#!ruby -Ks # -*- mode: ruby; encoding: sjis -*- # Last updated: <2014/05/29 06:47:47 +0900> require 'nokogiri' require 'dxruby' require_relative 'polyfill' require_relative 'bezierdraw' require_relative 'linedraw' # swfのシェイプを解析してImageに描画するクラス class ShapeParse DBG = false DBG2 = true TWIP = 20.0 attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :width attr_accessor :left attr_accessor :top attr_accessor :height attr_accessor :image attr_accessor :draw_data attr_accessor :clip_enable def initialize(node, clip_enable = true) self.clip_enable = clip_enable self.id = node["objectID"].to_i puts "id[#{self.id}] #{node.name}" if DBG n = node.at(".//bounds/Rectangle") self.left = n["left"].to_i / ShapeParse::TWIP self.top = n["top"].to_i / ShapeParse::TWIP self.width = n["right"].to_i / ShapeParse::TWIP self.height = n["bottom"].to_i / ShapeParse::TWIP puts "size : (x,y)=#{self.left},#{self.top} (w,h)=#{self.width},#{self.height}" if DBG self.width = Window.width if self.width < Window.width self.height = Window.height if self.height < Window.height self.image = Image.new(self.width, self.height) x0, y0 = 0, 0 x1, y1 = 0, 0 x2, y2 = 0, 0 f0_enable = true f1_enable = true l_enable = true fc = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]] lc = [0, 0, 0, 0] lwidth = ShapeParse::TWIP lines = [] self.draw_data = [] n = node.at(".//shapes/Shape/edges").child while n != nil case n.name when "ShapeSetup" unless lines.empty? save_draw_data(lines, f0_enable, f1_enable, l_enable, lwidth, fc[0], fc[1], lc) lines = [] end s = "#{n.name} " x0 = n["x"].to_f if n.key?("x") y0 = n["y"].to_f if n.key?("y") f0_enable = (n["fillStyle0"] == "1")? true : false f1_enable = (n["fillStyle1"] == "1")? true : false l_enable = (n["lineStyle"] == "1")? true : false if false s += "(x,y)=#{x0/TWIP}, #{y0/TWIP} (" s += (f0_enable)? "f0 " : " " s += (f1_enable)? "f1 " : " " s += (l_enable)? "l" : " " s += ")" puts s end n.xpath(".//fillStyles").each do |nn| nn.xpath(".//Solid/color/Color").each_with_index do |m, i| fc[i] = get_color(m) end end n.xpath(".//lineStyles").each do |nn| nn.xpath(".//LineStyle").each do |m| lwidth = m["width"].to_i if m.key?("width") m.xpath(".//color//Color").each do |c| lc = get_color(c) end end end if n.key?("x") and n.key?("y") lines.push([x0, y0]) end when "CurveTo" # 二次ベジェ曲線 x1 = x0 + n["x1"].to_f y1 = y0 + n["y1"].to_f x2 = x1 + n["x2"].to_f y2 = y1 + n["y2"].to_f lst = BezierDraw.calc(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) lines.concat(lst.slice(1..-1)) x0 = x2 y0 = y2 when "LineTo" # 直線 x1 = x0 + n["x"].to_f y1 = y0 + n["y"].to_f lines.push([x1, y1]) x0 = x1 y0 = y1 else puts "!! Unknown Tag : #{n.name}" end n = n.next end draw(false) end # 色配列を取得 # # @param [Object] node 「Color」ノード # @return [Array] A,R,G,Bが入った配列 # def get_color(node) col = [255, 0, 0, 0] # ARGB ["alpha", "red", "green", "blue"].each_with_index do |s,i| col[i] = node[s].to_f if node.key?(s) end return col end # 描画用の直線データを記録 # # @param [Array] lines 直線データ配列 # @param [Boolean] fe0 塗り潰し0をするか否か # @param [Boolean] fe1 塗り潰し1をするか否か # @param [Boolean] le 線を描くか否か # @param [Number] lw 線幅 # @param [Array] fc0 塗り潰し0の色配列 # @param [Array] fc1 塗り潰し1の色配列 # @param [Array] lc1 線描画の色配列 # def save_draw_data(lines, fe0, fe1, le, lw, fc0, fc1, lc) np = [] ox, oy = nil, nil lines.each do |p| x, y = p x /= TWIP y /= TWIP np.push([x, y]) if x != ox or y != oy ox, oy = x, y end # 記録 self.draw_data.push([np, fe0, fe1, le, lw, fc0.dup, fc1.dup, lc.dup]) end # Imageオブジェクトに描画 # # @param [Boolean] clear_enable trueならImageをクリアしてから描画 # def draw(clear_enable = true, scale_x = 1.0, scale_y = 1.0) self.image.clear if clear_enable self.draw_data.each do |d| p, fe0, fe1, le, lw, fc0, fc1, lc = d np = [] p.each { |q| np.push([q[0] * scale_x, q[1] * scale_y]) } draw_line(self.image, np, fe0, fe1, le, lw, fc0, fc1, lc) end end # 多角形を描画 # # @param [Object] img Imageオブジェクト # @param [Array] p 頂点座標が入った配列。 # @param [Boolean] f0_enable trueなら塗り潰し有、falseなら塗り潰し無 # @param [Boolean] f1_enable trueなら塗り潰し有、falseなら塗り潰し無 # @param [Boolean] l_enable trueなら線を描く、falseなら線を描かない # @param [Number] lwidth 線幅 # @param [Array] fc0 色配列。A,R,G,B # @param [Array] fc1 色配列。A,R,G,B # @param [Array] lc 色配列。A,R,G,B # def draw_line(img, p, f0_enable, f1_enable, l_enable, lwidth, fc0, fc1, lc) if f0_enable and p.size >= 3 # 塗り潰しを行う PolyFill.fill(img, p, fc0, fc1, self.clip_enable) end if l_enable # 線描画を行う (p.size - 1).times do |i| x0, y0 = p[i] x1, y1 = p[(i+1) % p.size] LineDraw.draw(img, x0, y0, x1, y1, lc, lwidth / TWIP, 3, 0, false, false) end end lines = [] end end if $0 == __FILE__ # ---------------------------------------- # 動作テスト font = Font.new(14) # swfmillで swf → xml変換したxmlを解析 # infile = "swfdata/test_pdr1.xml" infile = "swfdata/test_pdr2.xml" doc = Nokogiri::XML(File.open(infile)) {|cfg| cfg.noblanks} objs = Hash.new doc.xpath("//DefineShape3").each do |node| pdr = ShapeParse.new(node, false) # ベクターデータを解析して画像化 objs[pdr.id] = pdr end redraw_fg = false ang = 0 scale = 1.0 Window.bgcolor = [0, 190, 118] Window.fps = 60 # メインループ Window.loop do break if Input.keyPush?(K_ESCAPE) # Rキー押しでスケールを変えて再描画 redraw_fg = false redraw_fg = true if Input.keyDown?(K_R) objs.each_value do |o| # ベクターデータを再描画できなくもないが、遅くて実用にならない o.draw(true, scale, scale) if redraw_fg Window.draw(0, 0, o.image) end s = "#{Window.real_fps} FPS / CPU: #{Window.getLoad.to_i}%" Window.drawFont(4, 4, s, font) ang += 10 scale = Math.cos(ang * Math::PI / 180.0) + 1.5 end end