -55>, <110, 2.25, -55>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -43>, <122, 2.25, -43>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -55>, <122, 0, -54.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -54>, <121, 0, -53.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -43.25>, <122, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -44.25>, <121, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -55>, <110.25, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -54>, <111.25, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -55>, <122, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -54>, <121, 0, -44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 28, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -44>, <122, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -41>, <116.15, 0, -38> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -35>, <116.15, 0, -32> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -33>, <122, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, -33>, <110, 2.25, -33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, -21>, <122, 2.25, -21>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, -33>, <122, 0, -32.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -32>, <121, 0, -31.75> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -21.25>, <122, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -22.25>, <121, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, -33>, <110.25, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, -32>, <111.25, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, -33>, <122, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, -32>, <121, 0, -22> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 30, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -22>, <122, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -19>, <116.15, 0, -16> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -13>, <116.15, 0, -10> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 31, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, -11>, <122, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -8>, <116.15, 0, -5> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, -2>, <116.15, 0, 1> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 0>, <122, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 0>, <110, 2.25, 0>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 12>, <122, 2.25, 12>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 0>, <122, 0, 0.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 1>, <121, 0, 1.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 11.75>, <122, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 10.75>, <121, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 0>, <110.25, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 1>, <111.25, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 0>, <122, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 1>, <121, 0, 11> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 33, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 11>, <122, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 14>, <116.15, 0, 17> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 20>, <116.15, 0, 23> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 34, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 22>, <122, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 25>, <116.15, 0, 28> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 31>, <116.15, 0, 34> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 33>, <122, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 33>, <110, 2.25, 33>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 45>, <122, 2.25, 45>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 33>, <122, 0, 33.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 34>, <121, 0, 34.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 44.75>, <122, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 43.75>, <121, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 33>, <110.25, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 34>, <111.25, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 33>, <122, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 34>, <121, 0, 44> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 36, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 44>, <122, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 47>, <116.15, 0, 50> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 53>, <116.15, 0, 56> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 37, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 55>, <122, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 58>, <116.15, 0, 61> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 64>, <116.15, 0, 67> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 66>, <122, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 66>, <110, 2.25, 66>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 78>, <122, 2.25, 78>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 66>, <122, 0, 66.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 67>, <121, 0, 67.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 77.75>, <122, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 76.75>, <121, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 66>, <110.25, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 67>, <111.25, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 66>, <122, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 67>, <121, 0, 77> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 39, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 77>, <122, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 80>, <116.15, 0, 83> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 86>, <116.15, 0, 89> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 40, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 88>, <122, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 91>, <116.15, 0, 94> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 97>, <116.15, 0, 100> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 99>, <122, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 99>, <110, 2.25, 99>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 111>, <122, 2.25, 111>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 99>, <122, 0, 99.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 100>, <121, 0, 100.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 110.75>, <122, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 109.75>, <121, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 99>, <110.25, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 100>, <111.25, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 99>, <122, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 100>, <121, 0, 110> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 42, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 110>, <122, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 113>, <116.15, 0, 116> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 119>, <116.15, 0, 122> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 121>, <122, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 121>, <110, 2.25, 121>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 133>, <122, 2.25, 133>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 121>, <122, 0, 121.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 122>, <121, 0, 122.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 132.75>, <122, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 131.75>, <121, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 121>, <110.25, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 122>, <111.25, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 121>, <122, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 122>, <121, 0, 132> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 44, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 132>, <122, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 135>, <116.15, 0, 138> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 141>, <116.15, 0, 144> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 45, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 143>, <122, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 146>, <116.15, 0, 149> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 152>, <116.15, 0, 155> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 154>, <122, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 154>, <110, 2.25, 154>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 166>, <122, 2.25, 166>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 154>, <122, 0, 154.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 155>, <121, 0, 155.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 165.75>, <122, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 164.75>, <121, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 154>, <110.25, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 155>, <111.25, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 154>, <122, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 155>, <121, 0, 165> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 47, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 165>, <122, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 168>, <116.15, 0, 171> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 174>, <116.15, 0, 177> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 48, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 176>, <122, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 179>, <116.15, 0, 182> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 185>, <116.15, 0, 188> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 187>, <122, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 187>, <110, 2.25, 187>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 199>, <122, 2.25, 199>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 187>, <122, 0, 187.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 188>, <121, 0, 188.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 198.75>, <122, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 197.75>, <121, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 187>, <110.25, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 188>, <111.25, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 187>, <122, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 188>, <121, 0, 198> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 50, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 198>, <122, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 201>, <116.15, 0, 204> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 207>, <116.15, 0, 210> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 51, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 209>, <122, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 212>, <116.15, 0, 215> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 218>, <116.15, 0, 221> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 220>, <122, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 220>, <110, 2.25, 220>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 232>, <122, 2.25, 232>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 220>, <122, 0, 220.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 221>, <121, 0, 221.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 231.75>, <122, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 230.75>, <121, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 220>, <110.25, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 221>, <111.25, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 220>, <122, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 221>, <121, 0, 231> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 53, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 231>, <122, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 234>, <116.15, 0, 237> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 240>, <116.15, 0, 243> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 54, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 242>, <122, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 245>, <116.15, 0, 248> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 251>, <116.15, 0, 254> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 253>, <122, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 253>, <110, 2.25, 253>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 265>, <122, 2.25, 265>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 253>, <122, 0, 253.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 254>, <121, 0, 254.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 264.75>, <122, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 263.75>, <121, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 253>, <110.25, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 254>, <111.25, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 253>, <122, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 254>, <121, 0, 264> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 56, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 264>, <122, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 267>, <116.15, 0, 270> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 273>, <116.15, 0, 276> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 57, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 275>, <122, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 278>, <116.15, 0, 281> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 284>, <116.15, 0, 287> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 286>, <122, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 286>, <110, 2.25, 286>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 298>, <122, 2.25, 298>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 286>, <122, 0, 286.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 287>, <121, 0, 287.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 297.75>, <122, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 296.75>, <121, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 286>, <110.25, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 287>, <111.25, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 286>, <122, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 287>, <121, 0, 297> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 59, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 297>, <122, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 300>, <116.15, 0, 303> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 306>, <116.15, 0, 309> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 60, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 308>, <122, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 311>, <116.15, 0, 314> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 317>, <116.15, 0, 320> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 319>, <122, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 319>, <110, 2.25, 319>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 331>, <122, 2.25, 331>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 319>, <122, 0, 319.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 320>, <121, 0, 320.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 330.75>, <122, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 329.75>, <121, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 319>, <110.25, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 320>, <111.25, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 319>, <122, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 320>, <121, 0, 330> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 62, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 330>, <122, 0, 342> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 333>, <116.15, 0, 336> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <115.85, 0.01, 339>, <116.15, 0, 342> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /* Street Coordinates ( 63, 42) */ box { <110, 0.005, 341>, <122, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } cylinder { <110, 0, 341>, <110, 2.25, 341>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } cylinder { <122, 0, 353>, <122, 2.25, 353>, .05 pigment { color rgb <0, 0, 0> } } box { <110, 0.01, 341>, <122, 0, 341.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 342>, <121, 0, 342.25> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 352.75>, <122, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 351.75>, <121, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <110, 0.01, 341>, <110.25, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <111, 0.01, 342>, <111.25, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <121.75, 0.01, 341>, <122, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } box { <120.75, 0.01, 342>, <121, 0, 352> pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <122, 11, -219>, <126, 0, -210> } box { <122.001, 11, -215>, <131, 0, -210.001> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union merge { box { <122.2, 12, -218.8>, <125.8, 10.75, -210.2> } box { <122.2, 12, -214.8>, <130.8, 10.7501, -210.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -220>, <133, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, -209>, <133, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, -203.15>, <127, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, -203.15>, <133, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 43) */ difference { box { <127, 3, -192>, <131, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <127.2, 4, -191.8>, <130.8, 2.75, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -198>, <133, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, -187>, <133, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, -181.15>, <127, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, -181.15>, <133, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 43) */ difference { box { <127, 4, -175>, <131, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <127.2, 5, -174.8>, <130.8, 3.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -176>, <133, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 4, -164>, <131, 0 , -160> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <122.2, 5, -163.8>, <130.8, 3.75, -160.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -165>, <133, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, -154>, <133, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, -148.15>, <127, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, -148.15>, <133, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <131, 12, -142>, <141, 0, -133> } box { <122, 12, -138>, <140.999, 0, -133.001> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <131.2, 13, -141.8>, <140.8, 11.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <122.2, 13, -137.8>, <140.8, 11.7501, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -143>, <133, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 8, -126>, <131, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <122.2, 9, -125.8>, <130.8, 7.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -132>, <133, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, -121>, <133, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, -115.15>, <127, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, -115.15>, <133, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 17, -109>, <126, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <122.2, 18, -108.8>, <125.8, 16.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -110>, <133, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 5, -93>, <131, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <122.2, 6, -92.8>, <130.8, 4.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -99>, <133, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, -88>, <133, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, -82.15>, <127, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, -82.15>, <133, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <126, 10, -76>, <131, 0, -67> } box { <122, 10, -75.999>, <130.999, 0, -72> } texture { WinTxt11 } } // end union merge { box { <126.2, 11, -75.8>, <130.8, 9.75, -67.2> } box { <122.2, 11, -75.8>, <130.8, 9.7501, -71.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -77>, <133, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 17, -65>, <126, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <122.2, 18, -64.8>, <125.8, 16.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -66>, <133, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, -55>, <133, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, -49.15>, <127, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, -49.15>, <133, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 43) */ difference { box { <127, 1, -43>, <131, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <127.2, 2, -42.8>, <130.8, 0.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -44>, <133, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, -33>, <133, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, -27.15>, <127, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, -27.15>, <133, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <126, 40, -21>, <131, 0, -12> } box { <122, 40, -20.999>, <130.999, 0, -17> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <126.2, 41, -20.8>, <130.8, 39.75, -12.2> } box { <122.2, 41, -20.8>, <130.8, 39.7501, -16.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -22>, <133, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 1, -10>, <131, 0 , -6> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <122.2, 2, -9.8>, <130.8, 0.75, -6.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, -11>, <133, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 0>, <133, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 5.85>, <127, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 5.85>, <133, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <123, 36, 13>, <130, 0, 30> } box { <122, 36, 12>, <125, 0, 15> } box { <128, 36, 12>, <131, 0, 15> } box { <122, 36, 28>, <125, 0, 31> } box { <128, 36, 28>, <131, 0, 31> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union merge { box { <123.2, 37, 13.2>, <129.8, 35.75, 29.8> } box { <122.2, 37, 12.2>, <124.8, 35.7501, 14.8> } box { <128.2, 37, 28.2>, <130.8, 35.7501, 30.8> } box { <122.2, 37, 28.2>, <124.8, 35.7501, 30.8> } box { <128.2, 37, 12.2>, <130.8, 35.7501, 14.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 11>, <133, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 0, 23>, <126, 0, 27> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <122.2, 1, 23.2>, <125.8, -0.25, 26.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 22>, <133, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 33>, <133, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 38.85>, <127, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 38.85>, <133, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <123, 26, 46>, <130, 0, 53> } box { <122, 11, 45>, <131, 0, 54> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union box { <123.2, 27, 46.2>, <129.8, 25.75, 52.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 44>, <133, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <123, 40, 56>, <130, 0, 65> } box { <122, 40, 57>, <131, 0, 64> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union box { <123.2, 41, 56.2>, <129.8, 39.75, 64.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <122.2, 41, 57.2>, <130.8, 39.7501, 63.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 55>, <133, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 66>, <133, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 71.85>, <127, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 71.85>, <133, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 14, 83>, <131, 0, 87> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <122.2, 15, 83.2>, <130.8, 13.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 77>, <133, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <123, 26, 90>, <130, 0, 97> } box { <122, 19, 89>, <131, 0, 98> } box { <124, 32, 91>, <129, 0, 96> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union box { <124.2, 33, 91.2>, <128.8, 31.75, 95.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 88>, <133, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 99>, <133, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 104.85>, <127, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 104.85>, <133, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 36, 111>, <131, 0 , 115> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <122.2, 37, 111.2>, <130.8, 35.75, 114.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 110>, <133, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 121>, <133, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 126.85>, <127, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 126.85>, <133, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 19, 138>, <131, 0, 142> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <122.2, 20, 138.2>, <130.8, 18.75, 141.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 132>, <133, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 11, 149>, <131, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <122.2, 12, 149.2>, <130.8, 10.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 143>, <133, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 154>, <133, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 159.85>, <127, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 159.85>, <133, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 43) */ difference { merge { box { <131, 9, 166>, <141, 0, 175> } box { <122, 9, 170>, <140.999, 0, 174.999> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union box { <131.2, 10, 166.2>, <140.8, 8.75, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <122.2, 10, 170.2>, <140.8, 8.7501, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 165>, <133, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 5, 182>, <131, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <122.2, 6, 182.2>, <130.8, 4.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 176>, <133, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 187>, <133, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 192.85>, <127, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 192.85>, <133, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 5, 199>, <131, 0, 208> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <122.2, 6, 199.2>, <130.8, 4.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 198>, <133, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 5, 215>, <131, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <122.2, 6, 215.2>, <130.8, 4.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 209>, <133, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 220>, <133, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 225.85>, <127, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 225.85>, <133, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 43) */ difference { box { <122, 5, 232>, <131, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <122.2, 6, 232.2>, <130.8, 4.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 231>, <133, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 43) */ difference { box { <127, 4, 243>, <131, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <127.2, 5, 243.2>, <130.8, 3.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <121, 0.1, 242>, <133, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 43) */ box { <121, 0.005, 253>, <133, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <124, 0.01, 258.85>, <127, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <130, 0.01, 258.85>, <133, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (3, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 1, -318>, <137, 0, -309> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <133.2, 2, -317.8>, <136.8, 0.75, -309.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -319>, <144, 0, -307> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (4, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 1, -307>, <137, 0, -303> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <133.2, 2, -306.8>, <136.8, 0.75, -303.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -308>, <144, 0, -296> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 5, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -297>, <144, 0, -285> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -291.15>, <138, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -291.15>, <144, 0, -290.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 44) */ difference { box { <138, 1, -285>, <142, 0, -276> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <138.2, 2, -284.8>, <141.8, 0.75, -276.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -286>, <144, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -275>, <144, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -269.15>, <138, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -269.15>, <144, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <133, 7, -263>, <137, 0, -254> } box { <133.001, 7, -259>, <142, 0, -254.001> } texture { WinTxt8 } } // end union merge { box { <133.2, 8, -262.8>, <136.8, 6.75, -254.2> } box { <133.2, 8, -258.8>, <141.8, 6.7501, -254.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -264>, <144, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 4, -252>, <137, 0, -243> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <133.2, 5, -251.8>, <136.8, 3.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -253>, <144, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -242>, <144, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -236.15>, <138, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -236.15>, <144, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <137, 19, -230>, <142, 0, -221> } box { <133, 19, -229.999>, <141.999, 0, -226> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <137.2, 20, -229.8>, <141.8, 18.75, -221.2> } box { <133.2, 20, -229.8>, <141.8, 18.7501, -225.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -231>, <144, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 6, -219>, <137, 0, -215> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <133.2, 7, -218.8>, <136.8, 5.75, -215.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -220>, <144, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -209>, <144, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -203.15>, <138, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -203.15>, <144, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <133, 12, -197>, <142, 0, -193> } box { <133.001, 12, -196.999>, <137, 0, -188> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <133.2, 13, -196.8>, <141.8, 11.75, -193.2> } box { <133.2, 13, -196.8>, <136.8, 11.7501, -188.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -198>, <144, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -187>, <144, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -181.15>, <138, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -181.15>, <144, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 2, -175>, <137, 0, -171> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <133.2, 3, -174.8>, <136.8, 1.75, -171.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -176>, <144, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 4, -164>, <137, 0, -160> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <133.2, 5, -163.8>, <136.8, 3.75, -160.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -165>, <144, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -154>, <144, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -148.15>, <138, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -148.15>, <144, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 0, -142>, <142, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <133.2, 1, -141.8>, <141.8, -0.25, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -143>, <144, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 44) */ difference { box { <138, 6, -126>, <142, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <138.2, 7, -125.8>, <141.8, 5.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -132>, <144, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -121>, <144, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -115.15>, <138, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -115.15>, <144, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <134, 18, -108>, <141, 0, -91> } box { <133, 13, -109>, <142, 0, -90> } box { <135, 20, -107>, <140, 0, -92> } texture { WinTxt7 } } // end union box { <135.2, 21, -106.8>, <139.8, 19.75, -92.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -110>, <144, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 0, -93>, <142, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <133.2, 1, -92.8>, <141.8, -0.25, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -99>, <144, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -88>, <144, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -82.15>, <138, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -82.15>, <144, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <137, 14, -76>, <142, 0, -57> } box { <133, 14, -75.999>, <141.999, 0, -67> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union merge { box { <137.2, 15, -75.8>, <141.8, 13.75, -57.2> } box { <133.2, 15, -75.8>, <141.8, 13.7501, -66.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -77>, <144, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 0, -65>, <142, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <133.2, 1, -64.8>, <141.8, -0.25, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -66>, <144, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -55>, <144, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -49.15>, <138, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -49.15>, <144, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 39, -38>, <142, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <133.2, 40, -37.8>, <141.8, 38.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -44>, <144, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, -33>, <144, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, -27.15>, <138, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, -27.15>, <144, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 3, -21>, <142, 0, -12> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <133.2, 4, -20.8>, <141.8, 2.75, -12.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -22>, <144, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 5, -5>, <142, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <133.2, 6, -4.8>, <141.8, 4.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, -11>, <144, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 0>, <144, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 5.85>, <138, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 5.85>, <144, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 44) */ difference { box { <138, 4, 12>, <142, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <138.2, 5, 12.2>, <141.8, 3.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 11>, <144, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <133, 33, 23>, <137, 0, 32> } box { <133.001, 33, 27>, <142, 0, 31.999> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <133.2, 34, 23.2>, <136.8, 32.75, 31.8> } box { <133.2, 34, 27.2>, <141.8, 32.7501, 31.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 22>, <144, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 33>, <144, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 38.85>, <138, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 38.85>, <144, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <136, 35, 45>, <139, 0, 54> } box { <133, 35, 48>, <142, 0, 51> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <136.2, 36, 45.2>, <138.8, 34.75, 53.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <133.2, 36, 48.2>, <141.8, 34.7501, 50.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 44>, <144, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <137, 11, 56>, <142, 0, 65> } box { <133, 11, 56.001>, <141.999, 0, 60> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <137.2, 12, 56.2>, <141.8, 10.75, 64.8> } box { <133.2, 12, 56.2>, <141.8, 10.7501, 60.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 55>, <144, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 66>, <144, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 71.85>, <138, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 71.85>, <144, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <134, 44, 78>, <141, 0, 87> } box { <133, 44, 79>, <142, 0, 86> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <134.2, 45, 78.2>, <140.8, 43.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <133.2, 45, 79.2>, <141.8, 43.7501, 85.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 77>, <144, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <133, 40, 89>, <137, 0, 98> } box { <133.001, 40, 93>, <142, 0, 97.999> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <133.2, 41, 89.2>, <136.8, 39.75, 97.8> } box { <133.2, 41, 93.2>, <141.8, 39.7501, 97.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 88>, <144, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 99>, <144, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 104.85>, <138, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 104.85>, <144, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <133, 16, 111>, <137, 0, 120> } box { <133.001, 16, 115>, <142, 0, 119.999> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <133.2, 17, 111.2>, <136.8, 15.75, 119.8> } box { <133.2, 17, 115.2>, <141.8, 15.7501, 119.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 110>, <144, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 121>, <144, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 126.85>, <138, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 126.85>, <144, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 6, 133>, <142, 0 , 137> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <133.2, 7, 133.2>, <141.8, 5.75, 136.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 132>, <144, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 44) */ difference { box { <138, 1, 149>, <142, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <138.2, 2, 149.2>, <141.8, 0.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 143>, <144, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 154>, <144, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 159.85>, <138, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 159.85>, <144, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 0, 166>, <142, 0, 175> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <133.2, 1, 166.2>, <141.8, -0.25, 174.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 165>, <144, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 9, 177>, <142, 0 , 181> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <133.2, 10, 177.2>, <141.8, 8.75, 180.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 176>, <144, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 187>, <144, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 192.85>, <138, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 192.85>, <144, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <134, 10, 199>, <141, 0, 208> } box { <133, 10, 200>, <142, 0, 207> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <134.2, 11, 199.2>, <140.8, 9.75, 207.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <133.2, 11, 200.2>, <141.8, 9.7501, 206.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 198>, <144, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 44) */ difference { box { <138, 5, 210>, <142, 0, 219> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <138.2, 6, 210.2>, <141.8, 4.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 209>, <144, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 220>, <144, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 225.85>, <138, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 225.85>, <144, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 2, 232>, <142, 0 , 236> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <133.2, 3, 232.2>, <141.8, 1.75, 235.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 231>, <144, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 3, 243>, <137, 0, 247> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <133.2, 4, 243.2>, <136.8, 2.75, 246.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 242>, <144, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 253>, <144, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 258.85>, <138, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 258.85>, <144, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 9, 270>, <142, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <133.2, 10, 270.2>, <141.8, 8.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 264>, <144, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (57, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <133, 19, 276>, <137, 0, 285> } box { <133.001, 19, 280>, <142, 0, 284.999> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <133.2, 20, 276.2>, <136.8, 18.75, 284.8> } box { <133.2, 20, 280.2>, <141.8, 18.7501, 284.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 275>, <144, 0, 287> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 58, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 286>, <144, 0, 298> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 291.85>, <138, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 291.85>, <144, 0, 292.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (59, 44) */ difference { box { <133, 33, 303>, <142, 0, 307> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <133.2, 34, 303.2>, <141.8, 32.75, 306.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 297>, <144, 0, 309> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (60, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <134, 21, 310>, <141, 0, 317> } box { <133, 13, 309>, <142, 0, 318> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <134.2, 22, 310.2>, <140.8, 20.75, 316.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 308>, <144, 0, 320> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 61, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 319>, <144, 0, 331> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 324.85>, <138, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 324.85>, <144, 0, 325.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (62, 44) */ difference { merge { box { <134, 34, 332>, <141, 0, 339> } box { <133, 34, 331>, <136, 0, 334> } box { <139, 34, 331>, <142, 0, 334> } box { <133, 34, 337>, <136, 0, 340> } box { <139, 34, 337>, <142, 0, 340> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <134.2, 35, 332.2>, <140.8, 33.75, 338.8> } box { <133.2, 35, 331.2>, <135.8, 33.7501, 333.8> } box { <139.2, 35, 337.2>, <141.8, 33.7501, 339.8> } box { <133.2, 35, 337.2>, <135.8, 33.7501, 339.8> } box { <139.2, 35, 331.2>, <141.8, 33.7501, 333.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <132, 0.1, 330>, <144, 0, 342> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 63, 44) */ box { <132, 0.005, 341>, <144, 0, 353> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <135, 0.01, 346.85>, <138, 0, 347.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <141, 0.01, 346.85>, <144, 0, 347.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <148, 14, -230>, <153, 0, -221> } box { <144, 14, -229.999>, <152.999, 0, -226> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union merge { box { <148.2, 15, -229.8>, <152.8, 13.75, -221.2> } box { <144.2, 15, -229.8>, <152.8, 13.7501, -225.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -231>, <155, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 4, -219>, <153, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <144.2, 5, -218.8>, <152.8, 3.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -220>, <155, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, -209>, <155, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, -203.15>, <149, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, -203.15>, <155, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <144, 15, -197>, <163, 0, -193> } box { <144.001, 15, -196.999>, <153, 0, -188> } texture { WinTxt4 } } // end union merge { box { <144.2, 16, -196.8>, <162.8, 14.75, -193.2> } box { <144.2, 16, -196.8>, <152.8, 14.7501, -188.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -198>, <155, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, -187>, <155, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, -181.15>, <149, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, -181.15>, <155, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 45) */ difference { box { <149, 7, -170>, <153, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <149.2, 8, -169.8>, <152.8, 6.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -176>, <155, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 45) */ difference { box { <149, 7, -164>, <153, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <149.2, 8, -163.8>, <152.8, 6.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -165>, <155, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, -154>, <155, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, -148.15>, <149, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, -148.15>, <155, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 8, -137>, <153, 0, -133> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <144.2, 9, -136.8>, <152.8, 7.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -143>, <155, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 5, -131>, <153, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <144.2, 6, -130.8>, <152.8, 4.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -132>, <155, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, -121>, <155, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, -115.15>, <149, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, -115.15>, <155, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 5, -109>, <148, 0, -100> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <144.2, 6, -108.8>, <147.8, 4.75, -100.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -110>, <155, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 27, -98>, <153, 0 , -94> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <144.2, 28, -97.8>, <152.8, 26.75, -94.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -99>, <155, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, -88>, <155, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, -82.15>, <149, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, -82.15>, <155, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 37, -76>, <153, 0 , -72> texture { WinTxt12 } } box { <144.2, 38, -75.8>, <152.8, 36.75, -72.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -77>, <155, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 45) */ difference { box { <149, 17, -65>, <153, 0, -56> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <149.2, 18, -64.8>, <152.8, 16.75, -56.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -66>, <155, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, -55>, <155, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, -49.15>, <149, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, -49.15>, <155, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <145, 17, -43>, <152, 0, -34> } box { <144, 17, -42>, <153, 0, -35> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union box { <145.2, 18, -42.8>, <151.8, 16.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <144.2, 18, -41.8>, <152.8, 16.7501, -35.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -44>, <155, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, -33>, <155, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, -27.15>, <149, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, -27.15>, <155, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <144, 34, -21>, <148, 0, -12> } box { <144.001, 34, -17>, <153, 0, -12.001> } texture { WinTxt13 } } // end union merge { box { <144.2, 35, -20.8>, <147.8, 33.75, -12.2> } box { <144.2, 35, -16.8>, <152.8, 33.7501, -12.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -22>, <155, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 12, -10>, <148, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <144.2, 13, -9.8>, <147.8, 11.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, -11>, <155, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 0>, <155, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 5.85>, <149, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 5.85>, <155, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 45) */ difference { box { <149, 4, 12>, <153, 0, 21> texture { WinTxt4 } } box { <149.2, 5, 12.2>, <152.8, 3.75, 20.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 11>, <155, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <147, 26, 23>, <160, 0, 32> } box { <144, 26, 26>, <163, 0, 29> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union box { <147.2, 27, 23.2>, <159.8, 25.75, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <144.2, 27, 26.2>, <162.8, 25.7501, 28.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 22>, <155, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 33>, <155, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 38.85>, <149, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 38.85>, <155, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <144, 14, 45>, <163, 0, 49> } box { <144.001, 14, 45.001>, <153, 0, 54> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union merge { box { <144.2, 15, 45.2>, <162.8, 13.75, 48.8> } box { <144.2, 15, 45.2>, <152.8, 13.7501, 53.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 44>, <155, 0, 56> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (37, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <145, 33, 57>, <152, 0, 64> } box { <147, 33, 56>, <150, 0, 65> } box { <144, 33, 59>, <153, 0, 62> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <145.2, 34, 57.2>, <151.8, 32.75, 63.8> } box { <144.2, 34, 59.2>, <152.8, 32.7501, 61.8> } box { <147.2, 34, 56.2>, <149.8, 32.7501, 64.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 55>, <155, 0, 67> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 38, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 66>, <155, 0, 78> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 71.85>, <149, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 71.85>, <155, 0, 72.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (39, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <145, 9, 78>, <162, 0, 87> } box { <144, 9, 79>, <163, 0, 86> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <145.2, 10, 78.2>, <161.8, 8.75, 86.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <144.2, 10, 79.2>, <162.8, 8.7501, 85.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 77>, <155, 0, 89> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (40, 45) */ difference { box { <149, 12, 94>, <153, 0, 98> texture { WinTxt7 } } box { <149.2, 13, 94.2>, <152.8, 11.75, 97.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 88>, <155, 0, 100> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 41, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 99>, <155, 0, 111> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 104.85>, <149, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 104.85>, <155, 0, 105.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (42, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 3, 111>, <153, 0 , 115> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <144.2, 4, 111.2>, <152.8, 2.75, 114.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 110>, <155, 0, 122> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 43, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 121>, <155, 0, 133> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 126.85>, <149, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 126.85>, <155, 0, 127.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (44, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 2, 133>, <148, 0, 137> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <144.2, 3, 133.2>, <147.8, 1.75, 136.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 132>, <155, 0, 144> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (45, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 20, 144>, <148, 0, 153> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <144.2, 21, 144.2>, <147.8, 19.75, 152.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 143>, <155, 0, 155> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 46, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 154>, <155, 0, 166> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 159.85>, <149, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 159.85>, <155, 0, 160.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (47, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <144, 13, 166>, <153, 0, 170> } box { <144.001, 13, 166.001>, <148, 0, 175> } texture { WinTxt1 } } // end union merge { box { <144.2, 14, 166.2>, <152.8, 12.75, 169.8> } box { <144.2, 14, 166.2>, <147.8, 12.7501, 174.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 165>, <155, 0, 177> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (48, 45) */ difference { box { <149, 10, 177>, <153, 0, 186> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <149.2, 11, 177.2>, <152.8, 9.75, 185.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 176>, <155, 0, 188> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 49, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 187>, <155, 0, 199> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 192.85>, <149, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 192.85>, <155, 0, 193.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (50, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 6, 199>, <148, 0, 203> texture { WinTxt9 } } box { <144.2, 7, 199.2>, <147.8, 5.75, 202.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 198>, <155, 0, 210> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (51, 45) */ difference { merge { box { <145, 7, 210>, <152, 0, 219> } box { <144, 7, 211>, <153, 0, 218> } texture { WinTxt6 } } // end union box { <145.2, 8, 210.2>, <151.8, 6.75, 218.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <144.2, 8, 211.2>, <152.8, 6.7501, 217.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 209>, <155, 0, 221> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 52, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 220>, <155, 0, 232> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 225.85>, <149, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 225.85>, <155, 0, 226.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (53, 45) */ difference { box { <149, 3, 237>, <153, 0, 241> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <149.2, 4, 237.2>, <152.8, 2.75, 240.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 231>, <155, 0, 243> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (54, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 4, 243>, <153, 0, 252> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <144.2, 5, 243.2>, <152.8, 3.75, 251.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 242>, <155, 0, 254> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 55, 45) */ box { <143, 0.005, 253>, <155, 0, 265> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <146, 0.01, 258.85>, <149, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <152, 0.01, 258.85>, <155, 0, 259.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (56, 45) */ difference { box { <144, 3, 270>, <153, 0, 274> texture { WinTxt2 } } box { <144.2, 4, 270.2>, <152.8, 2.75, 273.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <143, 0.1, 264>, <155, 0, 276> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (6, 46) */ difference { box { <160, 1, -285>, <164, 0, -276> texture { WinTxt14 } } box { <160.2, 2, -284.8>, <163.8, 0.75, -276.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -286>, <166, 0, -274> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 7, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -275>, <166, 0, -263> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -269.15>, <160, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -269.15>, <166, 0, -268.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (8, 46) */ difference { box { <155, 3, -258>, <164, 0, -254> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <155.2, 4, -257.8>, <163.8, 2.75, -254.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -264>, <166, 0, -252> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (9, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <158, 28, -252>, <161, 0, -243> } box { <155, 28, -249>, <164, 0, -246> } texture { WinTxt2 } } // end union box { <158.2, 29, -251.8>, <160.8, 27.75, -243.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <155.2, 29, -248.8>, <163.8, 27.7501, -246.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -253>, <166, 0, -241> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 10, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -242>, <166, 0, -230> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -236.15>, <160, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -236.15>, <166, 0, -235.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (11, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <156, 11, -230>, <163, 0, -221> } box { <155, 11, -229>, <164, 0, -222> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <156.2, 12, -229.8>, <162.8, 10.75, -221.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <155.2, 12, -228.8>, <163.8, 10.7501, -222.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -231>, <166, 0, -219> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (12, 46) */ difference { box { <155, 24, -219>, <164, 0, -210> texture { WinTxt1 } } box { <155.2, 25, -218.8>, <163.8, 23.75, -210.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -220>, <166, 0, -208> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 13, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -209>, <166, 0, -197> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -203.15>, <160, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -203.15>, <166, 0, -202.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (14, 46) */ difference { box { <155, 0, -197>, <159, 0, -188> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <155.2, 1, -196.8>, <158.8, -0.25, -188.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -198>, <166, 0, -186> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 15, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -187>, <166, 0, -175> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -181.15>, <160, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -181.15>, <166, 0, -180.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (16, 46) */ difference { box { <160, 2, -170>, <164, 0, -166> texture { WinTxt8 } } box { <160.2, 3, -169.8>, <163.8, 1.75, -166.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -176>, <166, 0, -164> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (17, 46) */ difference { box { <160, 5, -159>, <164, 0, -155> texture { WinTxt3 } } box { <160.2, 6, -158.8>, <163.8, 4.75, -155.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -165>, <166, 0, -153> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 18, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -154>, <166, 0, -142> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -148.15>, <160, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -148.15>, <166, 0, -147.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (19, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <156, 10, -142>, <163, 0, -133> } box { <155, 10, -141>, <164, 0, -134> } texture { WinTxt10 } } // end union box { <156.2, 11, -141.8>, <162.8, 9.75, -133.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <155.2, 11, -140.8>, <163.8, 9.7501, -134.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -143>, <166, 0, -131> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (20, 46) */ difference { box { <155, 5, -131>, <164, 0, -122> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <155.2, 6, -130.8>, <163.8, 4.75, -122.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -132>, <166, 0, -120> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 21, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -121>, <166, 0, -109> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -115.15>, <160, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -115.15>, <166, 0, -114.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (22, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <159, 13, -109>, <164, 0, -100> } box { <155, 13, -108.999>, <163.999, 0, -105> } texture { WinTxt5 } } // end union merge { box { <159.2, 14, -108.8>, <163.8, 12.75, -100.2> } box { <155.2, 14, -108.8>, <163.8, 12.7501, -104.8> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -110>, <166, 0, -98> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (23, 46) */ difference { box { <160, 5, -98>, <164, 0, -89> texture { WinTxt5 } } box { <160.2, 6, -97.8>, <163.8, 4.75, -89.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -99>, <166, 0, -87> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 24, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -88>, <166, 0, -76> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -82.15>, <160, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -82.15>, <166, 0, -81.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (25, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <158, 38, -76>, <161, 0, -67> } box { <155, 38, -73>, <164, 0, -70> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union box { <158.2, 39, -75.8>, <160.8, 37.75, -67.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } box { <155.2, 39, -72.8>, <163.8, 37.7501, -70.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -77>, <166, 0, -65> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (26, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <155, 27, -65>, <159, 0, -56> } box { <155.001, 27, -61>, <164, 0, -56.001> } texture { WinTxt12 } } // end union merge { box { <155.2, 28, -64.8>, <158.8, 26.75, -56.2> } box { <155.2, 28, -60.8>, <163.8, 26.7501, -56.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -66>, <166, 0, -54> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 27, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -55>, <166, 0, -43> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -49.15>, <160, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -49.15>, <166, 0, -48.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (28, 46) */ difference { box { <160, 27, -43>, <164, 0, -34> texture { WinTxt6 } } box { <160.2, 28, -42.8>, <163.8, 26.75, -34.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -44>, <166, 0, -32> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 29, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, -33>, <166, 0, -21> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, -27.15>, <160, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, -27.15>, <166, 0, -26.85> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (30, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <155, 13, -21>, <164, 0, -17> } box { <155.001, 13, -20.999>, <159, 0, -12> } texture { WinTxt9 } } // end union merge { box { <155.2, 14, -20.8>, <163.8, 12.75, -17.2> } box { <155.2, 14, -20.8>, <158.8, 12.7501, -12.2> } texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } // end merge } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -22>, <166, 0, -10> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (31, 46) */ difference { box { <160, 3, -10>, <164, 0, -1> texture { WinTxt10 } } box { <160.2, 4, -9.8>, <163.8, 2.75, -1.2> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, -11>, <166, 0, 1> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 32, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, 0>, <166, 0, 12> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, 5.85>, <160, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, 5.85>, <166, 0, 6.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (33, 46) */ difference { merge { box { <156, 30, 13>, <163, 0, 20> } box { <155, 15, 12>, <164, 0, 21> } texture { WinTxt3 } } // end union box { <156.2, 31, 13.2>, <162.8, 29.75, 19.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, 11>, <166, 0, 23> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /**** Building Coordinates (34, 46) */ difference { box { <155, 0, 28>, <164, 0, 32> texture { WinTxt11 } } box { <155.2, 1, 28.2>, <163.8, -0.25, 31.8> texture { pigment{color rgb <.9 .9 .9>} } } } // end difference box { <154, 0.1, 22>, <166, 0, 34> pigment { brick color rgb .6, color rgb 0.8 brick_size <1, 1, 1> mortar .05 //rotate <0, 0, -90> } } /******* End Building *********/ /* Street Coordinates ( 35, 46) */ box { <154, 0.005, 33>, <166, 0, 45> pigment { color rgb <0.0, 0.0, 0> } } box { <157, 0.01, 38.85>, <160, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } box { <163, 0.01, 38.85>, <166, 0, 39.15> pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0> } } /* End Street */ /**** Building Coordinates (36, 46) */ difference { box { <160, 0, 45>, <164, 0,